Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 121

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 121

Extra 11-Thirty-Five (2)

Qi Huo's heart stopped once on the operating table, but at the critical moment, Yun Fang pulled him back from the brink of death.

Yun Fang's hand holding the scalpel remained steady.

In his previous life, he had killed many people. In this life, he had saved many.

Qi Huo was the only one he had tried to save but failed in his previous life.

Wang Youwei's seemingly fated death back then was a lingering shadow in his heart. Even though Ge San and Ah Si were in prison, and many things had changed drastically, that shadow still wouldn't dissipate.

He feared that other things could change, but death was an unchangeable point.

Just like Qi Huo now hanging by a thread, potentially ending up with the same fate as in the previous life.

And he was the only one who could try to make a change.

He had to snatch Qi Huo back from death's grasp.

"Qi Huo, you can't die," he said to the unconscious person on the operating table. "Chang Ziqi is still waiting for you."

"If you feel like you can't hold on anymore, think of Chang Ziqi."

Yun Fang didn't know if Qi Huo could hear him, but at a time like this, he still had to tell Qi Huo.

The image of Qi Huo rushing into the cave without hesitation in his previous life and Chang Ziqi's devastated look alternated in his mind, until he finally pushed them all to the back of his head.

This life wouldn't be the same as the previous one.

The surgery ended at noon the next day.

The people inside had worked for a day and a night, and those outside had also endured a day and a night of anxiety.

Qi Huo was wheeled out lying on the bed. His breathing was weak but very steady, with a thin layer of mist forming on the oxygen mask covering his face.

A group of people rushed over, calling out "Captain Qi" and "Brother Qi", with Xu Chao/ Xu Xiaobao, crying the most miserably.

Yun Fang took off his mask and said to Chang Ziqi, who obviously hadn't recovered yet, "Don't worry, he's out of danger now."

The usually unflappable man's eyes reddened. "Thank you."

Yun Fang smiled, "Don't mention it. I just didn't want to get punched by you again."

Chang Ziqi didn't notice anything odd about what he said, his heart completely focused on Qi Huo.

The high-intensity surgery that lasted a day and a night left Yun Fang exhausted. He leaned against the wall to rest, wishing he could close his eyes and sleep right away. Suddenly, a young police officer ran up to him.

The young officer's face was dirty, his voice still choked with tears. "Dr. Yun, thank you! Thank you for saving Captain Qi!"

Yun Fang was so tired he was barely conscious, but this scene seemed familiar, even the young officer's appearance was seven or eight parts similar.

–That young officer who ran over to hit him, crying and shouting: "You trash! It must be you who killed our Captain Qi!"

"Why did only you run out? Why wasn't it you who died!"

At that time, he had said: "Perhaps bad people always live a bit longer."

"You will surely die a terrible death!" the enraged young officer had roared.

"I'll take that as a blessing," he had laughed –

So it was that sharp-tongued, hot-tempered young officer.

"Oh, it's you." After all these years of watching Xu Chao grow up, Yun Fang had never connected these two people.

"Brother Yun, wuwuwu..." Xu Xiaobao had always been a bit afraid of him, but now his Brother Yun was glowing in his eyes. He cried, "Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. Brother Yun, you'll surely live to a hundred!"

Yun Fang was stunned, then laughed. "I'll take that as a blessing."


Qi Huo's life force was incredibly tenacious. Three months later, he was up and about, discharged from the hospital.

Chang Ziqi personally brought him home, preparing varied meals for him three times a day, and preventing him from going back to work.

Qi Huo was quite frustrated. He was still concerned about that case and indirectly asked Chang Ziqi, "Isn't your company busy? I saw your secretary called you several times. Surely there are many things that can't be resolved through video conferences, right?"

Chang Ziqi, wearing loose home clothes, skillfully chopped vegetables in the kitchen. Without turning his head, he replied, "If the company can't function without me there, then we might as well disband. It would be doomed sooner or later anyway."

Qi Huo almost spat out his water, looking at him in surprise as if he didn't know him. "Have you fallen out of love with it? This is the company you worked so hard to establish."

"You're more important than the company," Chang Ziqi said without turning around. "Making so much money is useless anyway."

In fact, with just the company and shares left by his grandfather, plus the dividends from Chang Nian and Chu Dong's company, he had more money than he could spend in a lifetime. Moreover, now that his own company was on track, he didn't need to work as desperately as before.

He decided to accompany Qi Huo properly, making up for all the time they had missed over the years - although Qi Huo seriously pointed out that except for work hours, they were actually stuck together most of the time, and after being married for so many years, there was no need to be so solemn about it.

"You can go back to work after you've fully recovered," Chang Ziqi said, covering the pot lid and walking out of the kitchen. "Otherwise, everything is off the table."

Qi Huo sat on the sofa, grinning at him. "Hey, you look like you've seen through the world. Don't worry, I'm blessed with good fortune, I won't die."

Chang Ziqi looked down at him. "Qi Huo, next time before you risk your life, think of me."

"Think about how I would live on if you really died."

The smile on Qi Huo's face immediately froze.

"Don't talk about the future anymore."

"I want the present, where we can still be together, where you're still alive and well."

Qi Huo saw his reddened eyes and pulled him into an embrace.

"I'm sorry," he kissed Chang Ziqi's lips, feeling incredibly distressed. "I will definitely live well."

"Even when we're old, I'll absolutely die after you."

"I'll always be with you."


For some reason, the autumn this year was particularly rainy.

When Yi Chenliang wasn't on business trips, he worked nine to five, with weekends off. He was much more relaxed than Yun Fang and Qi Huo. He rarely worked overtime, often arrived late and left early, spent time at home reading books or gardening, or went to Tang Yi and Yun Heyu's place for meals. His life was incredibly comfortable.

Yun Fang, who often rushed to the hospital for overtime and had night shifts every week, was envious. Qi Huo, who worked overtime on big cases and ran around streets and alleys, was envious. Chang Ziqi, who was begged by his subordinates to return and take charge, was even more envious.

Although Yi Chenliang earned the least among them, he was the most relaxed and carefree.

Yi Chenliang said about this, how can doing what you love be called work? It's researching your interests and hobbies while earning some money. Plus, he was lucky to have a government job, ha.

He also annoyingly asked Yun Fang if he remembered the wish he made by the lake at the No. 1 High School years ago. Where was his dream bookstore? He said he would fulfill Yun Fang's retirement life of gardening and farming for him.

Then he was thoroughly punished by Yun Fang, who was exhausted from working at the hospital, for his loose mouth.

This day was a Saturday. In the evening, the sky was dark, with distant thunder rumbling.

Yun Fang was miserably working overtime at the hospital. Yi Chenliang, feeling bored at home, drove to Zhao Fang's coffee shop to discuss his investment with Sister Zhao. But in a moment of distraction, a large bus rushed out from the intersection, heading straight towards him.

Yi Chenliang's pupils constricted sharply as he violently turned the steering wheel, using perhaps the fastest reaction speed of his life. The screeching sound of tires against the road was particularly sharp.

The car he was driving had been recently modified by Yun Fang on a whim, with various cool equipment. He hadn't even had enough time to fully appreciate it, and now it had already encountered an accident.

It had cost him a lot of money from his personal savings, Yi Chenliang thought as he lost consciousness.

"I went to the scene. You lucky bastard," Qi Huo sat by the hospital bed, crunching on an apple, while Chang Ziqi sat beside him, peeling another. "If Yun Fang hadn't modified that car so impressively for you, or if your reaction had been even a bit slower, you'd have been smashed to pieces by that big truck for sure."

"Cough," Chang Ziqi nudged him. "Watch your language."

"Damn, I'm just too shocked. Watching the surveillance footage was like watching a movie. My brother Liangliang's driving skills were insane. In just 0.1 seconds, he swerved and hit the lamppost beside him. That big truck just grazed his car door as it rushed past!"

Qi Huo said, "That driver was fatigued and drunk driving, plus attempting to flee the scene. He's likely to get a heavy sentence."

Chang Ziqi handed the peeled apple to him and asked Yi Chenliang, "Where's Yun Fang?"

"He just left before you two came. He went to do his rounds," Yi Chenliang said.

"Hey, what's up with us brothers? We've been taking turns going to the hospital this year," Qi Huo scratched his head. "One of these days, we should go to a temple and pray. This is really bizarre."

Yi Chenliang only had a mild concussion and a scratch on his face, nothing too serious. But a brush with death was still unsettling. He nodded solemnly, "Okay."

Chang Ziqi looked at the two of them speechlessly, "You two, be mindful of your public image."

Qi Huo teasingly winked at him, "Yes, dear."

Chang Ziqi: "...Just eat your apple."

They didn't stay in the hospital room for long. Qi Huo had to return to the bureau. After saying goodbye to Yi Chenliang, Chang Ziqi drove him back to the city bureau.

"Next week is our wedding anniversary, honey," Qi Huo said, his hands wandering not so innocently on Chang Ziqi's thigh as he sat in the passenger seat.

Chang Ziqi drove impassively, "Did your annual leave get approved?"

"Of course! If Wang Lianhua hadn't approved it, I'd have shown up at his door with a gun!" Qi Huo's expression soured at the mention of Wang Lianhua. "Even if he's the deputy director now, I'd still dare to beat him up!"

Chang Ziqi was at a loss for words about this master-apprentice pair. The last time Qi Huo was in the emergency room, Wang Lianhua had rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night, anxiously waiting outside and chain-smoking. As soon as he heard Qi Huo was out of danger, he left with a cold snort, not even waiting for Qi Huo to wake up.

They clearly cared about each other - Qi Huo never missed sending gifts for holidays and special occasions - yet they always argued when they met. Perhaps this was just their peculiar way of getting along.

"Then let's go to Sanya," Chang Ziqi had already arranged everything at the company. "We've never managed to go before. This time, let's really relax."

Qi Huo's ears might or might not have heard, but his hands were certainly not behaving. By the time he got out of the car, Chang Ziqi's originally crisp and neat dress pants had been thoroughly messed up.

Chang Ziqi coughed uncomfortably, deciding to go home and change clothes before returning to the company.


Yi Chenliang stayed in the hospital for a few days before being discharged.

Yun Fang specifically took time off to stay at home with him.

Yi Chenliang was still upset about the newly modified car. Yun Fang scolded him, "You should be thankful you're alright. Why are you still thinking about the car?"

Yi Chenliang snuggled in his arms and kissed his chin, "Isn't it because you modified it for me yourself? How about you modify another one for me?"

Yun Fang: "......"

So this was what he had been waiting for.

After they fooled around for a while, Yi Chenliang suddenly looked up and asked, "Was it the day I had the accident?"

Yun Fang's breath suddenly tightened.

That day, Yun Fang had been particularly anxious. After working a night shift, he had planned to go home but ended up with an emergency surgery. The patient's life was in critical danger, so Yun Fang had to operate. He had called Yi Chenliang in his spare time, ordering him to stay at home and not go anywhere.

But for some reason, Yi Chenliang had been inexplicably restless that day. In the end, he had absent-mindedly driven out, intending to go to the coffee shop for a cup of coffee, but had the accident on the way.

Yi Chenliang soothingly patted his back, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I should have listened to you and stayed at home."

Yun Fang held him tightly.

The day of Yi Chenliang's accident was the same day he had died in his previous life. In the deep autumn of Wu City, yellow leaves were falling, cold rain was pouring, and the autumn mood was desolate.

He vaguely remembered that on that day, he had also gone to a coffee shop for a cup of coffee, and then met with Wan Hui.

After that, he had died on that dreary, rainy autumn night.

"It's okay now, it's all over," Yi Chenliang carefully kissed him, with comfort and tenderness. "It's okay, I'm still here and well."

Amidst the kisses and comfort, Yun Fang's unease finally slowly dissipated.

"Xiao Yi."


"The patient from that day was saved."

"That's wonderful."

Their hands, wearing red strings, were tightly intertwined, fingers interlocked.

Perhaps it was fate. After saving so many people with all his might, he had finally managed to keep one Yi Chenliang.

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