Just in Time Chapter 13

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 13: Doing Exercises

“I’m praising you,” Yun Fang said with a leisurely smile, “a little master who is brave enough to do what is right.”

Yi Chenliang kicked his stool, “Move, let me in.”

Yi Chenliang’s seat was at the back by the window, and Yun Fang was sitting next to him, leaning against the wall and smiling at him, looking in a good mood.

“Aren’t you going to play ball?” Yun Fang asked him.

Yi Chenliang liked to play ball with his classmates during the big break. Yun Fang had never had such a long high school life before and didn’t know he had this hobby, so he was very interested.

“It’s too sunny.” Yi Chenliang frowned, seeing that Yun Fang had no intention of moving, he took a big step and stepped in.

The school uniform, mixed with the faint scent of laundry detergent, brushed past Yun Fang’s nose. He touched his nose a little uncomfortably, “What brand of laundry detergent do you use?”

“Diao.” Yi Chenliang sniffed his school uniform and didn’t think the smell was strong.

“Why are you still swearing?” Yun Fang teased him with a smile, “The little flowers of the motherland can’t hear these.”

“Diao brand laundry detergent!” Yi Chenliang glared at him, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, “Is your flower yellow?”

This sentence somehow hit Yun Fang’s strange laugh point, and he was still laughing when class started.

Yi Chenliang wanted to throw this person out of the window, but remembering his previous care for him, although it was quite inexplicable, he was still grateful.

I really am a good person who knows how to repay kindness. Yi Chenliang sighed with emotion.

This math class was changed to free study because the teacher had something to do temporarily. Yun Fang was stuck on a fill-in-the-blank question.

He was trying to find the monotonically decreasing interval of a log function. He calculated it two or three times without getting a result. He happened to see Yi Chenliang also doing this question, so he nudged his arm, “What did you get for question 15?”

At this time, Yi Chenliang was calculating the answer on the draft paper in a relaxed manner. Hearing this, he said decisively, “8.”

Yun Fang looked at his answer in confusion, “Isn’t this question asking for an interval?”

Yi Chenliang was stunned, and said stubbornly, “Can’t I not have finished calculating?”

“Sure.” Yun Fang held back his laughter, kindly not telling him that he was looking for a negative interval.

Yi Chenliang began to bury his head in hard calculations, and Yun Fang calculated it again, found a small mistake from the last time, and got the correct answer.

When he got to the first big question, he glanced at Yi Chenliang who was still struggling with that question, and couldn’t help but lightly tap the table with his pen.

Yi Chenliang turned his head and stared at him unhappily.

“The person sitting next to you wants to explain a question to you.” Yun Fang said in a low voice.

In the end, Yi Chenliang couldn’t resist the temptation of the answer, bent and stretched, and handed over his draft paper.

Yi Chenliang thought that a top student like Yun Fang would definitely solve the problem in three steps, and he might not understand it with his own level, so he could only ponder slowly. As a result, Yun Fang wrote half a page of draft paper, even the basic formulas were written on it, and Yi Chenliang understood it completely after listening to it once.

“So in the end it’s (-2πe, -1].” Yun Fang put away his pen, “Can you understand?”

His level was limited, and he was afraid that he would not be able to explain clearly.

“It’s like I did it myself.” Yi Chenliang nodded, sincerely praised him, “Awesome.”

Yun Fang nodded without changing his face, “Continue to do the questions.”

Then he quietly hooked up the corner of his mouth.

Yun Fang spent the day in a good mood, until he went home and found a stranger in his house.

The teenager sitting on the sofa watching TV has very white skin, a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, slightly long bangs, and was holding the dog head pillow to watch TV.

As soon as Sun Yuan saw Yun Fang coming in, he stood up and greeted him with a smile, “Brother, you are back.”

Yun Fang nodded, “Sit.”

Sun Yuan sat on the sofa with his pillow, and found a topic when there was nothing to say, “Second Aunt is cooking in the kitchen.”

Yun Fang was very strange to him, and he couldn’t figure out the relationship between this pair of cousins for a while, so he simply went into the bedroom to put his school bag.

As soon as he put his homework on the table, Sun Yuan’s exclamation came from behind, “Wow, does No. 1 High School have so much homework?”

Yun Fang frowned, he didn’t like others entering his room without knocking, even if it was Tang Yi and Yun Heyu, they would knock on the door in advance.

“It’s okay.”

Yun Fang’s voice sounded a bit cold, but Sun Yuan seemed to have no perception at all, opened the bookcase next to him and started flipping through it, “Brother, the books you read are still so mixed, Song Cun was laughing at your little book bag at that time.”

Yun Fang didn’t like this kid a bit, he took out a pen from his pencil case, “Get out, I’m going to do my homework.”

“Hey brother, don’t be angry.” Sun Yuan closed the bookcase door and leaned on it, smiling, “You also know that guy Song Cun, speaking without any restraint.”

Yun Fang ran out of patience and his face cooled down, “Speak straight.”

Sun Yuan was choked by him, the smile on his face was a bit meaningful, “Brother, do you still like men now?”

Yun Fang didn’t expect Sun Yuan to know about this, and began to re-examine this “cousin”.

But Sun Yuan took his silence as guilty, and smiled with his eyes bent, “Don’t worry, although I feel it’s disgusting for a man to be with a man, I will definitely not tell Second Aunt that you are a pervert, let alone tell my classmates.”

This threat seemed quite low-level to Yun Fang, but he wanted to know why Sun Yuan was doing this, so he frowned and followed his words, “Really?”

Sun Yuan crossed his arms, his eyes full of triumph, “Of course, as long as you do me a small favor.”

“What favor?” Yun Fang asked.

In his mind, he quickly flashed through crimes such as kidnapping, killing a hostage, murder, arson, poisoning, and corpse throwing that started in three years. He heard Sun Yuan say, “You’re so good at math, you should be able to do false accounting, right?”

Yun Fang was really stunned, “False accounting?”

“My friend’s shop.” Sun Yuan felt that he had completely grasped Yun Fang, his eyes were full of triumph, “My friend is a person who does big deals, if you can help, you will definitely benefit.”

Yun Fang hadn’t received such a peculiar threat for a long time, he wanted to see who Sun Yuan was mixing with, so he nodded.

“I’ll take you there this Saturday.” Sun Yuan lifted his chin, “You continue to do your homework.”

Yun Fang looked at his stupid appearance and suddenly felt that Yi Chenliang could be considered a little cute.

Not only would he listen carefully to his explanations, but he would also praise him for being awesome.

Yi Chenliang, who was energetically pulling up someone’s collar and beating him, suddenly sneezed and sprayed the other person’s face.

The person who was beaten up, with a swollen and bruised face, was still angrily cursing. "You son of a b**** of crap! F*** your mother!"

Yi Chenliang kicked him in the stomach, and the other person curled up on the ground in pain, howling.

Yi Chenliang squatted on the ground, grabbed his hair, and stared at him fiercely, “If I catch you again, I will kill you.”

The man opened his mouth, and in the next second a cold light flashed, heading straight for Yi Chenliang’s eyes.

Yi Chenliang raised his arm to block, a burst of severe pain came from his arm, but he didn’t have time to care, he grabbed the other person’s wrist and squeezed hard, the small knife the other person was holding fell to the ground.

He grabbed the other person’s hair and slammed it hard on the ground, causing the other person to completely lose the ability to resist, then he reached out and picked up the knife on the ground.

The person lying on the ground saw him pick up the knife, and his voice visibly panicked, “It was Wang Youwei who sent me!”


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Just in Time Chapter 14


Just in Time Chapter 12