TL Note: warning, MC is showing off again

Chapter 40 Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule)

"Wait a minute..." Qi Xia furrowed his brow, a thought suddenly striking him. "We have to resist the enemy while also protecting our own people?"

Such a situation sounded oddly familiar.

That's it!... There really is a way.

Qi Xia ran to the iron plate, lifted the heavy object, and slowly rolled it on the ground, testing the feasibility of his plan.

"Hey! Qiao Jiajin!" Qi Xia shouted, "I've figured out the {solution}! Come over here!"

"I've been waiting for you to say that," Qiao Jiajin replied, "Just give me a moment."

The black bear, sensing its {prey} attempting to escape, reared up on its hind legs to expand its offensive range. 

But Qiao Jiajin had no intention of fleeing. He lunged forward, planted his feet firmly, and used the momentum from his waist to deliver a powerful punch. His right hand swung in a full 180-degree arc, striking the black bear squarely on the cheek.


The impact of the punch echoed through the arena, and the black bear staggered backward, taking a step and a half away from Qiao Jiajin.

The black bear hesitated for a moment, its nostrils flaring with hot air as it shook its head, visibly disoriented from the unexpected blow. It had clearly underestimated the explosive power of the {prey} it had been chasing.

Qiao Jiajin, wincing from the jolt to his arm, muttered through gritted teeth, "Durable for a dumbass..."

The black bear quickly regained its composure, its mouth opening in a series of enraged roars. With its pride wounded, it lunged again, swinging its massive forearm in a furious retaliation.

Qiao Jiajin watched the black bear's movements intently, stepping back slightly with his right foot to evade the attack. He then pivoted on his left foot, shifting his center of gravity to not only dodge the blow but also destabilize the bear, making it nearly lose its footing.

Seizing the opportunity, Qiao Jiajin bent his knees, his form coiling like a spring. He unleashed a powerful uppercut, his fist striking the bear's jaw with a resounding thud.

A peculiar wail erupted from the black bear as it took yet another punch. Although the thick hide of the bear rendered this blow largely ineffective, it was evident that the creature was beginning to regard Qiao Jiajin with trepidation.

"Dammit, my hand feels like it's going to break. Why haven’t you passed out yet?" Qiao Jiajin spat on the ground, then rolled forward and swiftly evaded the black bear.

Qi Xia, observing from the side, was momentarily stunned. He had initially perceived Qiao Jiajin as nothing more than a common hoodlum, but the display of skill was anything but ordinary. The precision and technique of his movements resembled those of a trained mixed martial artist rather than mere street fighting.

Qiao Jiajin approached Qi Xia, flicking his right wrist as he asked, "So, what's the plan?"

"Come here!" Qi Xia snapped out of his thoughts and gestured for Qiao Jiajin to come closer. "You hold this iron plate to block the black bear's attacks."

"That's it?" Qiao Jiajin was puzzled. "Are you out of your mind, Swindler Lad? I thought you had a better idea!"

"No, this is the most optimal idea!" Qi Xia insisted, pulling Qiao Jiajin in front of him and making him hold the iron plate.

However, the round iron plate wasn't stable on the ground and was prone to rolling around.

Qiao Jiajin lowered his body, using his shoulders to hold the plate steady. "This thing is heavy," he gritted his teeth, "I can't lift it."

"You don't need to lift it," Qi Xia explained. "Just let it roll on the ground!"

"Fuck, I get it, but I can't see the beast," Qiao Jiajin said, frustration evident in his voice. "This big iron plate blocks my view. I can't tell where it is. How can I defend against its attack?"

The black bear, growing angrier by the moment, cautiously approached Qiao Jiajin.

"I'll watch it for you," Qi Xia said, positioning himself behind Qiao Jiajin.


"Yes, I will pull your clothing from behind," Qi Xia elaborated. "A tug to the right signifies you should roll the iron plate to the right; a pull to the left means you should roll it to the left."

"Okay..." Qiao Jiajin nodded, adjusting the direction of the iron plate to face the black bear as much as possible. "This way, we should be able to survive... I just hope those lan-joengs don't try to grab the iron plate."

"They won't," Qi Xia said firmly. "Because my intention is to ensure the survival of everyone here."

"What?!" Qiao Jiajin exclaimed, stunned. "You plan to shield everyone with this iron plate?!"

"Listen up!" Qi Xia shouted to the group fighting nearby. "If you keep squabbling, you're all as good as dead. If you want to live, get behind me."

Everyone snapped out of their panic at Qi Xia's words, glancing between him and the iron plate in Qiao Jiajin's grasp.

The middle-aged man stood up first, wiping his face that had been scratched in the scuffle. "You two guā-pí[1], put down that iron plate!"

He stumbled towards Qiao Jiajin, intent on reclaiming the plate, but Qiao Jiajin wouldn't yield. With his hands occupied, he could only glare at the man.

Qi Xia stepped forward, positioning himself between the two.

"Hey! Get out of the way!" the middle-aged man shouted. "Specs! Come and help!"

Qi Xia's thoughts whirled, a clear principle crystallizing: "The 80/20 rule dictates that authority and decision-making power is typically held by a mere 20% of the populace. To dominate a group, one must seize control of its core members..."

Before the middle-aged man could rally his companions, Qi Xia swiftly moved, his hand clamping around the man's neck with surprising force.

The man, caught off guard by the fierce demeanor of the seemingly refined Qi Xia, was momentarily stunned into silence.

"Stop." Qi Xia commanded, his voice steady and unyielding. "If you want to live, listen to me."

"Listen to you?!" The middle-aged man's eyes blazed with fury. "Who do you think you are? Why should I listen to you?"

Qi Xia's grip tightened around the man's throat, his right hand exerting steady, unrelenting pressure. "This is not up for debate."

Qiao Jiajin frowned at Qi Xia's actions.

He had always thought Qi Xia was intelligent and that following him might offer a chance at survival, but he never expected such a ruthless side.

"Cough... let go..." The middle-aged man gasped, struggling for breath as he hit Qi Xia's arm repeatedly. "Are you insane..."

"Either I strangle you to death here, or you stand behind me obediently," Qi Xia said, his eyes devoid of any emotion. "Choose one."

Seeing this, Specs hurriedly ran up and said in a pleading tone: "Da ge[2] ah... Come on, don’t be like that... How about letting Ole Lu go first..."

Despite his words, Specs adjusted his stance, inching closer to Qi Xia step by step.

Qi Xia glanced at the approaching man, noting that one side of his glasses had been broken during the scuffle, giving him a disheveled appearance.

‘Law of the Jungle…’ Qi Xia's gaze remained unwavering, fixated on the two men as he recited silently, ‘The hunter is always more ruthless than the prey. No matter how clever the prey may be, it has its vulnerabilities and weak points…’

"Da ge, please release him... or else..." Specs continued to inch closer, his intentions becoming increasingly apparent.

Qi Xia's expression grew icier. With his free hand, he swiftly reached out, not to strangle but to grip Specs by the cheek, pressing his thumb against the shattered lens of his glasses.

"Damn it!" Specs exclaimed, then quickly closed his eyes.

"If you intend to cause trouble, I'll grind this broken glass into your eye."

"No no no!..." Specs frantically waved his hands. Half-crouching, he tilted his head, too terrified to move. "I was wrong! I was wrong! Da ge, we'll do whatever you say."

TL Note: Bet none of us expected our MC to be so ruthless right? You think he wants to be a saint and save everyone? Nah, it's because he needs them to gain more Dao. Also, QJJ is surprisingly a good person despite his occupation as a loan shark. He doesn’t seem to approve of QX's actions…. 

Anyways, more region-specific terms are in the footnotes, please check them out because I won’t be explaining them again in the near future. ʕ ˶ ❛ ᴥ ❛ ʔ

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Translated by Pure

Proofread by CitrusP and Molly Z

  • [1] guā-pí (瓜皮) - originates from the Shaanxi Province dialect and is used to insult someone as being stupid or foolish.

    [2] Da ge (大哥) - This one is quite self-explanatory. Da (大) means big, and ge (哥) means big brother. It’s a somewhat respectful way of referring to another male of similar age. Can also be translated as ‘boss’.