Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 52

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 52 Pull

The memories ended, and Yi Chenliang let go of his hand.

“You said you like me, I heard it.”

The two of them looked at each other in the darkness, falling into silence.

After a long while, Yun Fang found his voice again, “But you don’t really know what kind of person I am.”

“You are me, how could I not know?” Yi Chenliang said.

“I have lived twenty years longer than you.” Yun Fang reached out and ruffled his hair, “Too many things have happened in these twenty years, enough to completely change a person.”

Yun Fang’s gaze in the darkness carried some sadness, “Xiao Yi, we only share fifteen years of memories.”

This sentence was somewhat cruel to Yi Chenliang. He stared blankly at Yun Fang, trying to find some excuse to refute this sentence, but there was nothing to refute.

“I killed Wang Youwei, stayed in the juvenile detention center for five years. At first, I was forced to eat mud, drink toilet water, and was beaten half to death by a group of people.” Yun Fang’s voice was very calm, so calm that it seemed like he was narrating someone else’s story, “In the later years, it was me forcing others to eat mud, drink toilet water, leading others to bully the weak. Watching them cry and kneel for mercy, I learned to bully the weak in there.”

“I came out of the juvenile detention center penniless, without an education, and could only find jobs that didn’t require skills. I washed dishes in restaurants, carried bricks on construction sites, but once it was known that I had been in jail, I would be fired.” Yun Fang laughed, “Later, I met a thief, followed him to steal things, then he went to jail, and I ran away from Wu City. By some twist of fate, I was taken abroad to do illegal work. Sometimes, in order to earn more money, I would deceive and cheat others. You see, I’m actually no different from Wang Youwei and Li Kai, even more disgusting than them. I’m a person who is even more unscrupulous than them.”

Yi Chenliang grabbed his hand, his voice trembling slightly in the darkness, “Don’t say anymore.”

“Let me finish.” Yun Fang pulled his hand away, saying self-mockingly, “I’m afraid I won’t dare to tell you after the lights are turned on.”

Yi Chenliang stared at him blankly in the darkness.

“The place where I stayed was very chaotic, drug dealers, prostitutes, organ traffickers… all the disgusting things you can think of and can’t think of were commonplace. Later, because of some things, I killed a local thug, was noticed by the boss of a boxing gym, and he took me to fight in underground boxing.”

“Life and death didn’t matter in the underground boxing ring, but the good thing was that money came quickly. At first, I was beaten half to death in every match, but after surviving and getting the money, I still wanted to fight in the next match. Later, killing people became a normal thing——”

“Afterwards, someone took a liking to me and made me a bodyguard. That person was a local snakehead with his own armed forces. I was taught how to shoot… When I killed, I wouldn’t even blink an eye. Xiao Yi,” Yun Fang laughed lowly in the darkness, the laughter was eerie and cold, “Can you guess how many people I’ve killed?”

Yi Chenliang remained silent, and Yun Fang didn’t expect him to answer, “These are just things that happened before I turned twenty-five.”

“I’m telling you all this because I hope you can understand that a ruthless and wicked person like me is not worth your affection.” Yun Fang’s voice was calm and indifferent, “Even when I first woke up in this body and met you in No.1 High School, I never thought about helping you block that knife. As far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t matter what you will become in the future. I just need to pretend to be Yun Fang, and from then on, I can have nothing to do with the name Yi Chenliang. Whether you live or die, go to jail or kill people, it doesn’t affect me much.”

“The reason I went to Xinnan Alley at that time was just a whim.” Yun Fang ruthlessly analyzed his psychological activities at that time, completely revealing his true thoughts to Yi Chenliang, “I don’t even care about my own life, let alone care about you who has become another person to me. You see, I’m both bad and selfish.”

“But, you still went at that time.” Yi Chenliang’s voice was a little shaky, “You were so good to me afterwards.”

“Let’s just say it was a bit of a guilty conscience.” Yun Fang didn’t know why he couldn’t continue, but he still forced himself to speak, “Being good to you is because I wanted to compensate for my past self to some extent, so that I could feel satisfied psychologically…”

“So, I’m really not worth your affection.” Yun Fang couldn’t see Yi Chenliang’s expression in the darkness, maybe it was disgust, maybe it was fear and terror. He suddenly felt glad that he didn’t turn on the light just now. If he was looked at by Yi Chenliang with eyes of disgust and fear, he wasn’t sure what he would do.

Yi Chenliang was silent for a long time, and Yun Fang got up to turn on the light.

The light instantly illuminated the living room. The dazzling light made Yun Fang want to run out the door for a moment, but the next second he was pounced on and held tightly.

The force was too strong, Yun Fang stepped back two steps, his back against the door.

Yun Fang’s hand lifted and then dropped, letting him hold on, his voice was extremely calm, “A piece of trash like me is not worth it.”

“Shut up!” Yi Chenliang grabbed his collar and violently lifted his head. His eyes were bloodshot and full of red veins, his gaze was fierce and irritable, like a cornered beast roaring, “Shut the f*ck up!”

Yun Fang casually tugged at the corner of his mouth, revealing a somewhat cold smile, “Whether you want to hear it or not, this is the truth, a fact that has already happened.”

“You’ve f*cking already died once! People have all died once, yet still have to carry these things on their backs! Did you live these extra twenty years for nothing!?” Yi Chenliang gritted his teeth and glared at him, “I don’t care if it was a whim or some other bullshit reason, you were the one who stood in Xinnan Alley and blocked the knife for me! When I was about to be beaten to death, it was you who carried me out!”

Yun Fang didn’t expect him to react this way, he moved his lips, but didn’t know what to say.

“I just ask you, did you kiss me on New Year’s Eve!?” Yi Chenliang stared at him unblinkingly, not giving him a chance to avoid his gaze.

“Yes.” Yun Fang’s answer wasn’t very confident.

“Did the word ‘like’ come out of your mouth!?” Yi Chenliang’s eyebrows and eyes were particularly sharp under the light, making Yun Fang feel an unusual sense of oppression.

“…Yes.” Yun Fang frowned, “But——”

“F*ck you but!” Yi Chenliang was angry and irritable, "If you treat me well, I like you! We like each other, why can't we be together!"

Before Yun Fang could unravel the seemingly reasonable yet sophistical logic, the four words "we like each other" struck him dumbfounded. By the time he regained his senses, Yi Chenliang had already pinned him against the door and kissed him back and forth.

He pleaded with him for an entire night, only to receive a furious little wolf cub’s angry kiss in return.

After Yi Chenliang kissed him, he glared at him furiously, his voice hoarse as he said, "You can't treat me like this."

Yun Fang still appeared calm, as if he didn't care about his words at all.

Yi Chenliang's anger reached its peak, and the memories and past that belonged only to the person in front of him made him feel restless and helpless. The person in front of him seemed ready to leave at any moment. Yi Chenliang's eyebrows twisted tightly, his emotions on the verge of collapse, yet he still held him down, afraid to show weakness in front of Yun Fang.

Yun Fang spoke slowly, "Xiao Yi—"

"You can't save me and then abandon me again." Yi Chenliang's voice became softer, his words filled with anger and resentment, "You know how scared I am. You've been abandoned before, so you should know how I feel."

Yun Fang's throat felt bitter, and he wiped away the tears at the corners of his eyes, "Don't cry."

"I'm not grown up yet, so what if I cry!" Yi Chenliang glared at him fiercely, his eyes red, "You think you can bully me just because you're older!"

Yun Fang was both sad and amused. Unable to bear seeing someone cry in front of him, he softened his tone, "Don't cry."

"F*ck you!" Yi Chenliang was probably really angry, glaring at him fiercely, "I know what kind of person I am, and I don't believe a word you said just now!"

Yun Fang looked at him in shock.

"If you really are who you say you are, you wouldn't have said those bullshit words to keep me at a distance. You wouldn't have taken the risk of injuring yourself to block the knife. I remember how sharp that knife was, and so do you. In a hurry, you could only use your left hand. If you were really that selfish, you wouldn't have reached out."

"You're not the person you say you are." Yi Chenliang looked at him with resentment, "You're just making up excuses not to be my boyfriend!"

Yun Fang unconsciously wanted to touch his nose, but his hand stopped mid-air.

"Even if everything you said is true, I don't care." Yi Chenliang approached him, his expression fierce, yet his kiss was gentle and careful, his words still carrying a nasal tone, "You said you would grow up with me, you can't go back on your word."

Yun Fang wiped his face with his sleeve, "Mm, I won't go back on my word."

"You were just about to touch your nose." Yi Chenliang glared at him, "You can't lie to me anymore."

Yun Fang: "...Mm."

"You're my boyfriend from now on." Yi Chenliang's voice was a little muffled.

"Mm...mm?" Yun Fang looked at him for a while, cleared his throat, and said, "What I said before wasn't all lies, I am really quite bad."

Yi Chenliang looked at him deeply, his eyes filled with burning emotions, he licked his lips and moved away, whispering, "Then do you want to kiss me?"

Yun Fang bit his lower lip, his throat unconsciously swallowing, turning his head away, "You're too young to tell the difference now—"

Yi Chenliang slapped the door panel, his arm blocking his face, moving closer to his ear and blowing a breath of air, satisfied to see the redness spreading from Yun Fang's ear to his pale neck, lowering his voice, "I'm just asking if you want to kiss me now."

Yun Fang gritted his teeth and cursed, "Little bastard..."

Then he suddenly grabbed his collar and kissed him.

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