Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 1

Translated by Sylver

Chapter 1

In the evening, the sky was very dark, and there was a faint sound of thunder in the distance.

The man sat in the cafe, looking at the hurried pedestrians on the street through the glass, and took a sip of the coffee in front of him.

The girl at the front desk was wiping the coffee machine with a cloth while secretly scrutinizing this man.

He was wearing a gray woolen coat of an unrecognizable brand, and he wore an expensive watch on his wrist. She had occasionally seen that watch in a magazine. It looked good, and of course, the price was also beautiful. Several hundred thousand would be enough for her to pay the down payment for a single apartment.

But what attracted her most was not the watch, but the man’s face.

Mature and cold, with a distant temperament, but extremely attractive.

A thunder outside scared her, and she quickly withdrew her gaze.

The bell on the door rang as the door opened, and a tall beauty came in. The girl hurriedly greeted her, “Hello, customer—”

The beauty swept her gaze around and landed on the man. She smiled, “I’m looking for someone.”

The girl watched the beauty walk to the window and sit opposite the man. The two of them started talking in low voices.

It’s impolite to be too close to the guests, and she didn’t have the mood to listen to their conversation, so she went back to continue cleaning.

Before long, the two of them left together. It finally started to rain heavily outside, making this bleak autumn day even colder.

The next morning, the girl was startled by the police standing in front of the coffee shop.

“Girl, don’t be afraid, do you recognize the person in this photo?” The questioning policeman looked tired, and the dark circles under his eyes were so thick that they were a bit scary.

The man in the photo had a cold expression and terrifying eyes, but his appearance was almost the same as the man she remembered.

“Yesterday, yesterday he came to our shop for coffee.” The girl said, shivering from the cold wind, “What happened to him?”

“A major malicious murder case occurred last night, and this is one of the victims.” The police opened the door and signaled her to come in, “There are some questions that need your answers…”

The young girl seemed to be frightened, and somehow felt a bit regretful, “He, he’s dead?”

The policeman looked at her expression of reluctance and couldn’t help but say, “He’s not a good person—”

But it seemed that something was stopping him from continuing.

—— Yi Chenliang felt like he had a very long dream.

In the dream, it was bizarre and chaotic. The many people and things he encountered flashed by like a revolving lantern, but he could see them clearly. 

But then there were not many things that made people happy.

His life started from that dilapidated orphanage and ended on that stormy and desolate autumn day. Apart from dying suddenly, there was really nothing good to say.

He was so sleepy that he was dying, but he felt someone holding his wrist tightly, almost crushing his bones.

He finally got a little impatient, used a lot of strength to try to shake off the hand holding his wrist, but suddenly heard a cry of surprise. “Doctor! Doctor! He just moved! Doctor—”

“Tang Yi, calm down, he has already…”

There was chaos around his ears. Yi Chenliang found it annoying, and suddenly someone pressed heavily on his chest. He took a deep breath, like a person in the chaos of drowning suddenly being pulled ashore. He heard the regular beeping of the machine and the crying of a woman.

Can I sleep quietly? As soon as this thought rose, Yi Chenliang finally lost consciousness as he wished.

After an unknown period of time, Yi Chenliang felt that he had slept enough and slowly opened his eyes. A blur of white came into view.

“Yun Fang? Yun Fang, are you awake?” A somewhat hoarse male voice sounded.

Who is Yun Fang? Yi Chenliang slowly turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in his early forties with a stubble beard. 

Although he didn’t know what was wrong with his eyes and he couldn’t see people clearly, he was very sure that he didn’t know this strange man. Yi Chenliang became alert subconsciously.

“Yun Fang, I am your father, your father.” The middle-aged man looked at him carefully, his eyes red, “Don’t move, I’ll go call the doctor and your mother.”

Yi Chenliang frowned, but there was no strength in his body, and his head was still dizzy.

Tang Yi went to fetch water, and when she heard her husband calling her, she almost ran back, holding her son’s hand and started crying, “Sugar, are you trying to kill your mother!”

Yi Chenliang looked at the woman who was not much older than him with an expressionless face, wanting to pull his hand back. 

Wan Hui, that woman, suddenly turned against the water, put something in the wine he was drinking, and before he died, he heard Wan Hui “kindly” explain, he didn’t think he could still be saved now.

(t/n: turned against the water-treason, rebellion)

The doctor in a white coat checked him all over and instructed Tang Yi, “Don’t feed him anything within six hours, after six hours you can let him drink some porridge, he is too weak now, but a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy has a good body, there won’t be any big problems.”

“Thank you, thank you, doctor.” Tang Yi said while wiping her tears.

The bed companion in the same ward couldn’t help but comfort her when she saw her like this, “The child is blessed, don’t cry, the bigger the blessing, the bigger the life.”

Tang Yi’s husband, Yun Heyu, hugged her, “Don’t cry, what the big brother said is right, it’s good that the child is okay.”

Yi Chenliang was in a daze, he looked at the strange man and woman, heard them calling him Yun Fang, an unlikely guess gradually emerged in his mind. 

He struggled to raise his hand, saw a pale wrist and a thin palm, with a bit of immature feeling. It was obviously not his own hand.

“Yun Fang, where do you feel uncomfortable?” A warmer hand held his raised hand, and another hand carefully touched his forehead, “Tell Mom where you feel uncomfortable.”

Yi Chenliang instinctively wanted to resist. He looked at the strange woman in front of him. Although her appearance was a bit blurry, it didn’t prevent him from seeing the anxiety and worry on her face.

He had seen it many times before, but it had never happened to him, the worry of parents for their children.

But after all, he was not really a fourteen or fifteen-year-old child. His real age was not much different from the two people in front of him, and he didn't need this kind of love, so he forcibly closed his eyes with a strange feeling.

Listening to their conversation, he now seemed to have “reincarnated” into a fourteen or fifteen-year-old child named Yun Fang. This middle-aged couple, one named Tang Yi and the other named Yun Heyu, were Yun Fang’s parents.

In the following few days, from the conversations between Yun Fang’s parents and others, he gradually learned about some of the current situations. For example, Yun Heyu was a truck driver, Tang Yi runs a small clothing store, and Yun Fang had just been admitted to high school for a month, and his academic performance was pretty good.

“Where does the child go to high school?” The big brother in the next bed was a chatterbox and enjoyed talking with Father Yun.

“At Wu City No.1 High School.” Yun Heyu couldn’t help but be proud when he said this.

“Wow, Wu City No.1 High School is a provincial key school. My niece missed it by eight points. Your son is really promising. It won’t be a problem to get into a first-tier university in the future.” The big brother praised.

Yun Heyu laughed modestly, “My son is just good at studying.”

When Yun Fang heard the name of Wucheng No.1 High School, he was still a little confused. He remembered that Wu City No.1 High School had changed its name more than ten years ago. Why is it still called Wu City No.1 High School now?

“Sugar, sit up and drink some porridge. Mom has been simmering it all morning.” Tang Yi raised the sickbed to sit by the bed, with a heartache on her face, “You’ve lost weight these two days.” This “Yun Fang”'s nickname was Sugar. The first time Tang Yi called him that, Yi Chenliang got goosebumps all over.

Yun Heyu looked at his watch and stood up, “His glasses should be ready. I’ll go to the store to get them for him.”

“Go ahead, it must be uncomfortable not being able to see clearly these days.” Tang Yi reached out and rubbed Yi Chenliang’s hair, “Sugar, is your throat still uncomfortable?”

Yi Chenliang was forced to nod. 

Saying more, more mistakes would be made. He was afraid that as soon as he opened his mouth, they would find out that this Yun Fang was a fake.

When Yun Heyu came back with the glasses, Yi Chenliang put them on somewhat unskillfully, and the world instantly became incredibly clear. He had never been nearsighted in his previous life, and he didn’t know that not being able to see clearly was such a painful thing.

When he lowered his head to pick up the glasses case, he happened to see a small ticket casually placed inside by Father Yun. Looking at the date on it, he was stunned.

The yet-to-be-renamed Wu City No.1 High School, the obviously “outdated” machines and furnishings in the hospital that he saw clearly after putting on the glasses, and the year, month, and day clearly written on the small ticket - he not only woke up from a strange teenager’s body but also went back twenty years ago.

“Sugar? Yun Fang?” Tang Yi saw his face suddenly turn white and was startled.

Yi Chenliang came back to his senses, a cold sweat had already soaked his back. He naturally put the small ticket back into the glasses case and said, “I’m fine.”

Tang Yi let out a sigh of relief, her eyes red as she looked at him, “You finally are willing to talk to Mom.”

Yi Chenliang: “?”

Tang Yi held his hand and lowered her voice, saying with a sob, “It’s Dad’s and Mom’s fault, we shouldn’t have scolded you like that. In the future, no matter who you like, as long as you are safe and healthy, that’s good. Don’t ever do such a foolish thing again, you’re going to kill me and your dad!”

“Alright.” Yun Heyu’s eyes were also a bit red, “I spoke too harshly before. I just don’t understand what you kids are thinking. Dad and Mom are uneducated, but we’re not that kind of rigid and feudal people. It’s just that when you suddenly told us that, we really couldn’t accept it…I shouldn’t have scolded you.”

Yi Chenliang was confused.

Today, the big brother in the next bed was discharged from the hospital, and there was no one in the ward. Yun Heyu and Tang Yi suddenly came up with this, which really made Yi Chenliang confused.

It wasn’t until a week later when he was discharged from the hospital and returned home that he found the answer.

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