Just in Time Chapter 32

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 32 Taste

Yun Fang, who had lived for thirty-five years as Yi Chenliang, had never been in love, nor had he had a lover or a friend with benefits. His emotional experience was as bland as plain water, tasteless.

It wasn’t that no one had shown him kindness, and there were people who didn’t believe in evil, who persisted in thinking they could heat up the cold iron, but in the end, they all failed.

Before he died, Wan Hui hysterically cursed him for not being human, for having no heart.

She wasn’t the first to curse him like this, but she was fortunate enough to be the last.

He came into this world alone, and left alone. When he died, he was even somewhat grateful to Wan Hui, allowing him to be relieved.

He almost obsessively kept everyone out of his world, coldly thinking he could happily reject all the kindness and courtship, and even if he had to do it all over again, he didn’t plan to make an exception.

He had no ties in this world, he left cleanly and neatly, to hell with it all.

But this time he truly experienced what it meant to be “there are always exceptions to everything”.

Like Yi Chenliang, who was still holding hands with him and following him step by step.

Yun Fang had always been impatient to deal with emotional matters, even until the two of them awkwardly held hands and walked into the yard, he didn’t think about how to give Yi Chenliang some ideological work.

He turned his head a bit gloomily, and unexpectedly met Yi Chenliang’s straightforward gaze. “……”

Yun Fang plucked up his courage, gently shook the hand that the two were holding, and negotiated with him, “Shall we let go first?”

Yi Chenliang pursed his lips, silent for a long time, so long that Yun Fang felt he was about to be frozen by the wind, he finally slowly let go of his hand.

The tightly clasped fingers suddenly loosened, the cold wind poured in from the gaps in the fingers, taking away the warmth that had been burning all the way, Yun Fang was a bit unaccustomed and rubbed his fingers.

“Are you leaving?” Yi Chenliang asked.

Yun Fang grabbed his collar and dragged him into the house, his head aching from the wind, “In the dead of winter, in the middle of the night, where do you want me to go?”

Yi Chenliang stopped talking.

The room wasn’t very warm. Yun Fang pulled open the quilt and spread it on the bed. After a simple wash, he was ready to go to bed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Yi Chenliang was still standing in the same place.

“Come to sleep.” He sat on the bed and waved at Yi Chenliang.

Yi Chenliang lowered his eyes and walked out, “I’ll sleep in the living room.”

Yun Fang stretched out his arm and pulled him onto the bed. He was so tired that he could hardly keep his eyes open, but he still forced himself to stare at him, “There’s not even a chair in the living room, are you going to sleep on the floor?”

Yi Chenliang opened his mouth, but the next second he was firmly held in his arms. Yun Fang was only wearing a thin sweater, and his whole face was buried in the soft fluff.

Yun Fang sighed, “I’m not angry, just a bit shocked.”

“…I’m sorry.” Yi Chenliang’s voice was muffled in the sweater.

“It’s okay.” Yun Fang was so tired that he couldn’t stand it, but he still smiled and rested his chin on his shoulder, “I won’t leave, don’t be afraid.”

Yi Chenliang said in a low voice, “I won’t do this again in the future.”

Yun Fang didn’t know what to say for a moment, and patted his back, “Alright, go to sleep, you just got drunk today.”

After Yun Fang finished speaking, he felt a bit disgusted with himself.

Adults always have many excuses to cunningly avoid issues they didn’t want to discuss, to give the other party a decent way out, and to cover up the embarrassment that both parties were well aware of.

Sure enough, Yi Chenliang fell silent and carefully let go of his hand holding his sweater.

After a night of tossing and turning, Yun Fang was both tired and sleepy. However, when he really turned off the light and prepared to sleep, the surging sleepiness miraculously disappeared completely. On the contrary, it was Yi Chenliang, who was still making a fuss one second before, fell asleep the next second when he touched the pillow. He even snored slightly because he was too tired today.

So cute.

Yun Fang turned to his side, squinting at him.

If he thought about it carefully, he could probably understand Yi Chenliang’s thoughts.

He had lived alone for more than a decade, hadn’t encountered many things that could make him happy, and didn’t have many people who cared about him. Then suddenly, this inexplicable person appeared and was good to him. He received care and kindness from this person that he had never received before, and he clung to it like a lifesaver, so that he could catch his breath in this damn life.

It’s understandable, even natural. If it were him in the past, he might have been crazier.

Yun Fang wasn’t quite sure what it meant to like someone, and Yi Chenliang probably didn’t understand it now either. So he was fooled after holding back for so long all night and couldn’t even say a word of confession.

Yun Fang reached out and gently poked Yi Chenliang’s cheek.

Hadn’t been that good to you, so why did you want to like so foolishly?

Probably feeling cold, Yi Chenliang curled up, wrapped in a quilt and subconsciously leaned towards him.

Yi Chenliang usually covered two quilts, now he had taken one away, it’s really hard to bear in the cold weather. Yun Fang lifted his own quilt, and wrapped Yi Chenliang along with the quilt he covered.

Although he couldn’t respond to Yi Chenliang’s awkward feelings, it didn’t prevent him from being good to Yi Chenliang.

Holding a big warm thing in his arms, Yun Fang finally felt sleepy again and fell asleep completely.

Early the next morning, Yun Fang was called back home by a phone call from Tang Yi.

Yi Chenliang was still nestled in the quilt, half asleep and half awake, and was woken up by Yun Fang patting his face.

“I have to go back.” Yun Fang stood by the bed and put on his coat.

“Hmm.” Yi Chenliang hadn’t woken up yet, he opened his eyes and closed them again, only responding vaguely.

Yun Fang bent over and rewrapped the quilt that he had kicked off, squatted by the bed and rubbed his hair hard, “There’s porridge in the pot, heat it up and drink it after you wake up, I fried some kidney beans for you, covered it with a plate, you can fry it again if you eat it at noon.”

“Mmm.” Yi Chenliang responded vaguely, impatiently swatting away his hand.

Yun Fang poked at his head, which was sleeping like a chicken’s nest, “Then I’m leaving.”

His response was a string of little snores from Yi Chenliang.

As soon as Yun Fang returned, he was pulled home by Tang Yi, and unexpectedly ran into Sun Yuan.

Sun Yuan had only stayed at Yun Fang’s house for less than a week before going to boarding school. Tang Yi hadn’t seen him for a long time, so she pulled him aside and asked him all sorts of questions, telling him to come home often.

Sun Yuan glared at Yun Fang when he heard this.

Yun Fang was looking down at his phone, there was a friend request on QQ - [“Flower Blooming on a Rainy Night” requests to add you as a friend.]

What a stupid thing.

“Sugar!” Tang Yi suddenly called out to him, Yun Fang’s hand slipped, and he clicked accept.

Yun Fang: “…”

“You chat with Xiao Yuan, don’t just play with your phone.” Tang Yi shouted.

Yun Fang sighed, put his phone in his pocket, and stared at Sun Yuan with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile.

Sun Yuan was a bit cowardly and hid behind Tang Yi, “Second Aunt, it’s nice to chat with you.”

The phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated, Yun Fang didn’t plan to care, but the phone vibrated more than a dozen times in a row, he had to take it out and look.

The avatar of “Flower Blooming on a Rainy Night” was a half-open sunflower, with no rain or night, just a flower.

Flower Blooming on a Rainy Night: [Yun Fang, you’re damn unrighteous!]

Flower Blooming on a Rainy Night: [You actually left me with that idiot from the student council!]

Flower Blooming on a Rainy Night: [I sincerely treated you as a brother!]

Flower Blooming on a Rainy Night: [You’ve disappointed me so much, we’ve fought and bled together!]

…A dozen or so messages, all full of angry accusations.

Yun Fang probably knew who this angry flower was.

Cang Dog Floating Cloud: [What’s wrong?]

Flower Blooming on a Rainy Night: […It’s a long story.]

Cang Dog Floating Cloud: [Make it short.]

Flower Blooming on a Rainy Night: [Damn, you guys who study well are all dirty!!!]

Flower Blooming on a Rainy Night: [You have to take responsibility for me!!!]

Qi Huo used three exclamation marks in a row to express his anger, said two sentences without a head or tail, and then left.

It seemed like he just came to scold Yun Fang.

Yun Fang stared at the screen inexplicably for a while, and occasionally received a timid and angry stare from Sun Yuan.

High school kids these days, they’re really hard to understand.


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Just in Time Chapter 33


Just in Time Chapter 31