Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 19

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 19: Reconcile

Yi Chenliang was full of rage and wanted to hit someone, but Yun Fang pinched his wrist, “Children shouldn’t resort to violence so easily.”

Yi Chenliang glared at him with disappointment, but after all, he was in Yun Fang’s house and didn’t take action.

“Song Cun came to see me a few days ago, he seemed quite upset.” Sun Yuan became more unbridled, he seemed to have a unique talent for provoking, he worriedly said, “Cousin, when you were chasing Song Cun, you didn’t bring him home. What if Aunt and Uncle bump into him?”

“Are you done?” Yun Fang looked at him expressionlessly.

Sun Yuan was choked by his words, and for a moment, he couldn’t remember what he wanted to say.

“If you’re done, go out and close the door.” Yun Fang pressed Yi Chenliang back into his seat, “Continue working.”

Then he pulled over a stool and continued to do physics problems.

Sun Yuan stood in place, staring at them for a while, not knowing whether to continue provoking.

Yun Fang felt that he was in the way standing at the door, frowned and said, “Anything else?”

Sun Yuan’s face was almost as red as a pig’s liver, “You——”

“If there’s something, don’t say it, I don’t have time to listen.” Yun Fang lowered his head and marked an option, “Go out.”

Sun Yuan returned to his small bedroom in a huff, slamming the door so loudly it echoed.

Yi Chenliang’s anger had already subsided a lot when he saw the English questions. He stumbled through a reading passage, glanced at the calm Yun Fang, and said, “I think your cousin——”

“Hmm?” Yun Fang forgot a formula and was flipping through his physics book.

“Does he like Song Cun?” Yi Chenliang pondered seriously.

“How so?” Yun Fang found the formula and honestly wrote it down.

“Every three sentences he mentions Song Cun.” Yi Chenliang twirled his pen, “Is he jealous of you? He likes Song Cun, Song Cun likes you, but you rejected Song Cun before, did he come to avenge Song Cun?”

“…..” Yun Fang twitched the corner of his mouth, “You should watch less melodramatic TV shows when you’re free.”

“Your love life is really complicated.” Yi Chenliang lowered his head to look at the first question, feeling that it was more complicated than Yun Fang’s love life, so he turned his head to look at Yun Fang, “Or should I find a time to beat this grandson for you?”

“If you have this time, why don’t you do a good job on the test paper?” Yun Fang knocked on the table with his pen, “If you don’t finish this test paper, you don’t need to go home.”

Yi Chenliang could only continue to lower his head to do the questions.

The clock was ticking, and the sun outside gradually set.

Yi Chenliang finished the last math test paper, raised his head to look at the outside sky, “I have to go home.”

Yun Fang stood up and folded the test papers, “I’ll take you home.”

Yi Chenliang looked at him a little strangely, “Why are you sending me off?”

Yun Fang didn’t speak, just took a paper bag from the drawer to put Yi Chenliang’s test papers in, but as soon as he picked up the paper bag, he suddenly felt like there was something inside, he paused for a moment, and took out an envelope from inside.

Yun Fang pinched the envelope, the thing inside had a certain thickness, he didn’t immediately open it to see, but put the envelope into the physics book and threw it into the school bag, then put the test papers that Yi Chenliang had done all afternoon in, and handed the paper bag to him, “Let’s go.”

Yi Chenliang was not interested in other people’s affairs, although he was considered “familiar” with Yun Fang, but he was far from prying into privacy, he took the bag, and didn’t ask anything.

The two people were waiting for the bus under the station sign opposite the community.

“Li Kai is a person who is afraid of trouble.” Yun Fang had a headache after doing physics problems all afternoon, he pinched his brow hard, “You stay at home and don’t run around, he won’t really do anything to you.”

“I know.” Yi Chenliang pinched the paper bag, hesitating to speak.

“Wang Youwei is a fool, it’s not worth dealing with him.” Yun Fang pursed his lips, didn’t look at Yi Chenliang, as if he was warning Yi Chenliang, and as if he was saying to himself. “Don’t get yourself involved for such a person.”

It’s not worth it.

“I know.” Yi Chenliang pinched the paper bag hard, lowered his head and stared at the newly paved asphalt road, “Thank you.”

Yun Fang was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, “What are you thanking me for?”

“If it wasn’t for you suddenly appearing to stop me that day, I might really have stabbed Wang Youwei.” Yi Chenliang looked up at him, “If I killed someone, I would really go to the juvenile detention center.”

He didn’t dare to imagine what his life would become.

“Thank you for stopping me.” Yi Chenliang said somewhat difficultly, but still insisted on saying, “I haven’t made many friends, but I, I also quite like you.”

Yi Chenliang gradually became irritable under Yun Fang’s smiling eyes, “Damn! You don’t look at me like that! I’m talking about the kind of liking between friends!”

“Hmm, I know.” Yun Fang couldn’t help but ruffle his head, and said slowly. “I just want to be friends with you.”

Yi Chenliang breathed a sigh of relief imperceptibly, and slapped his hand away, “Dare to touch my head again, I’ll chop your hand off!”

Yun Fang was already powerless to explain to the little brat that he really didn’t like men, just in time for the bus to arrive late, he watched Yi Chenliang get on the bus, and strolled home along the curb.

Sun Yuan’s bedroom door was always closed, Yun Fang didn’t have the mood to deal with him. As an adult, he really didn’t like children, let alone children who played tricks, the only child he liked just took the bus home.

Taking advantage of this time, he brushed another chemistry test paper, checked the answers, and fell into thought looking at the bright red crosses all over the test paper.

This was undoubtedly a major blow for a high school student whose soul was about to step into middle age.

Yun Fang stared at the chemistry test paper for a while, and from the corner of his eye, he saw the envelope sandwiched in the physics book, and he pulled it out.

The envelope was very ordinary, the kind that could be bought in a stack from a roadside convenience store for ten yuan. He poured out the contents of the envelope, and several photos and a folded piece of letter paper scattered on the chemistry test paper.

The protagonist of the photos was all Song Cun.

One was Song Cun wearing a school uniform and giving a thumbs-up to the camera, smiling brilliantly. One was Song Cun lowering his head to write, with stacks of books and half a window forming his background, the side face of the teenager was dyed with a faint golden halo in the sunlight. There was also one taken from the back, he jumped up to reach the balloon on the tree branch, the shutter was pressed the moment he jumped up, and the bright red balloon was dazzling.

The dates were written on the back of the photos, from the first year of junior high to the third year, covering Yun Fang’s entire junior high school period.

Yun Fang stared at these photos for a while, and then unfolded the thin piece of letter paper.

The letter paper was blank.

Except for the drop of black ink at the beginning of the letter paper, the imprint left by the pen tip on the white letter paper.

Yun Fang took out the group photo that was previously sandwiched in the physics book, put all four photos into the envelope, and carefully folded the blank letter paper, put it in with the previous suicide note, and locked them in the drawer.

On Monday, Yun Fang saw the protagonist of the photo downstairs.

Song Cun was standing at the entrance of the community with his school bag on his back, and waved at him, “Yun Fang!”

Yun Fang walked past him without looking sideways, Song Cun’s smile on his face was almost exactly the same as in the photo, “Let’s go to school together as we did before.”

Yun Fang didn’t show much expression, “How long ago are you talking about?”

After all, since he woke up in Yun Fang’s body, he had never seen Song Cun want to go to school with him.

Song Cun’s smile stiffened for a moment, “Yun Fang, are you still angry with me?”

Yun Fang did not answer.

“If you still care about that thing, Yun Fang, I was really confused at the time, I swear!” Song Cun raised his hand, looking at him earnestly, “I really didn’t mean that, it was just because there were so many people at the time that I said that…Yun Fang, don’t be like this anymore.”

Yun Fang stopped, facing Song Cun’s somewhat dodging eyes, “What happened at that time? Tell me.”

Song Cun hesitated to speak, but instead seemed to be in a hurry to pull Yun Fang’s hand, “Don’t give me the cold shoulder anymore, Sun Yuan said you brought Yi Chenliang from Class 10 home, I heard that he almost killed someone when he was in junior high school, don’t let that kind of person lead you astray.”

Yun Fang avoided his hand, a little impatient, “You first say why I ignore you, then talk to me about Yi Chenliang’s affairs.”

“I…” Song Cun hesitated for a few seconds with a look of hesitation, gritted his teeth, “Yes! I know you’re angry! I shouldn’t have called you disgusting and perverted in front of so many classmates on graduation day, saying you’re dead gay, if you’re still angry, just curse back! It doesn’t matter if you hit me or scold me, but can you stop being so cold to me?”

Yun Fang understood.

He pointed to himself and asked Song Cun, “So do you like Yun Fang?”

Song Cun was excited, and didn’t notice his strange wording at all, gritted his teeth and nodded, his face flushed, “I like you, just, just found out later…”

“Didn’t realize you liked him, so you can call him disgusting, call him perverted?” Yun Fang asked.

Song Cun shook his head with red eyes, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s too late.” Yun Fang suddenly felt that the teenager in front of him was a bit pitiful.

The real Yun Fang was long dead, he was destined not to hear this belated apology, and Song Cun didn’t even know what he had lost.

“You’re not worthy of Yun Fang’s liking.” He sighed, finally knowing why there was not a single word on that piece of letter paper.

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