TL Note: Please note the title of this chapter {Two Tigers, One Summit(一山二虎)}, is a shortened version of the idiom ‘One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers(一山不容二虎)’, which means that in a given domain or position, there is only room for one powerful entity, and two competing leaders or forces cannot coexist. I took the liberty to change ‘mountain’ to ‘summit’ so it makes a little more sense in English. 

Chapter 46 Two Tigers, One Summit

Seeing that Qi Xia had no more tricks, Zhang Shan immediately charged forward with large strides.

Qi Xia did not hesitate and pushed the two nearby chairs in front of him, creating a barrier between them.

Zhang Shan, tall and sturdy, but already somewhat sluggish from his injuries, stumbled as the chairs obstructed his path, nearly losing his balance.

‘A dragon compelled to fight on land shall face destitution[1].’

Qi Xia sprinted forward, using a chair as a stepping stone to leap into the air. Before Zhang Shan could regain his balance, Qi Xia had already pinned him down with his weight. He knew Zhang Shan was unlike Specs and Ole Lu—intimidation alone wouldn’t work on him. Without hesitation, Qi Xia straddled Zhang Shan and delivered a punch to his face before the man could react.

Zhang Shan instinctively raised his arms to guard his chin and sides, narrowing his eyes as he peered through the gaps in his defense. With calculated precision, he braced himself, enduring Qi Xia's relentless barrage by predicting the direction of each punch.

Qi Xia’s fists pounded against Zhang Shan’s arms, which felt as unyielding as stone.

"You punk... you are courting death!"

In the brief moment when Zhang Shan spoke, Qi Xia exploited the opening, driving his fist through the guard and landing a direct hit on his opponent's nose. 

But Zhang Shan was ready. He trapped Qi Xia's fist between his arms, immobilizing it. With a swift movement, Zhang Shan twisted Qi Xia’s arm to the side, using the momentum to throw him off. Qi Xia was flung aside as Zhang Shan broke free from his hold.

"I truly underestimated you..." Zhang Shan said as he slowly stood up, brushing the dust off his body. "Were you a hitman before you came here, punk? Who fights like this?"

Qi Xia also got to his feet, his expression grim as he panted heavily. He had put everything into that attack, but Zhang Shan seemed almost unfazed.

"Hey, hey, hey!!" Specs hurried over, his voice filled with anxiety. "Why are you two fighting like this? Calm down first..."

"I can't calm down anymore." Zhang Shan laughed angrily. "I must beat this punk until he is sincerely convinced and ready to concede."

Before Qi Xia could devise another strategy, Zhang Shan had already tossed aside the chairs and charged forward, his thick, pillar-like arm swinging straight toward Qi Xia's face.

Just as the blow was about to land, Qiao Jiajin reached out and hooked his arm.

"Buff lou, you can't hit him."

Seeing his attack thwarted, Zhang Shan exerted more force, only to find that the slender man with sleeve tattoos before him was surprisingly strong; he couldn't budge his arm.

"Great, another one wants to poke their nose into this." Zhang Shan snorted coldly, "Why can't I hit him?"

"Because he is my {brain}." Qiao Jiajin replied with a disarming smile. "If you damage his head, we’ll both end up being idiots."

"He is your {brain}?" Zhang Shan asked, intrigued by the man before him. "And what are you?"

"Me?..." Qiao Jiajin released Zhang Shan's grip before removing his jacket to fully reveal his sleeve tattoos and well-defined muscles. "If you insist on an answer… then I am his {fists}."

Zhang Shan raised an eyebrow and responded, "Interesting. Then don’t mind if I have a go at this {fists}."

Zhang Shan assumed a boxing stance, guarding his chin with one arm while using the momentum from his forward step and a twist of his waist to launch a powerful punch at Qiao Jiajin.

Qiao Jiajin bent forward to evade Zhang Shan’s fist, closing the distance rapidly. He then delivered an uppercut with his right hand.

Zhang Shan tilted his head to dodge the blow, quickly adjusting his stance. He raised his right hand to block and widened the gap between himself and Qiao Jiajin.

After a brief exchange, both fighters recognized the other's skill and experience.

This realization only lingered for half a second before Zhang Shan stepped forward and threw a powerful punch with his left hand.

This time, Qiao Jiajin did not evade. Instead, he seized Zhang Shan's entire arm. He then leaped into the air, rotating 180 degrees. As he descended, he hooked his foot around Zhang Shan's neck, using his weight to pull him down to the ground.

He positioned Zhang Shan's arm between his thighs and pulled it back with both hands. His feet sought the most effective placement: one pressing down on Zhang Shan's neck and the other poised to press against his chest.

Zhang Shan, initially stunned, quickly recognized the maneuver. This was a common ground technique in mixed martial arts known as the {Cross Armlock}. If Qiao Jiajin managed to twist his arm, Zhang Shan would be forced to submit.

Realizing the urgency, Zhang Shan interlocked his right hand with his left, intertwining his fingers tightly. This prevented Qiao Jiajin from fully extending his arm.

Zhang Shan was baffled by the fact that a seemingly disheveled and unkempt thug could execute such a standard technique. Fortunately, he had some background in wrestling. Although he couldn't escape Qiao Jiajin's Cross Armlock, he resisted allowing his opponent to gain full control.

Realizing that Zhang Shan's left hand was firmly secured, Qiao Jiajin placed his foot against Zhang Shan's right arm. Using his leg strength, he pushed against Zhang Shan's arm, attempting to pry his hands apart.

By now, Zhang Shan was drenched in sweat. His fingers, though interlocked, provided only minimal securing force.

Soon, Zhang Shan's two hands separated, and his left hand was instantly stretched straight, and the huge pain caused him to wail in anguish.

Using his towering size and extended reach, Zhang Shan quickly adapted. He turned his body and aimed a powerful strike at Qiao Jiajin's stomach with his right hand.

Qiao Jiajin retracted the leg he had been using to press on Zhang Shan's neck, bringing it up to block the incoming attack with his knee.

Zhang Shan continued to pummel Qiao Jiajin with his right fist. In response, Qiao Jiajin could only defend himself by continually blocking with his knee.

There were two critical aspects to successfully executing a {Cross Armlock}. First, one must firmly control the opponent's arm. Second, the legs must press down on the opponent's neck and chest.

To resist Zhang Shan's counterattacks, Qiao Jiajin had to retract one of his legs. This allowed Zhang Shan the opportunity to rise to his feet.

Seizing this chance, Zhang Shan exerted his strength and wrenched his left arm free. In one swift motion, he rolled to his feet, intent on pinning down Qiao Jiajin, who was still sprawled on the ground.

Witnessing Zhang Shan break free, Qiao Jiajin swiftly extended his right foot to block his advance.

Unable to close the distance, Zhang Shan resorted to launching a relentless barrage of punches at Qiao Jiajin with both fists.

Qiao Jiajin, maintaining his defense, used his arms to block the incoming blows while keeping his distance with his right leg.

Utilizing the moment while Zhang Shan was hyper-focused on his upper body, Qiao Jiajin's raised right leg descended sharply, delivering a powerful kick to Zhang Shan's calf.

Zhang Shan staggered, losing his balance once more. Qiao Jiajin took advantage of the opportunity and quickly maneuvered behind Zhang Shan. He wrapped his right arm around Zhang Shan's neck and clasped his left hand with his right to secure the grip. Pulling back, he aimed to execute a {Rear Naked Choke} by bringing both of them to the ground.

Just as Qiao Jiajin was about to tighten the choke, he realized something was amiss. Zhang Shan had managed to place one hand in front of his neck, effectively blocking the choke hold.

Although Zhang Shan had successfully blocked the rear naked choke, he was still struggling. His hand was trapped, and he couldn't break free from Qiao Jiajin's grip.

The two were locked in a stalemate, neither able to overpower the other.

"Hey... Buff lou..." Qiao Jiajin growled through clenched teeth, "Do you want to admit defeat? If you call me ‘godfather,’ I’ll let you go..."

"Fuck that! Even if lǎozi dies in your hands, lǎozi will never admit defeat..." Zhang Shan hissed back, his muscles taut as he tried to break free. Despite his efforts, Qiao Jiajin's position remained unyielding, leaving Zhang Shan unable to exploit any openings.

TL Note: This chapter was a paaaiiinnnn to translate. I had to cross-reference the English terms and forms to make sure all of QJJ and ZS’s maneuvers were correctly written. This isn’t something that a simple translation can help with 😭

I didn’t footnote the martial arts moves because I think videos/pictures are more logical. So here you go:

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Translated by Pure

Proofread by CitrusP and Molly Z

  • [1] A dragon compelled to fight on land shall face destitution (龙战于野,其道穷也) - Excerpted from "Thirty-Six Stratagems: To Topple the Enemy, Seize Their Leader". To explain: Dragons can only exert their full power in the sea or in the clouds and rain in the sky. If they fight in the wilderness, they will inevitably fall into impasse. 
