Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 20

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 20: Daily Life

Days always passed by quickly. The students’ short sleeves have turned into long sleeves, and the first-year students were about to face their first midterm exam.

Yun Fang usually arrived at school very early, but today, because he stayed up late doing homework last night, he almost missed the morning reading session.

Yi Chenliang was yawning while memorizing English words. Seeing Yun Fang arrived, he didn’t react much and looked half-asleep.

After handing in his homework, Yun Fang also pulled out his English book to start memorizing words. The English teacher walked around the classroom once and then left. Yun Fang stared at the door for a while, then pulled out a math paper from his desk drawer and started working on it.

He casually pulls Yi Chenliang, whose head was about to hit the desk, and without raising his head says, “Apology, continue memorizing.”

Yi Chenliang struggles to open his eyes and continued to read in a half-dead manner, “a-p-o-l-o-g-y, apology, noun, apology—”

Yun Fang continued to lower his head and start doing problems. After doing about half of the paper, the bell rang to signal the end of the morning reading session. He raised his head and still heard Yi Chenliang mumbling.

“Stare—gaze; look at, stare, s-t-a-r-e, stare—at—”

“Alright, stop ‘at’.” Yun Fang bumped his arm, “Go down for exercise.”

Yi Chen Liang stared at him, yawning widely.

Yun Fang dragged him and blended into the crowd to go downstairs. The two of them were about the same height and both stood in the last row. After running a big circle around the school, Yi Chenliang finally woke up.

“What did you do last night to be so tired?” Yun Fang asked him.

Yi Chenliang rubbed his eyes, “Didn’t do anything.”

“Hiss, don’t rub your eyes with your hands.” Yun Fang, worried, pulled his hand down, “Go up and wash with cold water.”

“Hmm.” When Yi Chenliang was sleepy, he didn’t get angry, didn't swear, and became unusually obedient, whatever was said goes.

Yun Fang rushed people upstairs, and he went to the supermarket to buy two bottles of coffee.

During the long break, Yi Chenliang took a gulp of coffee and saw Ji Shumo coming over. Seeing the coffee, Ji Shumo’s eyes lit up, “Brother Yi, I also want—”

“No, you don’t.” Yi Chenliang stingily put the other can into the desk hole.

Ji Shumo teased him, “I saw that it was bought by the study god for you.”

As soon as Yun Fang finished class, he was called to the office by the head teacher, and it was estimated that he would not be able to come out for a while. Yi Chenliang lifted his eyelids and looked at him, “Any problem?”

Ji Shumo pondered while stroking his chin, “The study god has been in our class for almost a month. He is indifferent to everyone, but he sticks to you. Does he like you?”

Yi Chenliang almost sprayed coffee on his face, “You stop talking nonsense.”

Although he was also horrified at first to guess why Yun Fang came to Class 10 for some “unspeakable” purpose, as he got in touch with Yun Fang, he gradually dispelled this suspicion.

Yun Fang was too calm towards him. Even if he had never been in love, Yi Chenliang had seen it. If he really liked it, it would be absolutely impossible to be so calm and generous. Moreover, according to Yun Fang’s hard work in studying, he probably couldn’t spare any energy to think about emotional issues.

Ji Shumo shrugged, “Anyway, I think he is quite different to you.”

Hearing this, Yi Chenliang was very proud and pretended to be calm, “Normal, he and I are friends.”

The kind of very good friends who could visit each other’s homes.

Ji Shumo gave him a thumbs up in admiration. “Brother Yi, your mentality is really good.”

Yi Chenliang happily finished a small can of coffee, he had a very good friend.

This strange cognition made him happy for a weekend, and even the unpleasant Monday became less difficult.

“But I heard people from other classes say,” Ji Shumo seemed a bit entangled, and even gave Yi Chenliang a preventive shot again and again, “I really just heard it.”

“What did you hear, just say it!” Yi Chenliang couldn’t help but kick his chair.

Ji Shumo lowered his voice and whispered, “They said Yun Fang is… gay.”

The coffee can was suddenly squeezed, Yi Chenliang frowned and asked, “Who did you hear it from?”

“It’s been spreading these days.” Ji Shumo looked at Yi Chenliang’s dark face with some unease, “Brother Yi, you don’t know if you don’t visit the school post bar. There are also Yun Fang’s junior high school classmates who personally confirmed that Yun Fang… indeed likes men.”

Ji Shumo’s voice became lower and lower under Yi Chenliang’s gloomy gaze, and he said aggrievedly, “I didn’t spread it. Besides, I absolutely admire the study god. Even if he likes a dog, I don’t think it’s a problem.”

“Get out of here! You're the one who likes dogs!” Yi Chenliang felt that his temper, which had been calm and peaceful during this period of doing problems with Yun Fang, began to get irritable, and he squeezed the coffee can in his hand.

Ji Shumo touched his nose a little uneasily, “I just think that the study god has been burying his head in study recently, and even our class’s study style has improved. You see, even Brother Yi, you are doing problems without blinking… The outside is quite ugly. You are close to the study god, don’t let him hear those people talking nonsense.”

Yi Chenliang nodded, suppressing the anger in his heart, “I know.”

When Yun Fang returned to the classroom, he saw Yi Chenliang staring at the coffee can that was about to be squeezed flat with a face full of deep hatred, and laughed, “What’s wrong? Is there poison in the can?”

Yi Chenliang shook his head, “How is your review?”

Yun Fang sorted out the test papers he had brought back from the office, and said uncertainly, “I guess I can raise about fifty to sixty points.”

Yi Chenliang looked at him a bit entangled, “Do you not want to go back to Class 3?”

“…..” Yun Fang was speechless for a few seconds, “This is something I find hard to explain to you.”

If possible, who wouldn’t want to be the glorious top student in the grade?

Yi Chenliang patted his shoulder, hesitated, and said, “Although I don’t oppose early love, the main task for us students is still to focus on studying.”

Yun Fang looked at him curiously, “Why are you talking like Old Fang?”

“..…” Yi Chenliang spaced out for a few seconds, “This is something I find hard to explain to you.”

The two of them, speaking different languages, returned to the same line in a strange way - as high school students whose academic performance was not that good, they currently have no time to fall in love.

As for those rumors, as long as they didn't reach Yun Fang’s ears, Yi Chenliang didn’t bother to care.

Yi Chenliang had been living in other people’s speculation and rumors since he started keeping a diary. He had an extraordinary indifference and numbness to the so-called “rumors” and “pointing fingers”.

Yun Fang would only be more than that.

In this way, under the tense review, all the first-year students ushered in the midterm exam.

“Yi Chenliang.” The exam preparation bell rang, and the students all went to their respective examination rooms. Yun Fang suddenly stopped him.

Yi Chenliang turned his head back and looked at him inexplicably.

Yun Fang’s examination room happened to be arranged in his class. He stood at the door of the classroom and smiled at Yi Chenliang, “Good luck in the exam.”

“You too, good luck.” Yi Chenliang waved at him.

Perhaps the cramming and crazy problem-solving over the past month finally had an effect. This time the questions were exceptionally smooth for Yun Fang, especially in mathematics and physics, which almost gave him the illusion that he could score full marks.

After a few days of exam torture, the lively little flowers all wilted. When Old Fang announced on the podium that there was no homework for the holiday, no one cheered.

“Can I go to your house for dinner tonight?” Yun Fang looked at Yi Chenliang sincerely.

The students around were happy that there was no evening self-study. They packed up their school bags and ran away in twos and threes. Yi Chenliang habitually put the exercise book and books into his school bag to prepare for the weekend. When he heard the words, he stiffened, “Ah?”

“My parents went back to their hometown today and won’t be back until Monday morning.” Yun Fang cleared his throat, “I can’t cook.”

Yi Chen Liang stared at him, pointing to himself and said, “Do you think I look like I can cook?”

Yun Fang reluctantly nodded.

Yi Chenliang: “…”

Of course, Yun Fang knew that Yi Chenliang couldn’t cook, and even knew that even after twenty years, he would still be unable to light up the skill of cooking. But it did not prevent him from wanting to go to Yi Chenliang’s place to eat and live these days.

Tang Yi and Yun Heyu went back to their hometown and asked Sun Yuan’s mother, who was his nominal third aunt Tang Si, to come home to take care of him and Sun Yuan. Yun Fang just thought about it and his scalp went numb.

He was not afraid of heaven or earth, but he was afraid of Tang Si’s mouth. The last time Tang Yi took him to Sun Yuan’s house, he almost died.

In Yun Fang’s irresistible gaze, Yi Chen Liang nodded hard, “Okay.”

Yun Fang happily bumped his shoulder with his elbow, “Good brother.”

When the two got off the bus, it was already dark, and soon the wind blew, and the drizzle of autumn rain fell. The thin layer of school uniform could hardly withstand the increasingly strong chill.

“Hurry up.”

Yi Chenliang ran ahead, with Yun Fang closely following him. They passed through the narrow and cramped Xinnan Alley and finally ran into Yi Chenliang’s small courtyard.

Yi Chenliang turned on the porch light, took out his keys to open the door, and Yun Fang started to clean his glasses with the inside of short sleeves he pulled out. However, the material of the school uniform’s short sleeves wasn’t suitable for cleaning glasses, and there were always water stains left on them.

Although the rain wasn’t heavy, it was enough to wet the two thick lenses. Yun Fang rubbed his eyes a bit uncomfortably and was pulled into the house by Yi Chenliang.

“You wipe it with a tissue.” Yi Chenliang took out a crumpled tissue from his pocket and handed it to him.

Yun Fang didn’t mind, squinted his eyes to take it, and wiped the water clean.

“How many degrees are your glasses?” Yi Chenliang suddenly asked.

“About four or five hundred degrees.” Yun Fang finally put on his glasses again, and the whole person breathed a sigh of relief.

Yi Chenliang reached out and pulled off the tissue stuck on the glasses’ leg, “What do you want to eat tonight?”

Yun Fang knew that there were no pots, bowls, spoons, and seasonings for cooking at home. He followed Yi Chenliang home purely on a whim. He looked down at his watch, “It’s just after five o’clock now, let’s rest for a while and go to the supermarket to buy food.”

“Okay.” Yi Chen Liang threw his school bag on the bed and took off his wet school uniform, “You also take off your clothes and dry them.”

Yun Fang naturally took it off and hung it on the rope in front of the window, skillfully as if he had returned to his own home. Fortunately, Yi Chenliang was broad-minded and didn’t notice at all. He lay on his back on the bed lazily.

Yun Fang took a small stool and sat on the edge of the bed, pinched the cool mat on the bed, and his gaze fell on the thin bed sheet, “Isn’t it cold to sleep at night?”

“It’s okay.” Yi Chen Liang stretched out a lazy waist, his eyes half-open and half-closed.

Yun Fang couldn’t stand it anymore, slapped his thigh, “Get up, go to the supermarket.”

“It’s still raining outside.” Yi Chenliang reluctantly turned over and turned his back to him, “Wait a while.”

“Go now.” Yun Fang half-kneeled on the bed and pulled him up. As a result, he used too much force, and the two almost bumped their noses directly.

The breath of the two people intertwined in an instant, and if they got a little closer, they could kiss directly.

Yi Chenliang stared at him for three seconds, suddenly retreated, “Hey, I f***!”

Every time Yun Fang saw him explode, he found it interesting and couldn’t help but tease him, “Who you f***?”

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