Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 26

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 26: Fight

But it seemed that Chang Ziqi was tripped up by something. It’s been almost a week, and he hadn't come to catch…hadn’t come to arrest the two of them.

“Midterm exams will be held before the New Year’s holiday.” Yun Fang reached out and touched the clothes on Yi Chenliang, frowning, “You’re wearing too little.”

The wind on the playground was a bit strong, and Yi Chenliang shivered and hid behind him, “I haven’t had time to go shopping.”

“I’ll ask my mom to bring you a few pieces from the clothing wholesale town, it’s cheaper than buying in the store.” Yun Fang helplessly let him cling to himself, “If you’re cold, we can go back to the classroom.”

“No way!” Yi Chenliang decisively rejected him, “It’s hard enough to have a physical education class, if we go back, you’re definitely going to make me do problems, I’ve really had enough!”

Yun Fang had an extraordinary persistence and coldness in his studies, often giving people a very wrong impression of great love for learning, but Yi Chenliang felt that Yun Fang was more like treating learning as a task to complete, and he was seriously affected. He would feel guilty if he didn’t do a set of problems at night, and sleeping in English class had become a distant luxury.

So he would definitely not give up this hard-won physical education class!

Yun Fang unzipped his school uniform and threw it to him, “Then you hurry up and put it on, I won’t be responsible if you catch a cold.”

Yun Fang was still wearing a gray sweater inside his school uniform, his long and fair neck disappeared into the collar. Yi Chenliang’s gaze stayed on his Adam’s apple for two seconds, and he lowered his head to put Yun Fang’s school uniform on top of his own.

"Then you're not cold, aren't you?" Yi Chenliang couldn't help but glance at his Adam's apple again.

Yun Fang took him to a sheltered place, put his arms around his neck and pressed him into his arms, "Classmate Yi Chenliang, you put on the clothes and ask me again, is it hypocritical or not? Why don't you take it off? ”

"Hey sh*t, Lao Tzu's neck!" Yi Chenliang subconsciously hugged his waist to stabilize his figure, and shouted loudly. "It's really about to f****** break! Easy!”

The two of them were walking and making a scene as if there was no one around, suddenly a malicious voice shouted from not far away. "Yun Fang, are you two dating?" 

The ridicule and malice in his voice were not concealed at all, and even the voice was specially raised so that everyone on this side of the playground could hear it. In an instant, all kinds of eyes fell on Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang.

Yun Fang grabbed Yi Chenliang, who was about to rush over, and looked over, five or six boys wearing high school uniforms were watching the excitement on the basketball hoop, and Sun Yuan was among them, but it wasn’t him who said it.

“Hahaha, damn, aren’t two guys disgusting?” A long-haired man with an earring, biting a cigarette, his eyes flashing with malice and ridicule, “And you let him wear your school uniform!”

There was a burst of laughter around him, and the surrounding students began to whisper.

“…It can’t be true, can it?”

“Have you seen the post bar? It’s all written with reason and evidence, and there are Yun Fang’s middle school classmates to testify!”

“Ah, two guys, isn't this perverted…”

“No wonder Yun Fang’s grades have dropped so much, it turns out he’s busy dating! Fortunately, I didn’t fall in love early…”

There were also a few young girls looking at the two of them excitedly. “Ahhh I knew it——”

“Shush! Calm down!”

Yi Chenliang’s forehead veins were popping out, but he was firmly held by Yunfang, “You let me go!”

"Hey, have you two slept yet?" The boy with a cigarette in his mouth looked at Yi Chenliang and Yun Fang lewdly, raising his hand to make an ambiguous gesture. "Like this?"

Yun Fang's face suddenly turned cold and he walked up to the boy. Suddenly, he curled his lips and smiled at him, "Do you want to know so much?"

The boy's back suddenly stiffened, and he instinctively felt danger. However, before he could react, he was punched in the stomach and was unable to speak for a while.

"Fuck you, you m***********!" The people next to him rushed forward.

Yi Chenliang stepped forward and kicked Sun Yuan out of the way, grabbing his collar and punching him.

Sun Yuan was not good at fighting at all, he didn’t even plan to fight, he desperately kicked his legs back, “What are you hitting me for… I am Yun Fang’s younger brother!”

“The one being beaten is you this grandson!” Yi Chenliang punched down again, staring at him fiercely, “Lao Tzu will beat you every time I see you!”

Sun Yuan cried out in a very spineless manner, “Brother! Yun Fang! Help!”

“You still have the face to shout!” Yi Chenliang was almost beating him single-handedly, “I’ll let you shout!”

Yun Fang kicked away the people on the side who were trying to stop him, rushed up to grab Yi Chenliang and held him, sternly saying. “Stop hitting!”

Yi Chenliang was panting with gritted teeth, staring at Yun Fang unwillingly, “I’m venting for you! You’re still f****** protecting him!?”

Yun Fang took a deep breath after looking at the injury on Sun Yuan’s face, knowing that the punishment for fighting in school was inevitable.

“What are you doing!” A few students wearing high school uniforms came over, and the one at the front was Chang Ziqi.

Chang Ziqi looked at a few people lying on the ground unable to get up, and then turned his gaze on Yi Chenliang and Yun Fang, frowning, “It’s you two again.”

This “again” word was quite interesting.

“It was them who started it!” Yi Chenliang was obviously still angry, snapping at anyone who came near.

Yun Fang was obviously much calmer than him, and said in a steady voice, “It’s indeed our fault for fighting in school, we are willing to accept the punishment.”

Chang Ziqi’s face looked a little better, “All of you, go to Head He’s office.”

In Head He’s office, Yun Fang, Yi Chenliang, and a few others including Sun Yuan were all lined up against the wall.

Head He, who already had very little hair, lost even more. He first nodded at Head Zhang from the art class with a smile, then suddenly yelled at Yun Fang, “You dare to fight with your small body!? What if you get hurt?! Can you beat them?!”

Head Zhang felt something was wrong when he heard this, and quickly stopped him, “Ah, Head He, it seems like he was the one who beat our students——”

“Why don’t you think about your academic performance!” Old He yelled again, “A good city’s first place! Why are you fighting!? Will your city’s three good student awards still be approved? What about next week’s competition? Do you still want to be recommended for admission?!”

Head Zhang’s face turned a bit blue, and his gaze at Yun Fang became a bit subtle. “Head He, it’s not that serious…”

“Ah, Old Zhang, it’s really troublesome for you to run this trip.” Old He patted Head Zhang’s shoulder, “You don’t need to plead for him, I think he has been slacking off recently!”

Yi Chenliang opened his mouth to retort, but was subtly pulled in the sleeves by Yun Fang.

Yun Fang obediently lowered his head, “I’m sorry, Head He, I know I was wrong.”

“You know you were wrong.” Old He glanced at him, then looked around at the students with dyed hair and earrings, “Tell me, why did you fight?”

“It’s like this.” Yun Fang raised his head, his expression calm, “The weather was very cold, I saw that Yi Chenliang only wore a coat, so I lent him my school uniform. They were smoking on the side, first they insulted us as disgusting and perverted, then they spread rumors and slandered us for having an improper relationship, their words were extremely vulgar and indecent, many students around heard it, Yi Chenliang and I tolerated it again and again, but they became more and more excessive, I impulsively started the fight. Head He, Yi Chenliang and I have deeply realized the mistake of fighting in school, and we shouldn’t have hit people. We sincerely apologize to the students who were beaten, and also make a self-criticism to the teachers. We promise that we will absolutely not act impulsively in the future, take this as a lesson!”

Head He, Head Zhang, and the few who were beaten were all stunned.

They had never seen such a straightforward apology and self-criticism.

“But,” Yun Fang smiled slightly, and said seriously to Head Zhang, “I also believe that they should apologize to me and Yi Chenliang, who have been baselessly speculated, maliciously insulted, and slandered. What do you think, Head Zhang?”

Head Zhang, who could manage the art class, was not a good-tempered person. First, Old He came up and scolded Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang. After listening to Yun Fang’s narration, he already believed it. Then he looked at his own useless students. He also knew what kind of character these people were usually. The fire that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly rose, and he kicked the one with the earring.

“Dare to smoke! And curse! Can’t even win a fight! Have all the words I’ve told you been eaten by dogs?!”

“Hey, hey, Head Zhang, calm down! Don’t do it!” Old He was perfunctorily persuading on the side, “Don’t do it, let them apologize.”

“A sincere apology.” Yun Fang timely added a sentence, and was glanced at by Old He not lightly or heavily.

“Hurry up and apologize to the two students!” Head Zhang hit the young man with an earring again, and the sound made Old He’s teeth hurt.

“Sh*t.” The young man with an earring muttered unwillingly, and as a result, he was kicked by Head Zhang.

“Zhang Lei! Apologize!” Head Zhang yelled, “And you guys!”

“Sorry…sorry!” Zhang Lei gritted his teeth and said, “I shouldn’t have said that about you.”

The other few also apologized one by one.

Yi Chenliang was silent with a black face, Yun Fang smiled slightly, and said slowly, “It’s okay.”

“You guys look at others!” Head Zhang was so angry that he couldn’t find a place to vent, “All of you go back and write a 10,000-word self-criticism!”

Old He took a sip from his thermos cup, took a breath, and pointed at Yi Chenliang and Yun Fang seriously, “No matter what the reason, it’s wrong for you two to fight! Everyone go back and write a self-criticism!”

“Okay, Head He.” Yun Fang obediently agreed.

Head Zhang took a few students away with a mix of hitting and scolding, while Old He caught Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang and knocked on their heads, “You have to fight in school! Isn’t the outside of the school big enough?”

Yun Fang smiled awkwardly, “I won’t dare next time.”

“You dare to have a next time?” Old He took another sip of water, “That Zhang Lei is Head Zhang’s own nephew, if you guys are not reasonable, believe it or not, he will definitely record a punishment on your files!?”

“Thank you, Head He, for helping us.” Yun Fang took his thermos cup to pour water for him, “We will definitely not fail your good intentions, reflect seriously, study hard, and make progress every day.”

Old He glanced at him, “That physics competition——”

“I will participate.” Yun Fang was bleeding in his heart, “I will stay in the evening to attend the competition class, don’t worry.”

Old He nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand at the two of them, “Go ahead, don’t stand in the way here.”

Yun Fang pulled Yi Chenliang out of the door, Yi Chenliang turned his head and asked, “What about the self-criticism paper——”

Yun Fang covered his mouth with one hand, smiled brilliantly at Old He, “Goodbye, teacher!”

After leaving the office, Yi Chenliang pulled Yun Fang’s hand away, “He didn’t say how many words to write.”

“He didn’t even say it needed to be handed in.” Yun Fang raised an eyebrow at him, “Old He never intended for us to write it.”

“But Teacher He looked very angry, he even scolded you.” Yi Chenliang frowned, a bit indignant, “You didn’t do anything wrong, why apologize to those idiots?”

“I was the first to start, if I don’t apologize first, wouldn’t I be waiting for a punishment?” Yun Fang lowered his voice and leaned into his ear, “Isn’t it just to soften up to the teacher first, you see, now those idiots not only have to apologize and write a self-criticism, but also got beaten up for nothing.”

Yi Chenliang’s eyes lit up, looking at Yun Fang with admiration.

Yun Fang couldn’t help but curl his lips, educating him earnestly, “So you can’t learn from Chang Ziqi, being smooth and compromising is the long-term way.”

Yi Chenliang nodded as if he was enlightened, but as soon as the two of them turned a corner, they saw Chang Ziqi, who was expressionless, standing at the staircase, looking at them with a heavy gaze.

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