TL Note: Hehe, this novel has 14 five-star ratings…. can we get more? (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡

edit: someone just gave a 2-star T-T

Chapter 35 What’s a Handbill?

"Huh?" The three stared at Qi Xia in disbelief. Though the plan itself was simple, it sounded exceptionally perilous.

"You intend to repeatedly stake your life against others?!" Lin Qin asked, her voice tinged with concern. "This seems too..."

"This is the most expedient solution available at the moment," Qi Xia responded. "If you all agree, we can commence immediately."

Qiao Jiajin pondered for a moment before asking, "Swindler Lad, are you really unafraid of death?"

"I am afraid," Qi Xia admitted. "But I must escape."

Tian Tian sighed deeply, then, with a solemn expression, said, "Qi Xia... You should know that I didn’t join this team out of faith in you or a desire to depend on you. I joined because I had no place in that other group."

"I understand," Qi Xia replied calmly.

"So, I find it hard to believe you will evenly distribute those {Dào} with me in the end. I also don’t think I could overcome you in the final moment and be the sole survivor."

"And so?"

"So my cooperation with you is only temporary. If I feel the current situation is no longer in my favor, I will betray you at any moment." Tian Tian smiled bitterly. "For me, surviving or dying here makes no difference, but if there's hope, I'll fight for it. In short, my only reason for being with you three is to secure my share."

Qi Xia did not show any peculiar expression after hearing this, but instead, nodded with a reassured expression, "That’s very good to know."

"Very good?" Tian Tian blinked. "Isn't what I said clear enough? I'm only here for the sake of {Dào}; you don't need to trust me too much."

"The most reliable relationship in the world is a contractual one," Qi Xia said, "I have no objections."

At this moment, Qiao Jiajin and Lin Qin exchanged glances. Tian Tian had already said so much... could they really trust her?

"Since we've all reached an agreement, let's proceed."

Tian Tian was taken aback by Qi Xia's prompt acceptance, which left her feeling uneasy. Yet, after a moment's reflection, she realized there was little room for deception in their current situation.

The four of them ventured further into the city, each grappling with their own thoughts and intentions.

The quiet city perpetually radiated a sense of danger. Qi Xia observed that they appeared to be moving deeper into the more vibrant area of the city.

Vague figures of {indigenous inhabitants} were discernible, wandering aimlessly through the desolate and ruined streets like zombies.

"There seem to be more people here..." Qi Xia murmured to himself.

Not only were there various indigenous inhabitants, but figures wearing animal masks also appeared intermittently in front of buildings. It seemed that the deeper they ventured into the city, the more people they encountered.

As Qi Xia was speaking, he noticed an {indigenous inhabitant} approaching them, clutching a stack of papers. The man’s figure was as gaunt as the female shop assistant’s, resembling a mere skeleton.

Qiao Jiajin frowned and took a step forward. Initially, they had anticipated a dangerous encounter, but instead, the man handed a piece of paper to Qiao Jiajin and asked, "Want to learn more about swimming and fitness?"

Before Qiao Jiajin could reach out to take it, the man’s hand fell limply, and the handbill dropped to the ground.

Yet, he walked away slowly as if he hadn't seen anything.

"Gallant Sword God?" Qiao Jiajin blinked in confusion. "What the hell is a Gallant Sword God?"

He picked up the paper and observed that the writing was nearly faded and the paper appeared very old.

"There are people handing out handbills here?" Tian Tian felt this matter was somewhat unbelievable.

"Given that there are shop assistants in convenience stores, it's not surprising that people are distributing handbills on the street," Qi Xia concluded.

"What are {handbills}?" Lin Qin asked.

This short question left the other three slightly stunned.

"What did you say?" Qi Xia thought he had misheard.

"I said, ‘what are {handbills}’?" Lin Qin repeated clearly.

What are {handbills}?

The three of them exchanged strange glances before turning back to Lin Qin.

Was this a question that a normal person would ask?

"You don't know what a {handbill} is?" Qi Xia asked.

"I really don't," Lin Qin replied naturally. "Do all of you know?"

None of the three answered, but their confusion grew.

Lin Qin's behavior had been peculiar from the start. She often covered her mouth and nose, and insisted on sticking close to Qi Xia. Now, she didn't even know basic common knowledge...

Was she... not human?

Or... was she one of the {organizers}?

This unsettling thought began to linger in Qi Xia's mind.

If she wasn't human, then what was her purpose here? 

"Lin Qin..." Qi Xia finally spoke up. If he didn't uncover Lin Qin's identity, he would never be able to rest assured. "Things like {handbills} are common knowledge items. How could you not know about them?"

"Common knowledge?" Lin Qin's expression was visibly puzzled. "Just because you three know about it, it becomes {common knowledge}?"

Qiao Jiajin interrupted, "This isn't about whether the three of us know or not. Handbills aren't rare. Everyone should know about them. Why don't you?"

"Yeah..." Tian Tian nodded in agreement. "Have you never seen a handbill before?"

"You guys are really weird." Lin Qin said, a bit irritated by the persistent questioning. "So what if I don't know what a {handbill} is? Are you going to doubt me because of this piece of paper?"

Qi Xia scrutinized the woman before him, perplexed by her behavior.

If she were an {organizer} and had exposed such a conspicuous flaw, she would likely attempt to obscure it with deceit. Yet, she neither seemed to be concealing anything nor appeared to be merely putting on an act, but rather seemed genuinely irate.

She appeared to see no issue with her ignorance of {handbills}.

Could she truly be innocent?

However, how plausible was it that a normal person would be unfamiliar with {handbills}?

Qi Xia pondered this... There was indeed a slim possibility that someone might never have encountered handbills. For instance, if Lin Qin were the daughter of an extremely wealthy family, accustomed only to elite environments, and had a chauffeur-driven car for her outings. Or perhaps she had studied abroad and had just recently returned to China.

Yet, despite these scenarios, the likelihood remained exceedingly low. Moreover, she was merely a counseling psychologist.

"{Handbills} are advertisements printed on paper." Qiao Jiajin explained to Lin Qin. “You’ve never seen one before?”

“No,” Lin Qin replied earnestly, shaking her head.

Qi Xia, at a loss for how to proceed, continued to furrow his brow in deep thought.

"Hey! You guys!"

A sudden shout from across the street startled them. They looked over to see a man in worn-out clothes and glasses beckoning them.

"Over here! You guys!"

The sudden appearance of a seemingly normal person in this surreal environment naturally sparked a sense of unease.

Was he a friend or foe?

"Are you calling us?" Qi Xia asked, trying to engage with the man and gauge his intentions.

"Yes, you guys are also {common people}, right?" The man with glasses smiled warmly.

"Common people?"

"Yes, like normal people." The man with glasses clarified. "You guys don’t call it that?"

Qi Xia paused before responding, "We don't look like we're crazy, do we?"

"Haha! I knew it!" The man with glasses chuckled, "We’ve found a potential game. Are you guys interested in earning some {Dào} together?"

He kept his distance from Qi Xia and the others, a hint of apprehension in his demeanor.

Qi Xia and Qiao Jiajin exchanged glances, uncertain whether to trust him. However, considering the rules of this place, which prohibit the outright theft of {Dào}, any ill intentions would likely manifest as mere {swindling}.

When it comes to {swindling}, Qi Xia had never been intimidated by anyone.

TL Note: Oh my, finally, a normal person. Hopefully he isn’t lying and they will all soon begin the next game. Though I also want to note, the ‘outright theft of {Dào}’ may or may not be legal here— that’s just a conjugation Qi Xia came up with; nothing has been proven yet 🙂 

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Translated by Pure

Proofread by CitrusP and Molly Z