Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 38

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 38: Trash

Yun Fang left the school with his backpack on. A hand swiftly reached out to strangle his neck with a “woosh”, but even from a distance, Yun Fang grabbed it.

“Ouch!!” The owner of the hand let out a tragic scream.

Ten minutes later, Qi Huo and Yun Fang sat together on the bus heading to the city hospital.

“You’re going to get criticized for not attending evening self-study.” Qi Huo hypocritically dissuaded, “Aren’t you a good student?”

“The head teacher gave special approval.” Yun Fang, with his booklet in hand, asked without lifting his head, “Why are you following me?”

The real ‘skipping class prince’ Qi Huo, with his legs crossed, said, “I don’t want to study in the evening, nor do I want to go home, so I’m just hanging out with you.”

Yun Fang asked, “Not going to the internet cafe or game hall?”

“I’m already bored with those places, and there’s no one to accompany me.” Qi Huo, bored, leaned in to look at the booklet in Yun Fang’s hand. After just one glance, his eyes hurt, “Damn, I can’t understand a single word.”

Yun Fang, expressionless, said, “It’s a complete collection of chemical equations for the first year of high school. I remember you’re also in the first year.”

Qi Huo turned his head to look out the window, pretending not to hear. He whistled at the beauty riding an electric bike outside the bus window, earning the title of “dead pervert” bestowed by the beauty.

Yun Fang couldn’t help but speak, “You and Chang Ziqi——”

“Damn it, brother! Please don’t mention that name in front of me!” Qi Huo’s face fell instantly, “I have a shadow over that name.”

“Oh?” Yun Fang closed the booklet, looking at him meaningfully, “You haven’t gone to find him yet?”

“Well, I have to prepare mentally, don’t I?” Qi Huo touched his nose, “The strategy you gave me is pretty good, I need to plan carefully.”

Looking at him, Yun Fang hooked the corner of his mouth, “Good luck.”

Qi Huo looked at the road outside, puzzled, “This seems to be the road to the city hospital, right?”

“You don’t know where I’m going and you just followed me?” Yun Fang picked up his backpack and prepared to get off the bus.

Qi Huo quickly followed with his own backpack, “Damn, I thought you were going home, I miss Aunt Tang.”

“..…” Yun Fang looked at him expressionlessly, “My mom is married.”

“Damn, are you crazy!” Qi Huo hugged his neck in annoyance, “Aunt Tang is beautiful and kind-hearted, I admire her.”

Yun Fang grabbed his wrist and threw his arm away, “Rarely cultured.”

When the bus arrived at the station, Yun Fang got off first, and Qi Huo followed him chattering, “Who are you going to see at the hospital?”

“Yi Chenliang.”

“Wow, I was wondering why I hadn’t seen your little boyfriend for so long. He’s in the hospital. What happened to him? Was he beaten or did he slip and fall on his tailbone?” Qi Huo was excited when he heard it was Yi Chenliang, as if he was teaming up with a netizen.

Upon hearing the words “little boyfriend”, Yun Fang’s eyebrows twitched, “Shut up.”

However, Qi Huo was never a quiet person. He had to buy gifts from the supermarket at the entrance of the hospital. In the end, he picked a bunch of junk food. Yun Fang couldn’t stop him and watched him carry it upstairs panting.

“Brother Liang, brother is here to see you!” Qi Huo held the snacks in one hand and pushed the door open with the other.

Yi Chenliang, who was sitting at the end of the bed peeling an apple, almost threw the knife directly at his face.

Qi Huo enthusiastically stuffed a large bag of snacks into his arms, then took the apple he had just peeled and started eating it without any hesitation.

Yi Chenliang: “…”

Yun Fang arrived late behind him, only to see Yi Chenliang sitting on the bed rummaging through the snacks. Qi Huo was eating an apple on one side and enthusiastically recommending the pickled pepper chicken feet and big bag of spicy strips he bought, asking him to try them.

Yi Chenliang was clearly interested and was about to tear open the packaging of the spicy strips. The next second, his hand was empty, and all the snacks in the big plastic bag in his arms were taken away by Yun Fang.

“Patients can’t eat spicy food.” Yun Fang said seriously.

“There are non-spicy ones.” Yi Chenliang’s gaze still lingered on the big plastic bag in Yun Fang’s hand.

“That’s not allowed either.” Yun Fang was adamant, directly stuffing all the snacks into the cabinet, “You can eat them after you’re discharged.”

Qi Huo, the onlooker, whispered in Yi Chenliang’s ear, “Your boyfriend is really strict with you.”

Yi Chenliang was stunned, “Huh?”

Qi Huo winked at him, with a look of ‘don’t pretend, I understand’.

Yi Chenliang’s gaze shifted, and Yun Fang took out three test papers from his backpack, “Tonight’s homework, you read the textbook first, I’ll go to the cafeteria to buy food.”

Yi Chenliang obediently took the test papers and took out the textbook from his backpack.

Yun Fang left the ward, and Qi Huo, who was watching with wide eyes, muttered, “It’s too scary, your boyfriend even forces you to study.”

Yi Chenliang started doing the problems after pressing out the lead, and for some unspeakable reason, he didn’t refute the term “boyfriend”.

“You’ve suffered.” Qi Huo’s eyes were full of sympathy, “Do you want to play games?”

Yi Chenliang ruthlessly rejected him, “No.”

“It’s okay, we’ll team up, brother will carry you.” Qi Huo encouraged him enthusiastically.

“I don’t have a phone.” Yi Chen Liang said calmly.

Qi Huo’s face cracked, incredulously saying, “He doesn’t even let you play with your phone! Is there any humanity left!”


Yun Fang, who was buying food in the cafeteria, sneezed and then looked at the messages on his phone.

[Physics Competition Group (10) 5 people online]

Group leader Chang Ziqi: [@Yun Fang, where are you? Why didn’t you come?]

Yun Fang: [I have asked for leave.]

Group leader Chang Ziqi: [Received.]

Just as Yun Fang was about to turn off his phone, a friend request popped up: [Group leader Chang Ziqi of the Physics Competition Group wants to add you as a friend.]

Yun Fang: “…”

Cang Dog Floating Cloud: [?]

Transient: [I have something to ask you.]

Cang Dog Floating Cloud: [Speak.]

Transient: [Did Qi Huo leave school with you?]

Cang Dog Floating Cloud: [.]

Transient: [I saw it when I went to the laboratory building.]

Cang Dog Floating Cloud: [You saw it and still ask.]

Transient: [Where are you guys?]

Yun Fang seemed to have returned to his previous life, with Chang Ziqi pressing him for information about Qi Huo.

—He should have been up for several days in a row, his eyes were dark, and his eyes were full of bloodshot. His well-fitted suit had become wrinkled, but he didn’t care at all.

“Where is Qi Huo!? I’m asking you where he is! Speak!” Chang Zi Qi was roaring, his throat almost coughing up blood.

Yi Chenliang leaned against the wall, silently smoking.

The tobacco was of poor quality, the choking smell made him cough, the cigarette sandwiched between his fingers shook with the cough, and the pale ash fell on his muddy boots.

“Where is he! Are you dumb!?” Chang Ziqi punched him in the face.

Yi Chenliang didn’t dodge, a strong taste of blood came from his mouth, Chang Ziqi grabbed his collar, his eyes fierce and desperate, “Tell me where he is!”

Yi Chenliang lowered his eyes, “He’s dead.”

There was a moment of blankness on Chang Ziqi’s face, and the police who came later separated the two of them in a flurry.

“President Chang! President Chang!”

“President Chang, calm down! We are looking for people, we will never give up on Qi team until the last moment!”

“President Chang! Calm down, Qi team must be waiting for you…”

Yi Chenliang licked the blood in the gap of his teeth, took a puff of the cigarette, and looked at Chang Ziqi in the chaos, “The hole was filled with explosives, the fuse was already lit when we ran out, Ge San and the evidence were all inside, he heard the sound and ran back, I couldn’t hold him back.”

The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Yi Chenliang threw something in his hand to Chang Ziqi, the red cigarette butt swaying in the night, “He asked me to bring you a message.”

Chang Ziqi looked down at the ring in his palm, his eyes were about to pop out.

“He said he’s sorry.”

The elite CEO described by Qi Huo was always calm and confident, with pride in his bones, but now his shoulders suddenly collapsed, he held that ring and knelt on the ground, crying heartbreakingly.

Collapse and despair.

He saw Chang Ziqi, like a madman, wanting to rush into the ruins, being firmly stopped by several policemen.

“There will still be residual explosions! President Chang, calm down!”

“Where are the people! Bring a few more people!”

“Calm down! There are already people rescuing!”

Yi Chenliang stood aside, watching coldly.

He couldn’t understand this kind of emotion, he had always been a firm egoist, just as he would choose to cooperate with the police for his own benefit, he would also run out of the hole for his own life, trying to stop Qi Huo was already an exception for him, if it were someone else looking for death like this, he wouldn’t even look at it.

Someone came up to beat him, and he kicked him to the ground.

“You trash! You must have killed our Qi team! I’ve been advising Qi team not to cooperate with you, a bug in the gutter! It must be you!”

The young policeman was crying and roaring, “Why did only you run out! Why didn’t you die!!”

Yi Chenliang spat out a puff of smoke, his expression unclear in the smoke, “Probably bad people always live a little longer.”

“You will definitely die a horrible death!” The young policeman was driven mad by his indifferent appearance and roared out loud.

“Borrow your auspicious words.” Yi Chenliang laughed, stepped on the cigarette butt on the ground.

Later on, he really did die a horrible death.

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