Just in Time Chapter 30 (Part 2)

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 30.2: New Year (2)

Among the few people, Yun Fang had the best skills, and ordinary people couldn’t get close to him at all. But although Yun Fang was good at fighting, he was at a disadvantage because his physical foundation was not good. After a while, his strength was a bit unable to keep up, and it was Yi Chenliang who helped him block a lot.

After a while, seven or eight more people rushed in. The leader was so familiar, it was Wang Youwei. He said to the big tattooed arm, “Brother Li asked us to help!”

Then his gaze fell on Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang, and the whole person laughed gloomily, “Good, it’s you two, I was just worried about not finding you!”

“Damn!” Qi Huo was obviously scared by such a big show, “Is it necessary! Didn’t I just unplug a network cable!”

“Son of a bitch, you dare to mention it!” The big tattooed arm roared, “I lost all the equipment I played for a year!”

Yun Fang estimated the gap in the number of people on both sides, decided to painfully give up half of the roasted bun sprinkled with cumin, and gave Yi Chenliang a look, taking advantage of their attention all on Qi Huo, “Run!”

“Brother, you are not righteous!” Qi Huo saw that the situation was not good, decisively shifted the spearhead, exposed Yun Fang, and ran after Yun Fang.

“Wait!” Chang Ziqi hesitated for a second, and decisively chased after him.

The four people slipped and slid, and they managed to escape from the encirclement of a group of people.

“Chase for me!” Wang Youwei clenched his stick and chased after him.


“Bang Bang!”

Under the black sky, brilliant fireworks suddenly exploded. On the brightly lit and bustling street, four teenagers were running desperately, their clothes fluttering in the cold night wind, and behind them was a string of menacing delinquents.

“Yun Fang, brother, you are not righteous!” Qi Huo ran faster than Yun Fang, turned his head and shouted at him.

“Who is your brother!” Yun Fang glared at him unhappily.

“He is my brother!” Yi Chen Liang chased Qi Huo with murderous intent, “You’re nothing!”

Yun Fang was so angry that he almost couldn’t catch his breath.

“You three!” Chang Ziqi followed closely, “Fighting outside the school! Report and self-criticism after school starts!”

“Damn, you’re crazy!” Qi Huo was furious, “You also fought!”

“I was doing what was right!” Chang Ziqi shouted.

“Fart! You hit the hardest!” Yi Chenliang shouted at him angrily.

Yun Fang had a heart attack. Seeing that the pursuers were about to surround him, he knew that these social youths were ruthless, and they would show their knives at every turn. They wouldn’t have any numbers when started, and they might have an accident if they caught up.

“Stop arguing! Follow me closely!” He suddenly braked his steps and climbed over the railing of the park.

Yi Chenliang and Qi Huo followed closely, Chang Ziqi turned his head and glanced at the people who were chasing after him, and the other party took out a knife from his arms.

Chang Ziqi’s pupils shrank, and he climbed over the railing.

The Jinshui River was winding and the river surface was wide, thus Jinshui Park was very large. There was a fireworks show tonight, and most people gathered in the square. Yun Fang was more than familiar with this place. He led the three people behind him through the corridor on the river surface, and then passed through a large birch forest and drilled into a dry bridge hole.

The cursing of Wang Youwei came from outside the bridge hole, and then the footsteps gradually faded away.

The bridge hole was not big, and it was pitch black inside. Four people squatted together, almost knee to knee, face to face.

“Wow, there’s a strong smell of lamb skewers.” Qi Huo muttered quietly.

“Then you go out.” Yi Chenliang retorted.

“Hey, why are you so irritable, little classmate.” Qi Huo turned his head to look at Yun Fang, “Brother, aren’t you going to introduce us?”

Yun Fang sneered.

“Qi Huo, Yun Fang, Yi Chenliang.” Chang Ziqi said in a low voice, “You three–uh!”

Qi Huo covered his mouth with one hand and laughed wickedly, “Senior, keep your voice down, you’re one of us too. If those guys outside hear us, it’ll be a white knife in and a red knife out*.” 

(T/N: refers to killing people with blood and fighting with all their might)

Chang Ziqi glared at him in the dark.

Yi Chenliang wanted to poke his head out to take a look, but was pulled back by Yun Fang, “Wait a bit longer.”


Another firework suddenly exploded outside, illuminating the narrow bridge hole for a moment.

Chang Ziqi met Qi Huo’s eyes full of mischievous smiles, and was stunned for a moment.

Qi Huo was leaning his head out to watch the fireworks with Yi Chenliang.

“Brother, do you like to watch too?” Qi Huo tried to make conversation.

“Who is your brother?” Yi Chenliang didn’t want to deal with him.

“Yun Fang is my brother, so aren’t you my brother too?” Qi Huo said confidently, “Hey, this red and yellow firework is even more beautiful.”

“It was clearly the blue one just now that was beautiful.” Yi Chenliang frowned.

“No, the red and yellow one is beautiful, and it’s festive.” Qi Huo insisted.

The two of them were leaning their heads out to watch without blinking. Yun Fang was carefully listening to the noise outside, and he and Chang Ziqi looked at each other in silence.

“Yun Fang, can we go out yet?” Yi Chenliang’s legs were a bit numb from squatting, and he turned his head to ask him.

“Let’s go.” Yun Fang nodded.

Four people crawled out of the bridge hole, and Qi Huo patted Yun Fang’s shoulder, “Thanks, brother.”

Yun Fang was noncommittal, seeing Yi Chenliang still staring at the fireworks, he couldn’t help but smile, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to a high place to watch.”

“Together?” Qi Huo shamelessly said, “I just came to Wu City and I’m not as familiar as you, I also want to see the fireworks.”

After saying that, he even shamelessly grabbed Chang Ziqi who wanted to leave, “Senior Chang, we are also in the same boat, let’s go, let’s go watch the fireworks together! Hahaha!”

Chang Ziqi frowned, he originally wanted to go home, but when he thought of the empty and cold house, he inexplicably followed.

Yun Fang: “…”

Among the four people, three of them didn’t like to talk, only one Qi Huo kept chattering, one could top four, and he made the atmosphere that should be quiet and awkward lively.

Yun Fang knew there was a high platform in the park that was not open to the public. It was located in a remote place with overgrown weeds, and very few people would come. Now it’s winter, the grass was all withered, and it looked even more desolate and cold, but the view was excellent. The fireworks would be on until midnight, and one could just watch them from above.

Four people sat on the platform to watch the fireworks.

Qi Huo couldn’t sit still and was still hungry. He had to drag Yi Chenliang to buy food. Yi Chenliang was a bit annoyed by his entanglement and followed him with an irritable face.

Yun Fang watched the fireworks in a daze, and also answered a call from Tang Yi in the middle.

“…Yeah, I’m not going back, I’m staying at Yi Chen Liang’s house. Yeah…okay…goodbye mom.”

“Your mom?” Chang Ziqi suddenly asked.

“Yeah, she asked if I was going home for dinner.” Yun Fang glanced at him, “Why are you messing around with Qi Huo too?”

To be honest, he didn’t expect that Chang Ziqi, who was so serious and rigid, would join Qi Huo in a gang fight. According to Chang Ziqi’s character, at most he would stand in the crowd and call the police.

Chang Ziqi chuckled, “As the mood strikes.”

Yun Fang: “…”

Sure enough, it was the pretentious Chang Zi Qi he was familiar with.

You’ll have your time to cry. Yun Fang sneered coldly.

When Chang Ziqi came out of the closet, it caused a sensation and even made headlines. Even Wan Hui cursed the unknown mysterious man who snatched Chang Ziqi. But Chang Ziqi once protected his lover’s news very well. In Yun Fang’s view, he was also a responsible man.

But his lover was a tough and unyielding man, who single-handedly infiltrated a criminal group, pursued the criminals with a gun for three thousand kilometers, and finally brought the criminals to justice, scaring CEO Chang to be on tenterhooks every day, almost half-dead with fright.

So when Yun Fang first met Qi Huo, he didn’t associate this annoying and detestable young man with the fierce and brave man he would become in the future.

He didn’t want to watch these two people fall in love either. He had had enough of their public displays of affection in his previous life, and he didn’t want to see them being so affectionate again in this life.


“We’re back!” Qi Huo sat down with a big bag of stuff, “Come on, I’m treating today, brothers, eat up!”

Chang Ziqi looked at those things with disdain.

Yi Chenliang, holding a bottle of beer, under the oppressive gaze of Yun Fang, decisively betrayed Qi Huo, saying righteously, “He insisted on buying, I couldn’t stop him.”

Qi Huo waved his hand boldly, “How can we not drink on New Year’s Eve!”

“Monday report——” Chang Ziqi frowned, and his mouth was stuffed with a skewer of lamb.

“Chairman Chang, Senior Chang, Classmate Ziqi!” Qi Huo put his hands together, “Stop reciting, my head is about to explode! Can we have a peaceful New Year?”

Chang Ziqi chewed on the lamb, “…”

Perhaps it’s because the friendship between young people always came so inexplicably and suddenly. After fighting together, escaping together, and arguing together under a bridge, they suddenly become much closer, as if it’s only natural to sit on a high platform together, drinking beer, eating lamb skewers, and watching fireworks.

Qi Huo, like a madman, bent over and yelled something at the sky, laughing loudly. Chang Ziqi, elegant and restrained, gnawed on his lamb skewer, squinting at him.

Yi Chenliang finally got to drink the beer he had been longing for. He sat cross-legged next to Yun Fang, pointing at the fireworks in the sky. Yun Fang took a bite of the grilled bread sprinkled with cumin, and looked up in the direction he was pointing.

Further away were the noisy crowd and the bustling traffic. Under the black sky, there were distant lights of thousands of households.

“Yi Chenliang.” Yun Fang turned his head slightly and saw the person sitting next to him.

Yi Chenliang also turned to look at him, the flickering fireworks reflected in his eyes. “Hmm?”

“Happy New Year.” Yun Fang touched his beer can with his.

Yi Chenliang smiled, “Happy New Year.”

The fireworks in the night sky burst open, brilliant and passionate.


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Just in Time Chapter 31


Just in Time Chapter 30 (Part 1)