Just in Time Chapter 25

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 25: Climbing over the Wall

Yun Fang was awakened by a faint sound of flipping pages.

He opened his eyes and saw Yi Chenliang doing homework while lying on the pillow, his whole body still nestled in the quilt, and a long scar was exposed on his arm.

“Did I wake you up?” Yi Chenliang turned his head and asked softly.

“What time is it?” Yun Fang yawned and habitually reached for the glasses on the bedside table.

“Four forty.” Yi Chenliang lowered his head to do the problem again, “You can sleep a little longer.”

Yun Fang put on his glasses, and the whole world suddenly became clear. He turned over and glanced at the test paper on Yi Chenliang’s pillow, “How much is left?”

“Just half a page of biology test questions left.” Yi Chenliang flipped through a few pages of the book to find the answer, “You go to sleep, I will call you when it’s time.”

Yun Fang responded in a daze, tilted his head and fell asleep again.

Yi Chenliang quickly finished the last few questions and gently pressed them under the pillow. He glanced at Yun Fang who was still sleeping with his glasses on.

He reached out and carefully took off the glasses from Yun Fang’s nose, folded them and placed them between the two people’s pillows.

His eyelashes are quite long.

Yi Chenliang stared at it for a while, his eyelids gradually became heavy, and after struggling for a while, he fell asleep.

“Yi Chenliang! Get up quickly! You’re going to be late!” Someone was slapping him hard.

Yi Chenliang opened his eyes abruptly and saw Yun Fang hurriedly getting dressed,

He looked at the watch, it was exactly seven o’clock, and the morning reading had already started for fifteen minutes.

The two of them got dressed, got up, rushed out the door, took a taxi and ran all the way to school. At exactly seven thirty, the students’ running exercises echoed over the school.

Old He, the grade director, was standing with his hands on his hips, watching the students exercise, and the security uncle was strolling around with a baton.

Yi Chenliang abruptly pulled Yun Fang, who was rushing towards the school gate, “Come back!”

Yun Fang turned his head and looked at him disapprovingly, “We can’t skip class.”

“Climb over the wall from the small woods on the right side of the school.” Yi Chenliang pulled him to run to the right side of the school, “If the principal catches us being late, we will definitely have to write a self-criticism.”

Upon hearing about writing a self-criticism, Yun Fang silently agreed with Yi Chenliang’s decision to climb over the wall.

The school occupied a large area, with a small square in the middle, and a road around the teaching building. The first-year students do their exercises on this road. On the right side of the road were two connected lakes, and behind the lakes was a forest. It was originally planned to build a football field, but it had not been started for a long time, and it had become a holy place for students to date.

The wall was not short, but there was a place inside where bricks for building a flower bed were piled up, which could be used as a foothold. When Yi Chenliang pulled Yun Fang over, a student wearing a first-year school uniform had just thrown his school bag in from outside the wall. Sensing someone coming, he turned his head fiercely and immediately whistled.

“Yo, the top student is also climbing over the wall?”

It was Qi Huo who had dinner with Yun Fang and the others last night.

Before his words fell, Yi Chenliang had already climbed over the wall in two or three steps, turned around and reached out to Yun Fang, “I’ll pull you up.”

Without waiting for Yun Fang to speak, Qi Huo smirked at him and raised an eyebrow, “If you call me brother, I will carry you up.”

Yun Fang gave him a look as if looking at an idiot, and didn’t let Yi Chenliang pull him up. He stepped up on the wall in one step, and even didn’t let people see clearly how he borrowed the force, which made the two people next to him stare in amazement.

“Not bad, little brother.” Qi Huo clapped his hands twice, “A real person does not show his face.” (TL: people with ability and status are humble and low-key and do not show off easily)

Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang jumped down together, and Qi Huo also climbed onto the wall. At this moment, a cold voice sounded not far and not near, “You three, which class of the first year are you?”

A few steps away from them under a tree, a student wearing a second-year school uniform was standing, with a student union badge on his left sleeve, holding a thick book in his hand, and his sharp eyes were nailed to the three of them.

“Damn!” Qi Huo, squatting on the wall, cursed angrily, “Where did this neurotic come from!”

Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang looked at each other, and when the second-year guy looked up at Qi Huo, they bent over to pick up their bags and rushed into the woods. Their actions were surprisingly consistent.

“You two, stop!” The person behind them shouted, but unfortunately, the two of them had long disappeared.

So he vented all his anger on Qi Huo, his voice was so cold that it was about to drop ice slag, “This classmate, how long are you going to squat up there?”

Qi Huo gritted his teeth and jumped down from the wall.

Yi Chenliang and Yun Fang mixed in the large group of students who had finished their exercises, panting for breath, looking very much like they had just finished their exercises.

When passing by the honor wall of the small square, Yi Chenliang suddenly poked Yun Fang, “Look quickly, isn’t the third one in the middle row the one who blocked us just now?”

Yun Fang looked over according to his instructions, and his eyes paused.

The second row was the display column of the second year. The school uniform of the second year was red and white, which was more passionate than the blue and white of the first year. The third student had deep features and sharp eyes, and the corners of his mouth were pressed straight, with a cold and serious look. Below was his personal information:

Second Year, Chairman of the Student Union: Chang Ziqi.

Yun Fang was stunned for a moment, and dug out this person who was about to be forgotten by him from the depths of his memory. Although the Chang Ziqi in his thirties and the teenager now had a big difference, the eyebrows and face shape would not change. The thirty-year-old Chang Ziqi was more mature and serious, and he was the boss of the largest Internet company in the province, and his wealth was immeasurable at a young age.

But what impressed him was not how rich Chang Ziqi was, but the way he collapsed and frantically looked for his lover. The elite CEO in a suit and leather shoes pulled his collar and roared fiercely, his eyes full of despair and sorrow.

It should have been a long time ago, his lover seemed to be called…

Yun Fang suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the small woods in surprise.

“Yun Fang, what’s wrong with you?” Yi Chenliang saw that his face was so ugly, thinking that he was worried about being criticized, “It’s okay, even if he is the chairman of the student union, he doesn’t know which class we are in.”

“Hm.” Yun Fang turned his head, steadied his mind, and mixed with Yi Chenliang in the large group and went upstairs together.

He had made up his mind to say goodbye to the past a long time ago, let alone something that would happen more than a decade later. Yi Chenliang was just an insignificant little person struggling desperately in their thrilling story. It’s hard enough to live, let alone go back to the present and be kind enough to help others.

He would not help anyone, nor would he change the direction of anything, except for——

Yun Fang looked at Yi Chenliang who was walking in front and pulling himself upstairs.

Except for Yi Chenliang.

Let him stay away from those messy things, grow up clean and safe, get into an ordinary university, have a few simple romances, and then get married and have children when he is old, and live a stable life with daily necessities

For a while, Yun Fang was almost moved by his own kindness and selflessness.

“What kind of look is that?” Yi Chenliang unconsciously stepped back and rubbed his arm hard.

Yun Fang didn’t understand, “What kind of look?”

“Like a villain who is full of evil and suddenly repents and decides to wash his hands with a golden basin.” Yi Chenliang used three idioms in a row, pointing out the essence.

Yun Fang was noncommittal about his accurate evaluation. After a while, he grabbed the back of his neck and said in a bad tone, “I told you to watch less messy TV dramas.”


“Holy shit, you guys were caught by Chang Ziqi and dared to run!?” Ji Shumo looked at Yi Chenliang and Yun Fang in shock, “You two are done!”

“Do you know Chang Ziqi?” Yi Chenliang asked.

“Brother Yi, you don’t browse the school post bar, don’t communicate with classmates, and don’t gossip, so you will make a big mistake by closing your eyes and blocking your ears!” Ji Shumo lamented with grief and indignation.

Yun Fang listened to them while correcting the wrong questions during the big break, and interjected, “Say the key point.”

“The key point is that students in high school may not know the handsome, good-looking study god like you, but they absolutely cannot not know the school grass Chang Ziqi!” Ji Shumo glanced at Yun Fang cautiously, making sure that the big study god had no intention of getting angry before continuing, “As a key high school, the high school is not only excellent in teaching staff and students, but also very rich, but do you know why the high school is so rich?”

Yi Chenliang shook his head.

“Because of Chang Ziqi.” Ji Shumo pointed to the brand-new air conditioner in the classroom, the multimedia equipment that was not common in this era, and the majestic library and the soon-to-be-built football field on the small square, “His dad is a big boss in the real estate industry in the province. When he planned to take the high school exam, his dad donated a building to the school and built a library, but Chang Ziqi still got in with the third place in the city. After entering, he was stable in the top three in the grade every time he took the exam. He was the chairman of their student union, won the provincial award for math competition, and was a national second-level athlete.”

“Handsome, good at studying, and very rich, this person writes two big words from beginning to end——” Ji Shumo gave a thumbs up, “Perfect!”

Yi Chenliang listened with admiration all over his face, and after a long time he suffocated his own feelings, “My god.”

Yun Fang: “…”

What are you admiring!

“The most terrifying thing is that he is not only strict with himself, but also strict with others.” Ji Shumo swallowed, “Chang Ziqi can’t tolerate a bit of sand in his eyes. Since he caught you being late and climbing over the wall, he will definitely find you out. On Monday’s flag-raising ceremony, the whole school will be criticized and the class will be deducted points.”

Ji Shumo obviously had a great interest in gossip and storytelling. Like opening a chatterbox, he started talking endlessly, “It is said that when he was in the first year of high school, a girl gave him chocolate and love letters. He criticized her from ideological awareness to daily study and life. He taught the little girl for half an hour and finally ran to tell the teacher. Since then, he has become famous. Even as a school grass, the number of girls confessing to him has set a new low in the history of school grass.”

Yi Chenliang clicked his tongue twice, “That’s scary.”

“Scary has nothing to do with you.” Yun Fang threw his English notebook to him, “You are not going to confess to him.”

Yi Chenliang took the English notebook and started copying it naturally and skillfully, and mysteriously said, “But I’m afraid he will catch us.”

“…Don’t use such a strange word.” Yun Fang ticked out the D option, “It sounds like catching adultery.”

Ji Shumo saw that they were studying and chatting at the same time, and suddenly felt a bit redundant.

And a little guilty.

So he ran back to his seat, pulled out the Chinese book and started doing homework.

The weird learning atmosphere always makes people feel out of place.


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Just in Time Chapter 26


Just in Time Chapter 24