Just in Time Chapter 50

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 50 Smile

Two weeks after the start of school, it was time to change seats again. Old Fang seemed to have a unique interest in changing seats, inevitably not giving the teenagers in puberty too long an opportunity to cultivate feelings.

But for some reason, Yi Chenliang’s seat remained unchanged, and Yun Fang was also moved back by Old Fang, once again becoming Yi Chenliang’s deskmate.

Old Fang’s original words were like this: “You two help each other and see who progresses faster.”

Probably because the scores of the two of them had been improving rapidly in the previous few exams, Old Fang was full of confidence in them.

On Monday’s flag-raising ceremony, Qi Huo once again conducted a school-wide self-criticism, and his powerful speech echoed in the schoolyard.

“…I shouldn’t be late or leave early, skip classes, climb over walls, and I certainly shouldn’t fight and cause trouble in school… I solemnly want to apologize to the precious flowers and plants that were trampled to death by me… I’m sorry for the teachers’ cultivation and the students’ love…”

Qi Huo stood under the national flag, his eyebrows arrogant and his tone extremely conceited, filled with the eight big characters of unrepentance and pride.

The student council members standing with the teachers couldn’t bear to look directly at him, Chang Ziqi looked at Qi Huo expressionlessly, and Qi Huo took the opportunity to turn his head and wink at him.

Chang Ziqi: “…”

After the routine review was completed, it was Chang Ziqi’s turn to speak under the national flag. His speech was as rigid and serious as he was, and there was no fault to be found.

Yi Chenliang stood at the end of Class 10, with Yun Fang in front of him. He was drowsy and rested his forehead on Yun Fang’s back.

Yun Fang let him lean on, lowering his head to look at the booklet of ancient poems in his hand.

[When I first met you, it was like an old friend returning.

Green, green is my collar, long, long is my heart. Even if I don’t go, will you not follow the sound?

The Yuan has zhi and the Li has orchid, thinking of the young master but dare not speak.


The warm breath from behind seeped through the thin school uniform and sweater, winding around the skin, penetrating the blood and bone marrow. Yun Fang shifted his gaze from the ink-colored words and looked into the distance.

After the flag-raising ceremony ended, the students walked back in twos and threes. Yun Fang asked Yi Chenliang about the poetry, and the two of them walked back, each taking turns to answer.

“Hey.” Su Qingbai caught up with the two from behind and asked with a smile, “Shall we go to the cafeteria together?”

Yi Chenliang instinctively disliked this person and looked at Su Qingbai with an unfriendly gaze, “No.”

Su Qingbai was not angry even after being rejected, and said with a smile, “We are all classmates, I just arrived and don’t know anyone.”

Yun Fang smiled and said, “You can take the initiative to get to know them, the classmates are very friendly.”

Su Qingbai glanced at him and laughed at himself, “Well, they don’t really pay attention to me, I thought we at least sat together for a day and got familiar.”

“That’s a pity.” Yun Fang sighed, “We are not used to eating with others.”

After saying that, he ignored him and walked away with Yi Chenliang.

“Su Qingbai, let’s go eat together!” A few classmates from Class 10 enthusiastically called him.

“Okay.” Su Qingbai looked at the backs of Yi Chenliang and Yun Fang, smiled, and said, “I’m coming.”


“I really dislike this Su Qingbai.” Yi Chenliang frowned as he nibbled on a bun.

“I also feel uncomfortable about him.” Yun Fang opened the lid of the soy milk to let it cool down for him, “Eat the egg.”

“Hmm.” Yi Chenliang watched as Yun Fang skillfully peeled another egg.

Both of them ate the egg white first and then the yolk, a bite of bun and a bite of egg, their movements were as if copy and paste.

“I always feel like I’ve seen him somewhere.” Yun Fang recalled with his eyes downcast, countless figures flashed in his mind, but he couldn’t grasp the key.

Yi Chenliang frowned, “Could he be a bad person?”

Yun Fang laughed when he heard him say this, Yi Chenliang was puzzled, “What are you laughing at?”

Yun Fang pushed the soy milk to him, “It’s hot, blow on it before you drink.”

Yi Chenliang’s attention shifted back to the soy milk, he took a sip and grimaced because it was hot, and finally swallowed it down with a pained expression.

“I told you to blow on it.” Yun Fang pinched his chin, “Stick out your tongue, let me see.”

Yi Chenliang’s tongue was numb from the heat, he stuck it out for Yun Fang to see, and mumbled unclearly, “Not burnt?”

“No.” Yun Fang laughed, “You deserved it for drinking so hastily.”

Yi Chenliang ate the last bite of the egg in frustration, “It’s all Su Baiqing’s fault.”

“Su Qingbai.” Yun Fang corrected.

Yi Chenliang glared at him, “Are you siding with him?”

“Alright, Su Baiqing.” Yun Fang surrendered.

Yi Chenliang was satisfied, even if he forcibly deprived others of their right to their names, he felt no guilt.

Returning to the familiar seat, Yun Fang felt very happy, even studying competition questions didn’t seem so painful.

Yi Chenliang leaned in to look, looking very curious.

“Want to try?” Yun Fang pushed the question towards him.

Yi Chenliang buried his head and calculated for a while, silently pushed the question back, his gaze at Yun Fang was full of pity and sympathy, “You also have it tough.”

Yun Fang: “…Thanks for understanding.”

“Are you really planning to participate in the physics competition?” Yi Chenliang asked him.

“I’ll give it a try, otherwise I won’t be able to explain to Old He.” Yun Fang sighed, “But I’m really not cut out for competitions.”

Yi Chenliang nodded, he agreed with Yun Fang’s words.

His brain was useful, but he was not a genius with a high IQ like Yun Fang, nor was he an elite who had been carefully cultivated from a young age like Chang Ziqi, he could only be considered an ordinary person who would be rewarded for hard work and diligence.

Recognizing oneself sometimes reduces a lot of unnecessary pain.

Yi Chenliang unwrapped a pack of Mushroom Guli, pinched a small mushroom and brought it to Yun Fang’s mouth, “Open your mouth.”

Yun Fang was fed seven or eight small mushrooms while doing the questions, the sweetness of the chocolate and biscuits mixed together, making even the competition questions not so difficult to do.

“Yi Chenliang, someone is looking for you!” Someone shouted from outside the door.

Yi Chenliang was forced to stop the feeding behavior, he went out unhappily, and saw a girl holding a paper bag smiling at him.

Bei Xingxing was a bit nervous, but thinking of her companions’ encouragement, she bravely handed the bag to Yi Chenliang, “Yi Chenliang, these are cookies and cupcakes I made, for you!”

The students around who were watching the excitement started to make a fuss, there were also whistles and cheers, Su Qingbai stood in the crowd looking very interested.

Yi Chenliang didn’t take it, Bei Xingxing’s hand was stiff in mid-air.

“I already have someone I like.” Yi Chenliang had no expression on his face, his tone was cold and a bit impatient.

Bei Xingxing’s eyes turned red abruptly, she held back her tears, bit her lip and said, “It’s…it’s okay, I will wait for you!”

After saying that, she ran off with tears in her eyes.

Yi Chenliang ignored the gazes around him and calmly returned to his seat.

Yun Fang sat still, crossed out the messy steps he had written, and said, “You were too cruel to reject that little girl like that.”

Yi Chenliang’s gaze fell on his profile, “You were even more cruel when you rejected me.”

“…” Yun Fang pinched the pen in his hand and stopped talking.


After watching the excitement, Su Qingbai returned to his seat and found his new deskmate typing on his phone with a serious expression. He joked, “What are you writing so seriously?”

Shen Zhouzhou didn’t give him a glance, “Secret.”

Su Qingbai didn’t ask any further, but changed the subject, “By the way, have you ever seen Yi Chenliang’s parents?”

“I have.” Shen Zhouzhou kept typing, feeling a bit annoyed.

“Oh? Do they look like him?” Su Qingbai asked.

Shen Zhouzhou finally looked up from her phone, looked at him warily, “Why are you asking this?”

Su Qingbai smiled, “Nothing, just asking casually.”

“Asking casually about someone’s parents, you’re really polite.” Shen Zhouzhou was sharp in her words, “Why are you inquiring about Yi Chenliang?”

Su Qingbai innocently said, “I’m just curious about him.”

“Curiosity killed the cat.” Shen Zhouzhou said not very politely.

Su Qingbai’s eyes dimmed slightly, very few girls spoke to him so impolitely, which made him not very happy.

Shen Zhouzhou started typing while brushing the Tieba: [Latest news, a girl confessed to Yi Chenliang and was ruthlessly rejected.]

[The girl is a werewolf.]

[Well done!]

[Study god, study god, calling study god!]

Shen Zhouzhou replied. [Study god is sitting at his desk, unmoved by the eight winds, previously being fed snacks by Yi Chenliang.]

(t/n: eight winds-It refers to the eight things in the world that incite people's hearts: profit, loss, destruction, praise, praise, ridicule, suffering, and happiness)


[Left very peacefully, thank you.]

[The calmness of the main wife.jpg]


Shen Zhouzhou typed the last sentence expressionlessly. [Whoever dares to break my CP, I will break him [smile]]

She quickly threw her phone into the desk hole, the next second the class bell rang, the teacher walked into the classroom, Su Qingbai came back to his senses and found that the person who was just typing on the phone was now holding a pen and doing problems, with a thoughtful frown on her face.

Su Qingbai was amazed.


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Just in Time Chapter 51


Just in Time Chapter 49