Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 40

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 40 Scary

The day Yi Chenliang was discharged from the hospital, it happened to be snowing heavily.

The heavy snow was falling all over the sky, and the biting cold wind was scraping against his face like a knife. Yi Chenliang stood downstairs of the hospital, watching Yun Fang get out of the taxi and run towards him against the snow.

“Why did you come down?” Seeing him only wearing a down jacket with nothing around his neck, Yun Fang took off his thick scarf and wrapped it around him.

“I guessed you would be here soon.” Yi Chenliang saw him shrink his neck and pulled him towards the car, “Let’s go.”

Yun Fang reported an address to the driver and said to Yi Chenliang, “I’ve moved all your stuff over, but I haven’t finished tidying up. We’ll tidy up together later.”

“Did you just report the name of your residential area?” Yi Chenliang was a bit surprised.

“When I was helping you find a house, there happened to be a rental in the opposite building. The price was also cheap, so I rented it for you.” The temperature in the car was high, and there was a thin layer of mist on Yun Fang’s glasses, but Yi Chenliang still clearly saw him smiling. “If you feel it’s not suitable, we can look for another one.”

It was that kind of mischievous smile again.

“Already rented it.” Yi Chenliang turned his head to look at the snow outside the window, “It’s too much trouble to cancel.”

The house Yun Fang rented for him was on the third floor of the opposite building, with two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The house was not too big. Outside were two doors, one iron grille door and one anti-theft door. The doors inside the house were painted yellow, all four door bolts were broken, the floor was somewhat yellowish tiles, and the baseboard was painted green.

Yun Fang closed the door, “The landlord was in a hurry to rent, so he left a bed, a wardrobe, this set of sofa and coffee table in the living room, and a range hood in the kitchen. There’s only heating and no air conditioning, so the price is very cheap.”

Yi Chenliang took a look around, the whole house was a bit dirty but there was no problem, it was much better than the small courtyard he used to live in, “Thanks.”

“You don’t have to be polite with me.” Yun Fang took off his down jacket and threw it on the sofa, “You sit down and rest for a while, I’ll go boil some hot water.”

He moved all of Yi Chenliang’s things from the small kitchen over and found the electric kettle to fill with water.

There was a window open between the kitchen and the living room, and as soon as Yi Chenliang looked up, he saw Yun Fang looking at the snow outside the window.

“Is there enough money?” Yi Chenliang asked him, leaning against the window.

“Enough.” Yun Fang withdrew his gaze, turned around and smiled at him, “The money in your little iron box is enough to pay for medical expenses and half a year’s rent, the landlord didn’t ask for a deposit.”

“Hmm.” Yi Chenliang subtly breathed a sigh of relief, touched his frozen red nose, “That, you also spent a lot of money, take as much as you spent from it, if it’s not enough, I’ll pay you back when I earn it.”

Yun Fang knew that he really didn’t like owing others favors, but knowing was one thing, being told so by Yi Chenliang to his face still made him a bit angry.

No matter how he heard it, it sounded like he was drawing a line with him, the polite attitude towards outsiders.

“Oh.” Yun Fang walked to the window and faced him, “Then I’ve been taking care of you for more than half a month, helping you run around and fight lawsuits, and also giving you free tutoring…”

Yi Chenliang was choked by him and was speechless for a moment.

Yun Fang’s dark eyes stared at him, he gently raised an eyebrow at him, the whole person was so bad that he was about to fume, he deliberately lowered his voice, “Classmate Yi Chenliang, how are you going to repay these?”

Yi Chenliang’s gaze stiffly turned to the side, his hand on the windowsill exerted a slight force, his nails were a little white, he unconsciously swallowed, “How do you want me to repay?”

Yun Fang squinted his eyes, “What are you thinking?”

“Hmm?” Yi Chenliang questioned.

Yun Fang’s expression became somewhat complicated, “Your ears are red, Xiao Yi.”

Originally, it was just his ears that were red, but when he called out “Xiao Yi”, the crimson color spread from the tip of his ears to his neck, and finally his entire face turned red.

Yun Fang was just casually calling out like Qi Huo, but he didn’t expect Yi Chenliang to react so much, which made him feel a bit uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and turned his head to look at the kettle.

“Why is this kettle still steaming…” Yun Fang seemed to be really puzzled about this.

“It’s a kettle, if it doesn’t steam, do you?” Yi Chenliang also looked at the kettle.

The kettle that was working hard to boil water: …

“Damn.” Yun Fang rarely cursed, turned his head to look at Yi Chenliang, “You–”

“I–” Yi Chenliang opened his mouth, and then decisively closed it.

The two of them stood on either side of the window, staring at each other across half a wall, a bit of awkwardness and some unnamed things spread with the misty steam.


The water boiled.

“This kettle boils water pretty fast.” Yun Fang turned around to find a cup.

“Indeed fast.” Yi Chenliang took two steps back and sat on the armrest of the sofa.

Yun Fang brought him a cup of hot water, “Let’s tidy up the bedroom first today, you can stay tonight.”

“Hmm.” Yi Chenliang took a few sips of water, suddenly remembered, and handed the cup to Yun Fang, “Do you want to drink?”

Before Yun Fang could open his mouth, Yi Chenliang decisively took the cup back, “Sorry, I forgot. I’ll pour you a cup.”

Yun Fang held his shoulder with one hand, sighed, “Yi Chenliang, let’s have a good talk.”

Yi Chenliang stiffened, “Talk about what?”

“Let’s talk about emotional problems.” Yun Fang started with some difficulty.

Yi Chenliang frowned and was silent for five seconds, then spoke painfully, “I know, I can’t make it into the top fifty in the grade.”

Yun Fang: “…This is not about the top fifty in the grade.”

“I know, you would also say that you don’t want to fall in love early and just want to focus on studying.” Yi Chenliang added,

Yun Fang: “…”

He did indeed want to say that.

Yi Chenliang said expressionlessly, “That’s how you rejected Song Cun in the first place.”

“You’re not the same as Song Cun.” Yun Fang explained palely.

“Indeed not the same, at least he can make it into the top fifty in the grade.” Yi Chenliang said gloomily.

Yun Fang: “…”

“Next, you will say that if I think this way, there’s nothing you can do.” Yi Chenliang stared at him as if looking at a scumbag who only flirts but doesn’t marry.

“I didn’t plan to say that.” Yun Fang looked up at the ceiling and found that the ceiling fan was a bit dirty.

“Heh.” Yi Chenliang sneered.

“You’re still too young, you don’t understand anything.” Yun Fang painstakingly organized his language, “When you grow up, you will meet more and better people, and finally realize that I’m just so-so.”

Yi Chenliang frowned at him, “I’m sixteen years old, and with the virtual age of two years, I’m already eighteen, I understand what I should and shouldn’t understand–”

(t/n: Virtual age is the number of years a person lives in the world. It is counted as one year old from birth.)

Long-suppressed feelings were nearly twisted, Yi Chenliang stared at him dead on, knowing that this was another excuse he found, so that both sides could step down rationally and decently.

The rising anger burned his already edging rationality to ashes.

He grabbed Yun Fang’s shoulder and pinned him against the wall, his knee forcefully inserted between his legs to block Yun Fang’s retreat. The two of them were originally about the same height, so now they were almost nose to nose. Yun Fang didn’t dare to fight back because he was worried about his injuries, he just frowned and warned, “Yi Chenliang, don’t mess around.”

Yi Chenliang laughed lowly, “Yun Fang, it was you who provoked first, I’ve had enough of pretending to be good with you, you obviously like me, but you don’t dare to admit it!”

Yun Fang knew what kind of person Yi Chenliang was better than anyone else, he was born knowing what kind of person he could become to please others, but some things were born to be carved into the bones, just like he had been pretending to be Yun Fang for so long, the real nature was still Yi Chenliang twenty years later.

However, he once had the illusion that he could become Yun Fang, and that Yi Chenliang could also become well-behaved.

“Don’t force me to beat you up.” Yun Fang lowered his gaze.

“You f*cking beat me up! This life of mine was saved by you, if you beat me to death, consider it giving back to you!” Yi Chenliang grabbed his chin and kissed him fiercely.

This was an unpleasant kiss, filled with violence and a taste of blood. Yun Fang tried to grab his wrist, as a result he was afraid to exert force, and dodged. Instead, he cleverly pinches his lower jaw, causing a sharp pain, forcing him to open his mouth. Lips and tongues entwine in ambiguous and rapid breaths. Yi Chenliang was fierce, domineering, almost as if he wanted to swallow him whole.

Yun Fang was afraid that one punch would break his ribs again, and he felt it was a pity to hurt him elsewhere when he’d finally managed to raise him into very plump and white. However, just hesitating for a few moments, he was overrun by Yi Chenliang, and the evening festival was not preserved. 

(t/n: evening festival was not preserved- “evening festival”=integrity of old age; He has reached his old age but failed to maintain his integrity. It also means that something failed when it was about to succeed.)

Yi Chenliang's forehead pressed against his, his teeth grinding against his lips, causing him to gasp in pain.

Yi Chenliang's voice is husky. "You just responded to me."

"F*ck!" Yun Fang's face turns red with anger, "I f*cking——"

Yi Chenliang's tongue licked the wound on his lips, then stuffed his words back down his throat. His hand moved up his sweater and onto his back.

Yun Fang jumped in surprise, tripping him and pushing him down onto the sofa. However, he was quick and caught him, pressing his hand on the back of his head, pulling him down onto the sofa with him, his hand hitting the wooden sofa in pain, the other hand supporting his weight on the edge of the sofa, afraid to crush his ribs.

Yi Chenliang's legs were bent perfectly on the armrest of the sofa, his thighs squeezing Yun Fang's legs, not letting him stand up.

The veins on Yun Fang's forehead bulged, he hadn't been this angry in over a decade, his eyes were full of killing intent, gritting his teeth, "Yi, Chen, Liang!"

Yi Chenliang hugged him around the neck and back, almost holding him in his arms, and kissed him again.

Yun Fang grabbed his neck and pushed him back, his entire body was on fire, and he kissed him back fiercely, surprising Yi Chenliang.

Although he was angry to the extreme, Yun Fang's kiss was unexpectedly gentle, but not to be refused, Yi Chenliang seemed to be unable to resist, pulling back hard, but his head was held down by Yun Fang's hand, unable to retreat.

Fingers were caught in the soft hair, Yun Fang could even feel the two scars on his head that had been sewn up. The person beneath him was almost out of breath, reaching out to grab his arm to push him away.

Yun Fang lifted his head slightly, and Yi Chenliang finally breathed in fresh air, gasping heavily.

Yun Fang kissed his earlobe, speaking in a dark tone by his ear, "Understand everything? Can't even f*cking catch your breath."

The most sensitive ear was kissed, and Yi Chenliang froze, unsure if it's from anger or being suffocated, there was a hint of crimson at the corners of his eyes.

Yun Fang's gaze darkened as he lowered his head, a cold light reflecting off his lenses.

His thumb gently caressed the small crimson spot, causing Yi Chenliang to shiver.

This shiver instantly brought back Yun Fang's rationality, which was on the verge of running away from home in anger. He sighed, restrained the momentum all over his body, and mockingly said, "You understand nothing."

Yi Chenliang watched him wide-eyed, as if witnessing a transformation, then Yun Fang returned to his familiar self, causing Yi Chenliang to breathe a sigh of relief with lingering fear.

Just now Yun Fang was.....very damn scary.

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