Just in Time Chapter 17

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 17: Embarrass

“Slow down, don’t choke.” Yun Fang put down the napkin and leaned back on the chair.

“Who told you?” Yi Chenliang suppressed the shock in his heart, his eyebrows tightly knitted.

“My cousin threatened me to do false accounts for Li Kai, I accidentally heard it.” Yun Fang was very calm, “Li Kai was also there when we had roast duck before.”

Yi Chenliang’s eyebrows tightened even more, “Li Kai is not a good person, you stay away from him. And that cousin of yours—”

Yi Chenliang was very puzzled, “What did he threaten you with?”

“He said if I didn’t agree, he would tell my parents that I like men.” Yun Fang thought for a moment and added, “And he would spread it around the school so that everyone knows, making me lose my reputation.”

“Damn!” Yi Chenliang stood up abruptly, “Where is this idiot?”

Yun Fang looked innocent as he propped his cheek, “Are you going to teach him a lesson for me?”

Yi Chenliang glared at him with disappointment, “Where did all your cunning go? Just let him threaten you like this!?”

Yun Fang lowered his eyes and sighed deeply, “What can I do?”

“Beat him until he shuts up!” Yi Chenliang was obviously furious, and several people turned their heads to look at him.

Yun Fang grabbed his wrist and pulled the angry man out of the noodle shop, cheerfully saying, “Don’t always shout about fighting and killing, you might as well think about what to do tonight.”

Yi Chenliang was still angry but hadn’t forgotten to put on his mask, “What else to do, of course, hide and not be found.”

Yun Fang turned his head and pretended to be surprised, “I thought you were going to go back and fight them.”

“I’m not stupid, so many people are beating me, and I’m still rushing to die.” Yi Chenliang looked at Yun Fang with eyes looking at a fool.

Seeing that the kid hadn’t been stupid enough to rush to get beaten, Yun Fang was somewhat relieved, “You’re not completely stupid.”

“You’re the stupid one!” Yi Chenliang saw him pulling himself forward all the time and asked with a frown, “What’s the name of your damn cousin? A student at No.1 High School?”

Yun Fang didn’t want him to get involved in this matter, but seeing him so concerned made him feel good, so he couldn’t help but tease him. He turned his head and raised an eyebrow at him, “So what title are you going to use to teach him a lesson? Yun Fang’s boyfriend?”

“You—” Yi Chenliang was about to retort when he was interrupted by a surprised female voice.


Yun Fang paused, looking somewhat stiffly at Tang Yi at the shop entrance by the road.

When Yun Fang stopped, Yi Chenliang also stopped with him. Following Yun Fang’s gaze, he saw a woman standing in front of the clothing store by the roadside, who looked somewhat familiar.

Tang Yi’s gaze swept over Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang, finally stopping on Yun Fang’s hand that was holding onto Yi Chenliang’s wrist. Her expression was complicated, like shock and understanding, “This is your—”

“Mom!” Yun Fang’s shock was no less than hers, “What are you doing here?”

Yi Chenliang was shocked by this “Mom”, and the whole person was stunned. No wonder she looked familiar, Yun Fang and her eyebrows looked very similar.

Tang Yi just stared at him straight, Yi Chenliang was instantly nervous, and belatedly remembered to greet her, “Hello, Auntie.”

“Ah, hello, hello.” Tang Yi looked somewhat dazed, then turned to look at Yun Fang, “You child, my shop is right here.”

Yun Fang looked at the completely unfamiliar clothing store: “…..” 

He was careless.

“It’s so hot outside, you and your male…classmate come in and cool off.” The mother who originally wanted to come out for a breath of fresh air accidentally bumped into a big scene and forced herself to quickly accept reality, “Come in quickly.”

Yi Chenliang was thus “enthusiastically” invited into the store by Tang Yi.

Tang Yi’s shop was not too big, there was a double sofa for customers to rest their feet in front of the cash register, and a small glass coffee table in front of it, with two apples on it.

“Here, have an apple.” Tang Yi handed Yi Chenliang an apple with a smile, “Sit down quickly.”

Yi Chenliang took the apple and sat on the sofa awkwardly, thanking her somewhat unskillfully, “Thank you, Auntie.”

“You’re welcome.” Seeing him so formal, Tang Yi was not so nervous herself, she took a small stool and sat in front of him, “Did you and Yun Fang come out for a stroll? Have you had lunch?”

“Ah, yes, we’ve eaten.” Yi Chenliang felt that the apple in his hand was a bit hot, and turned to look at Yun Fang for help.

Yun Fang was only shocked at the beginning, but now he was sitting on the sofa fanning himself very calmly. Seeing him looking at himself, he cleared his throat, feeling it was necessary to clarify, “Mom, he is my deskmate, we are ordinary classmates.”

Tang Yi’s gaze didn’t rest on him at all, and when she heard him say this, she just nodded perfunctorily, but asked Yi Chenliang very seriously, “What’s the name of this little classmate?”

Yi Chenliang, under her gaze, involuntarily straightened his back, smiled awkwardly, and even stuttered because of nervousness, “A-Auntie, my name is Yi Chenliang.”

“Well then, I’ll call you Xiao Liang.” Tang Yi smiled kindly at him, “Sugar has been quiet and not talkative since he was a child, and this is the first time I’ve seen him go out with someone.”

Yi Chenliang nodded, holding the apple.

“Why are you still wearing a mask in such hot weather? Take it off quickly and eat the apple.” Tang Yi said to him with a smile.

“He’s been having a cold recently.” Yun Fang took the apple from his hand, “He also accidentally scraped his arm, Mom, I’ll take him home first.”

Saying that, he pulled up Yi Chenliang, who cooperated by coughing twice, “Sorry, Auntie.”

“Ah, it’s okay, hurry back and rest well. Yun Fang, too, it’s so hot and you’re taking him out.” Tang Yi also stood up, “Don’t spoil him so much.”

Yi Chenliang felt that something was strange about this sentence, but before he could think more about it, he followed Yun Fang and fled from the clothing store.

After blending into the crowd, Yi Chenliang let out a heavy sigh of relief, which made Yun Fang laugh, “Why are you so afraid of her?”

“I’m not afraid of her.” Yi Chenliang paused, “I’m just afraid your mom will misunderstand.”

Seeing him sweating profusely, Yun Fang’s eyes flashed with amusement, “Let her misunderstand then.” 

Judging from Tang Yi’s expression, she had already misunderstood.

“That won’t do.” Yi Chenliang frowned, “If your mom knows you’re hanging out with someone like me who doesn’t study well, she’ll definitely scold you when you get home.”

“Hanging out with you…?” Yun Fang was obviously stunned.

“Hanging out with someone like me who doesn’t study well will lead you astray.” Yi Chenliang pointed to the gauze on his arm, lowered his eyes and said, “Bad boy.”

So he had been nervous about this all along. 

Yun Fang couldn’t help but laugh, “I think you’re quite good, you were standing up for me just now.”

Yi Chenliang suddenly looked up at him, “What did you say?”

“I said you’re quite good, you were standing up for me just now.” Yun Fang repeated accurately.

Then he saw Yi Chenliang’s ears turn visibly red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yun Fang unconsciously licked his lips and slowly said, “Are you…embarrassed?”

Yi Chenliang’s gaze gradually became fierce, but his voice was very firm, “You’re talking nonsense.”

Seeing him turn around and walk away, Yun Fang quickly caught up.

“Why are you getting angry out of embarrassment?”



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Just in Time Chapter 18


Just in Time Chapter 16