Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 46

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 46 Deserving a Beating

Huang Chu was squatting at the door, sipping the pearls in his milk tea. Seeing Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang coming over, he waved at them.

“Yo, it’s worth waiting for three hours.” Huang Chu bit the pearls viciously and said to Yun Fang, “You still have the heart to come.”

Yun Fang looked at him speechlessly, “Your law firm is on the second floor.”

“Then I have to help you watch the shop.” Huang Chu was not guilty at all, looking at Yi Chenliang, “Wow, such a handsome young man.”

Yun Fang introduced to Yi Chenliang, “Huang Chu, the lawyer who will help you with the lawsuit.”

Yi Chenliang nodded seriously at Huang Chu, “Hello, Lawyer Huang.”

“Hello, hello.” Huang Chu was very moved with his milk tea, “You are much more polite than your brother.”

Yi Chenliang: “??”

Yun Fang directly took him into the shop. The shop was not too big, with seven or eight customers sitting, most of them were students on vacation. A woman in her thirties was making milk tea at the front desk, a bit too busy to cope.

“This is Sister Zhao.” Yun Fang took Yi Chenliang to the back and introduced to Zhao Fang, “Sister Zhao, this is Yi Chenliang.”

“The boss has told me many times, hello, Xiao Yi.” Zhao Fang was very thin, her face was wax-yellow, giving people a weak feeling, but her features were very beautiful, an oval face, a pair of bright and spirited eyes, her hair tied behind her head, neat and tidy.

Yi Chenliang called out with a straight face, “Hello, Sister Zhao.”

Zhao Fang was busy making milk tea and couldn’t take care of it. Seeing this, Yi Chenliang rolled up his sleeves, “Let me help.”

“Ah, good.” Probably Yun Fang had already greeted her, Zhao Fang taught him while working, Yi Chenliang learned very quickly, and he could get started in less than an hour.

Yun Fang originally planned to stay below to help, but was dragged to the office on the second floor by Huang Chu.

“Tell me about the last outdoor equipment rental thing.” Huang Chu took out a stack of money from the drawer, “My entire fortune is entrusted to you, if it can’t be done, I will have to go hungry.”

“Contract.” Yun Fang said.

Huang Chu took out a stack of A4 paper, “It’s drafted, take a look.”

Yun Fang looked down at the contract.

He himself didn’t have any special memories about twenty years ago, most of what he could rely on was from later news, newspapers, or what others said. What started to become popular twenty years ago, who dared to try and made a lot of money, he didn’t listen too seriously, just happened to remember one or two.

He didn’t think about how much money he could make, as long as he could support him and Yi Chenliang, enough for them to finish college, and then graduate to find a stable job, earn money and live a solid life.

He used to be accustomed to exchanging life for money, the money in his hands was getting more and more, which might be a wealth that ordinary people could not accumulate in their lifetime, but he couldn’t feel a trace of stability, just like a clown standing on a wire and throwing money, the money was stained with blood and dirt, and he didn’t know when he would fall from the wire and shatter.

He wanted the money he gave to Yi Chenliang to be clean.


On New Year’s Eve, Yun Heyu finally rushed back from out of town, bringing back a body of snow.

Tang Yi had been worried these days, and it wasn’t until Yun Heyu came back that she breathed a sigh of relief. Yun Heyu, carrying a lot of gifts, shouted into the house, “Sugar, look what Dad brought back for you!”

Yun Fang, who was in the room struggling with the competition questions to the point of doubting his own intelligence, finally woke up. He opened the door and was hugged by Yun Heyu, “Hey yo, haven’t seen you for more than half a month, son, you’ve gotten heavier!”

Yun Fang: “…”

The New Year’s gift Yun Heyu brought back for him was a nine-step Rubik’s cube. Yun Fang held the heavy Rubik’s cube and smiled, “Thank you, dad.”

“You stinky boy, you’ve been asking me for two years, and there’s no sale in the store. Luckily, I went to a big city this time…” Yun Heyu patted his head, “Don’t say I deliberately didn’t buy it for you in the future haha!”

After that, he pulled Tang Yi to see the skirt he bought for her. Tang Yi was very happy to get the skirt and went back to the room to try it on.

Yun Fang took the Rubik’s cube back to his room and put the Rubik’s cube in the drawer where he used to put envelopes. Inside were Yun Fang’s few personal items and envelopes.

Yun Fang tapped the Rubik’s cube, “Your dad bought you a Rubik’s cube, happy New Year, Yun Fang.”

The Rubik’s cube laid quietly in the drawer, Yun Fang looked at it for a while, and locked the drawer.

“This year, Mom and Dad are going to Third brother’s place for the New Year, we’ll put up couplets later…” Yun Heyu was discussing things with Tang Yi outside.

It was unknown what Tang Yi said, and Yun Heyu exclaimed, “Is it appropriate?”

“What’s inappropriate about it?” Tang Yi was silent for a few seconds and then changed her tune, “It’s just that I don’t know if he’s willing…What if he feels uncomfortable?”

“Let’s ask Sugar.” Yun Heyu made a final decision and shouted into the room, “Sugar!”

Yun Fang came out, “What?”

“You go ask your boy–ugh–” Yun Heyu got stuck halfway through, “That is, that classmate Xiao Yi, if he wants to come to our house for the New Year.”

“?” Yun Fang was puzzled, “Why would he want to spend the New Year here?”

“You kid, you don’t understand anything.” Tang Yi glared at him, “Didn’t you tell me last time that he’s an orphan living alone?”

“He does live alone.” Yun Fang frowned, “But–”

“But what? You just go across the building and ask!” Tang Yi spoke quickly, only covering her mouth after she finished speaking, laughing with an embarrassed face.

Yun Fang was truly surprised this time, “How do you know–”

“I’m your mother, of course I know everything.” Tang Yi slapped him on the back, “Hurry up and ask! Don’t dawdle!”

Yun Fang, who was pushed out of the house: “…”

Inside the door, Yun Heyu looked expectant, “I haven’t seen what he looks like yet.”

“He’s about the same height as our son, a very handsome young man! Tall and long-legged!” Tang Yi enthusiastically told him, “That day I went back to my mother’s house, I didn’t plan to come back, but I was worried about Sugar spending the New Year’s Eve alone, so I came back early. As soon as I turned the corner, I saw the two of them hugging… It was snowing so heavily, they looked like two little fools!”

Yun He Yu looked at her speechlessly, “And then?”

“Then the two of them went to the building opposite.” Tang Yi pouted, “The stinky boy even lied to me about eating at home. I gave birth to him, I know him. Don’t look at his usual smiling face, he’s a thief, full of bad water.”

“Hiss, can they make it? They’re both not old.” Yun Heyu expressed the worry of an old father.

Tang Yi twisted him hard, “You dared to climb my window when you were not even fifteen, why didn’t you say that!”

Yun Heyu laughed, “Didn’t I get beaten out by my mother-in-law with a broom…”

“You still have the nerve to laugh.” Tang Yi gave him a glance, “You’re the only hooligan!”

Yun Heyu’s old face turned red at her words, and then he pointed a finger at his son, “We don’t know what kind of character that kid has.”

“So call him over and take a good look.” Tang Yi said, “Sugar runs over there every day, I’m really not at ease if I don’t know what kind of kid he is. If he’s honest, it’s fine, if he’s the kind who’s up to no good, sneaky and slippery, see if I don’t break his legs!”

“Just now you were praising him for being handsome.” Yun Heyu mimicked her tone, “Tall and long-legged!”

“What’s the use of just being handsome!” Tang Yi said angrily, “Back then I shouldn’t have just gone for your good looks!”

Yun He Yu: “…how did this turn back on me?”


Yun Fang explained his intentions, and Yi Chenliang, who was still sleeping in the quilt, looked blank, “Huh?”

He was busy with Sister Zhao in the shop until late last night, and he slept until broad daylight. He was a little dazed when Yun Fang called him up.

“Go or not?” Yun Fang asked.

“I’ll listen to you.” Yi Chenliang sat up and rubbed his eyes. He was too hot last night and didn’t wear anything on his upper body. There was a thin layer of muscle on his waist, which looked lean, powerful, and very beautiful.

Yun Fang couldn’t help but pat him, boasting, “Nice figure.”

Yi Chenliang looked down at his stomach, which had a faint outline of abs, and then looked at Yun Fang, “Do you have any?”

“…I used to.” Yun Fang answered very tactfully.

Yi Chenliang took advantage of his unpreparedness, and with a swift movement, he lifted his sweater and took a look,

White and flat, even a bit tender, it looked very touchable.

Yun Fang slapped his paw away unhappily, “I at least worked out six-pack abs, you can only see an outline now.”

Probably men of all ages have a natural desire to win in this aspect.

“I’m still young.” Yi Chenliang leaned lazily against the head of the bed, smiling, “When I grow up, I’m sure to have eight-pack abs, a big guy of one meter nine, you may not.”

“Give up, you only grew six-pack abs, at most one meter eighty-eight.” Yun Fang said gloomily, “Now, even the hair hasn’t grown fully, showing off.”

Yi Chenliang looked at him triumphantly, “You know best whether my hair has grown or not.”

Yun Fang: “…”

Indeed, a smelly fart bastard in puberty deserves a beating.

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