Just in Time Chapter 15

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 15: Applying Medicine

Yi Chenliang was choked by his righteous tone.

“Did you skip class yesterday to block Wang Youwei?” Yun Fang asked him directly.

“No.” Yi Chenliang lied without changing his face, “I took a leave because my stomach was uncomfortable.”

Yun Fang almost laughed in anger, reached out to pull off his mask, Yi Chenliang raised his arm to block, but was caught by the forearm and twisted it directly behind him.

Yun Fang’s buckle just pressed on the knife wound of his forearm, and his face turned pale with pain, but he didn’t make a sound, and still tried to move his legs with Yun Fang.

Yun Fang subconsciously wanted to kick someone, but for some reason he was a little reluctant, and as a result, he was kicked solidly on the leg by Yi Chenliang, causing him to growl, “Yi Chenliang!”

Yi Chenliang had long been provoked by his violent style of fighting as soon as he disagreed, and he was not willing to show weakness when he heard the words, and stared at him fiercely.

Yun Fang looked at him with a headache. He was used to solving problems with violence in his early years. Later, when he got older, he gradually learned to calm down and use his brain. But for some reason, once he encountered Yi Chenliang’s affairs, he could always be beaten back to his original form.

Always want to beat this little bastard fiercely.

“Let me see your face.” Yun Fang slowed down his voice, thought about it, and added a sentence without much heart. “Okay?”

Unexpectedly, the effect was surprisingly good. Yi Chenliang suddenly became like a puffer fish that had leaked air, and his momentum went down more than half, and he turned his head huffily and snorted coldly.

Dare to “hmph” him!

Yun Fang took off his mask in one hand, and as expected, he saw a large blue area on his face, and the wound at the corner of his mouth had scabbed, which was a bit scary.

“If you have the ability to fight with others, you have to have the ability to not get hurt.” Yun Fang was about to let go of him, but suddenly saw him frown, and suddenly felt that the forearm clasped by his hand felt wrong.

He lowered his head and noticed that Yi Chenliang was wearing long sleeves in the hot weather, and quickly let go of his hand. There was blood on the sleeve and on his palm.

Yun Fang’s face turned dark instantly.

For some inexplicable reason, Yi Chenliang felt particularly guilty when facing Yun Fang, this guilt was inexplicably strong.

But as a rebellious teenager who insisted on his own way, he forcibly ignored this strange feeling and said in an indifferent tone. “Have seen it, I’m going back to work.”

“Yi Chenliang.” Yun Fang grabbed his wrist, he felt the other party’s subtle tremor due to pain, he looked up at the other party’s deliberately dodging eyes.

Yun Fang was very angry just now, angry that he skipped class and went to fight with Wang Youwei, angry that he came out to work before his injuries were healed, until he heard Yi Chenliang’s familiar indifferent tone, he suddenly remembered something.

What can Yi Chenliang do?

What does he want Yi Chenliang to do?

Yi Chenliang was not the Yi Chenliang twenty years later. He could handle these things with ease twenty years later, but now Yi Chenliang had a hard time even making enough tuition and living expenses for the next semester.

“Does it hurt?” Yun Fang asked him very seriously.

The indifference that Yi Chenliang had just forcibly propped up disappeared in an instant, he was a bit at a loss, and a bit puzzled, and finally shook his head.

“Go back and wrap it up first.” Yun Fang grabbed his wrist and took the person out without saying a word, “Go and ask your boss for a leave.”

Yi Chenliang hated people who were domineering and unreasonable, because he was such a person, but when this person became Yun Fang, it gave him a strange and indescribable sense of security.

How could such a strange person appear?

Yi Chenliang couldn’t understand, he, in a muddle state, was taken by Yun Fang to ask his boss for leave, and was taken back to his small courtyard by Yun Fang.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, Yun Fang was frowning and applying medicine to the knife wound on his arm, the serious look on his face would make people think that the wound was on him if they didn’t know.

Yi Chenliang was bored and kept staring at him, staring at him and suddenly found that this guy looked quite pleasing to the eye, with long eyelashes, a straight nose, and a good-looking mouth, but his skin was too white, and he looked cold when he didn’t smile.

It’s the kind of cold handsome.

Yi Chenliang was not good at writing, and the adjectives he could use were limited, but it did not prevent him from making objective evaluations of people who look pleasing to the eye.

Yun Fang finished disinfecting his wound and applied the medicine, lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, “Why are you staring at me all the time?”

“Ask you a question.” Yi Chenliang hugged his injured arm and asked in a very puzzled way. “Why do you like men?”

He asked very sincerely and without any distractions, but it still didn’t prevent Yun Fang from wanting to hammer him to death. If anyone else was here, they would definitely add another knife to his arm.

Yun Fang raised his eyebrows, “Want to know?”

Yi Chenliang touched his nose, seeing his expression was not good, he quickly said, “I’m not discriminating, just a little curious.”

Teenagers were curious about everything. Yun Fang silently persuaded himself, at least he didn’t smash it down with a fist, he was already stupid, and if he was beaten again, he didn’t know what he would become.

“Because it looks good.” Yun Fang casually made up a lie, and said perfunctorily. “When you think a man looks good, then you fall in love with him.”

Yi Chenliang, who had just been commenting on Yun Fang’s good looks: “!?”

Yun Fang saw his eyes dodge, and sincerely teased him, “What, you don’t think I look good, do you?”

“No!” Yi Chenliang, who was already flustered, became even more flustered, and said categorically, “Absolutely not!”

Yun Fang laughed maliciously, and Yi Chenliang quickly realized that he had been played, and angrily said, “The hearts of you good students are all dirty! I even think I look good! Could it be that I fell in love with myself!”

“That’s at most called narcissism.” Yun Fang mercilessly mocked him.

He packed up the medicine box and put it under the bed, and then heard Yi Chenliang’s stomach growl, “Hungry?”

“Not hungry!” Yi Chenliang was very upset every time he was played, and he was even more upset that he was always led by the nose by Yun Fang.

“Then go eat lamb skewers.” Yun Fang pulled a white short-sleeved shirt from the bed and handed it to him.

Yi Chenliang was still wearing the uniform of the roast duck shop, with a round yellow duck head grinning, and there was a red shop name underneath, looking silly and cute.

Yi Chenliang pulled over the short sleeves and was about to undress. Reaching halfway through, he realized Yun Fang was still standing by the bed. He turned his head and looked at him suspiciously.

“What, are you still afraid that I will have lustful intentions and ruin you?” Yun Fang laughed uncontrollably, “With your lame little sick cat, no one will come to save you even if you shout your throat hoarse.”

Yun Fang couldn’t help but tease him every time, and every time Yi Chenliang would explode, which made him very self-satisfied.

Yi Chenliang muttered unconvinced. “It’s unknown who will ruin who yet.”

Unfortunately, Yun Fang was busy laughing and didn’t hear such a rebellious remark at all.


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Just in Time Chapter 16


Just in Time Chapter 14