Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 48

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 48 Basketball

It had been nearly a week since the start of the second semester of the first year of high school, and Yi Chenliang still found it hard to believe.

“I actually scored three points higher than you.” Yi Chenliang’s face was filled with pride as he sat in the bleachers of the sports field, basking in the sun and sighing pretentiously, “And you were the one who tutored me.”

Yun Fang wanted to kick him off.

The final exam scores were announced at the start of the term. Yun Fang scored 622 points, while Yi Chenliang scored 625 points. Recently, he had been constantly reminding Yun Fang about this, to the point where Yun Fang felt like punching someone several times.

“Fact proves that when you get older, your brain really doesn’t work as well.” Yi Chenliang couldn’t help but ruffle his hair, “I’ll have to study more in the future.”

Yun Fang stood up from the bleachers, rolled up his sleeves with a kind look in his eyes, “Why don’t you experience the fists and kicks of an older person?”

Yi Chenliang held onto the railing, jumped down from the two-meter-high bleachers, his school uniform was blown back by the wind, his body drew a beautiful arc in the air, and he landed on the ground stylishly.

The sight made the girls chatting nearby exclaim in surprise.

“Brother Yi is awesome!” Ji Shumo, who was playing basketball, shouted.

Yi Chenliang looked up at Yun Fang, his smile was especially bright and dazzling under the sun.

Yun Fang immediately darkened his face, gave him a cold look, and turned to go down the stairs.

Yi Chenliang followed him in a hurry, but it seemed like Yun Fang was really angry, he didn’t even give him half a glance, and walked towards the supermarket at a leisurely pace.

Yi Chenliang followed him, occasionally deliberately brushing against his hand or bumping his arm, trying to attract his attention.

Yun Fang let him make small moves, and walked forward without being disturbed. Yi Chenliang was a bit anxious, and apologized without thinking, “I’m sorry, I was wrong.”

“Where were you wrong?” Yun Fang stopped and looked at him seriously.

“Uh——” Yi Chenliang guiltily looked away, “I shouldn’t have said you’re old, you’re still a little flower bud of our country.”

“…” Yun Fang’s forehead vein throbbed fiercely, and he strode forward, “Think again.”

Yi Chenliang hurriedly followed, “I shouldn’t have touched your head?”

“I shouldn’t be complacent about achieving good results for a while!”

“I shouldn’t have boasted to you!”

Yun Fang picked a pen from the shelf, looked at him speechlessly, “I would be happier than you if you could do well.”

Yi Chenliang felt a bit embarrassed by his words, leaned on the shelf and smiled at him, “I know, mainly because you taught well.”

Yun Fang went to the cashier to swipe his card, “So where were you wrong?”

“…” Yi Chenliang smiled foolishly at him, “I don’t know.”

Yun Fang poked his ribs, “Dare to jump so much without being neat?”

Yi Chenliang suddenly realized, finally found the reason why Yun Fang was angry, and then felt his heart burning, and touched his nose embarrassingly.

Yun Fang couldn’t be bothered with him, just as the bell rang for the end of class, he walked towards the teaching building.

He cares about me so much! Yi Chenliang was happily beautified for a while, but as a result, he was not careful and the person walked away.

He laughed silently, then ran a few steps quickly and pounced on Yun Fang’s back. Yun Fang was bumped by him and staggered forward two steps.

Yi Chenliang hugged his neck and rubbed it twice, whispering, “I won’t dare next time, don’t be angry.”

Yun Fang expressionlessly pushed his head aside, “Don’t act like a baby.”

Yi Chenliang looked at him in shock, and said categorically, “I never act like a baby.”

Yun Fang mercilessly laughed.

Yi Chenliang seemed to be hit hard, and until noon when he went to the cafeteria for lunch, he was firmly refuting, “I really never act like a baby, we are all the same, you should know very well.”

“No, we are not the same.” Yun Fang put the big chicken leg in his bowl, smiled and said, “Eat more, replenish your brain.”

Yi Chenliang: “…you are really holding a grudge!”

“Yes, we older people are petty.” Yun Fang ate a piece of tofu, which was so salty that he almost vomited it out. As soon as he raised his hand, a cup was stuffed over.

“It seems that luck is not good today.” Yi Chenliang gave up the idea of trying to scoop a piece to eat.

The tofu in the cafeteria always jumps between being too salty and being delicious, whether one could eat it depends on metaphysics.

Yun Fang looked at the tofu a bit depressed, and his mouth was stuffed with a mouthful of fried rice.

“Today’s fried rice is delicious.” Yi Chenliang retracted his spoon, his movements were extremely natural.

Yun Fang swallowed the fried rice, cleared his throat, “You be careful.”

“Huh?” Yi Chenliang looked at him a bit blankly, “Has fried rice been collectively outraged to this point?”

Will you be beaten to death by classmates for praising it?

Yun Fang lowered his head to eat, “Almost.”

Yi Chenliang was greatly shocked, and ate the fried rice bite by bite with great importance.

Yun Fang sighed silently in his heart, it should be that he’s just thinking too much.

On New Year’s Eve, Yi Chenliang was so drunk that he had a blackout. He tested several times and found that Yi Chenliang didn’t remember what he had said. Fortunately, he didn’t say anything he shouldn’t have said to Yi Chenliang while he was drunk. Yun Fang was relieved, but also a little inexplicably lost.

As for why he felt lost, Yun Fang didn’t dare to think deeply.

Yi Chenliang was messing around, and he couldn’t join in the chaos.

Maintaining the current situation was good enough, he could accompany Yi Chenliang and watch him grow up, the two of them were close to a degree, like family.

He wouldn’t lose control.


In the second week, Class 10 welcomed a transfer student.

“Let me introduce to you all, this is our new classmate who just transferred to our class, Su Qingbai.” Old Fang introduced cheerfully.

A chorus of voices rose in the class.

“Holy cow, he’s so handsome!”

“Is he some kind of rich young master!”

“Handsome guy! Look here!”

“Quiet!” Old Fang slapped the podium, turned his head and said to Su Qingbai with a pleasant face, “Introduce yourself to the classmates.”

Su Qingbai was indeed very good-looking, a pair of beautiful and sharp phoenix eyes slightly upturned, his gaze deep, looking at people with a three-point smile, like a big star who walked out of a movie, he spoke neither humble nor arrogant, “Hello everyone, my name is Su Qingbai, ‘qing’ from green pine, and ‘bai’ from cypress, I’m very happy to become classmates with everyone.”

There was a round of applause in the classroom.

Yun Fang very sociably clapped along with everyone, he always felt that this person looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere, but he just couldn’t remember.

Shen Zhouzhou had been looking down at her book, her face maintaining its usual seriousness. If it was the first time seeing Yun Fang, one would really think she was studying seriously, but in fact, what was wrapped inside the book cover was “Ghost Stories Collection”.

This magical girl would read all kinds of strange and weird books whenever she had time, once Yun Fang even saw her holding a copy of “The Universe Chronicle” and reading it obliviously.

Qin Jun had taken sick leave today, so Old Fang pointed to the empty seat next to Yun Fang, “Su Qingbai, you sit there first, the class president will take a few people to the office to move a new set of desks and chairs over after class.”

Su Qingbai sat down in Qin Jun’s seat, smiled very friendly at Yun Fang, “Hello, classmate.”

“Hello.” Yun Fang also smiled politely.

Su Qingbai politely asked about the teaching progress in the class, Yun Fang answered them all, he thanked him politely, and praised, “You have very nice handwriting.”

“Thank you.” Yun Fang took back his textbook.

As soon as class was over, Yi Chenliang came looking for him, calling Yun Fang across Su Qingbai, “Go to the bathroom.”

When Su Qingbai turned his head to see Yi Chenliang, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed it.

Yun Fang didn’t really want to go to the bathroom, but Yi Chenliang looked serious, indicating that he had to go.

The two of them were walking in the corridor, Yun Fang said, “You don’t need to drag me to go to the bathroom.”

Yi Chenliang asked him, “What did Su Baiqing say to you during class, you were smiling so happily.”

“His name is Su Qingbai.” Yun Fang corrected, “He asked me where we were in each subject.”

Yi Chenliang snorted disdainfully.

It was rare for Yun Fang to see him show disgust towards strangers, so he couldn’t help but ask, “Did he provoke you?”

Yi Chenliang frowned, “Anyway, I just don’t like him.”

Just asking questions, but he had to get so close, their heads were even touching. It was annoying enough for him to see Qin Jun always getting close to Yun Fang every day.

“He just temporarily sat in Qin Jun’s seat.” Yun Fang said, “If you don’t like him, just stay away from him.”

“You stay away too.” Yi Chenliang said fiercely.

“Okay, I’ll stay away too.” Yun Fang wanted to laugh when he saw him being fierce.

Coincidentally, it was just the long break, the two of them went to the bathroom, Yi Chenliang wanted to play basketball, Yun Fang wanted to go back to the classroom to do exercises, but in the end, he couldn’t resist Yi Chenliang and was dragged to the playground.

Yi Chenliang was only wearing a sweatshirt, running around the basketball court with a few people like Ji Shumo, Yun Fang sat lazily in the stands basking in the sun, feeling a bit cold, simply covered himself with Yi Chenliang’s jacket, feeling sleepy.

“Good shot!”

Yi Chenliang scored a goal, his teammates cheered, Yi Chenliang turned his head and raised his chin at Yun Fang, looking very smug.

Yun Fang gave him a thumbs up in a very perfunctory manner.

Yi Chenliang was greatly encouraged, showing off his prowess on the field and scoring goals one after another, causing the groups of little girls on the side to scream continuously.

Break time during class was short, and they couldn’t play for long, but Yi Chenliang was still sweating profusely. He sat down next to Yun Fang and wanted to lean on him, but was pushed away by Yun Fang with disgust.

Yi Chenliang, with a mischievous heart, wiped the sweat from his hand onto Yun Fang’s neck. Yun Fang grabbed his wrist in response, causing Yi Chenliang to cry out, “Ouch, that hurts!”

Yun Fang was just giving him a warning and didn’t have the heart to use too much force. As soon as he heard Yi Chenliang cry out in pain, he stopped. However, Yi Chenliang, quick as lightning, managed to wipe a handful of sweat onto Yun Fang’s neck.

Yun Fang was so annoyed that he wanted to kick him. Yi Chenliang suddenly jumped up and ended up bumping into someone.

The little girl was knocked off balance and looked at Yi Chenliang with a hurt expression while holding her arm.

“Sorry.” Yi Chenliang didn’t know what expression to put on his face, so he chose to remain expressionless.

The little girl was still holding a bottle of water in her hand, she stretched out her arm and handed the water to Yi Chenliang. Before she could speak, her face turned red, “Hello! My name is Bei Xingxing, I’m in class eight…You’re really good at playing basketball!”

Yi Chenliang instinctively took a step back.

Seeing his reaction, Bei Xingxing was on the verge of tears. She quickly stuffed the water into his arms, “This water is for you!”

Then she turned around and ran away.

Yi Chenliang handed the water to Yun Fang.

“Why are you giving this to me?” Yun Fang looked at him teasingly, “The little girl bought this water for you.”

The water was cold, and Yi Chenliang deliberately wiped another hand on Yun Fang's neck, causing Yun Fang to shrink his neck.

Yun Fang kicked him on the calf and said, "Little bastard! Isn’t that dirty?"

Yun Fang didn't use much strength, and Yi Chenliang didn't evade either. He left a footprint on his pants and the other pulled the person up with a smile. "Let's go back to class," he said

The bottle of water was left alone in the stands, unattended.

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