TL Note: As everyone had expected, it wasn’t a peaceful night

Chapter 26 Deceased

"It's a ten-day deadline, so today should be {day zero}, right?" Lin Qin said, switching her hand to cover her mouth and nose with the other. "If we go out now, we won't be able to see the road clearly soon. There are no street lights here."

Qi Xia knew Lin Qin made a valid point, so he quietly walked to the side of the convenience store and found a relatively clean shelf to sit and rest against.

He was indeed a little anxious and had even forgotten to check the time.

Yet, he couldn't wait to leave this hellhole and see his wife.

He missed Yu Nian'An.

He missed his beloved, who always wore white.

"Xiao An, I will escape from this infernal place soon," he murmured to himself. "Just wait, we will have ample money soon."

Qi Xia's demeanor was distinct from the others. He did not exhibit panic or sorrow, merely a touch of restlessness.

As the sky darkened, everyone found a clean place to sit down.

Fortunately, the night here was not cold. Everyone was merely a little hungry. After nearly a day without food or water, they all felt drained of strength.

No one spoke. They simply watched as the dirt-colored sun slowly set, and the world descended into darkness.

The events of the day felt like a terrible nightmare for everyone. Each person fantasized that when they opened their eyes again, all the strange visions before them would vanish.

The entire city seemed to have fallen silent, leaving the next crisis unknown. They heard a distant, hovering sound, but its source remained indistinct.

It was too dark here, so pitch-black that they couldn't discern if their eyes were open or shut.

Everyone had grown up in the city and had never encountered such utter darkness before.

"Swindler Lad, you asleep?" Qiao Jiajin's voice suddenly broke the silence, not far from where Qi Xia was sitting.

"What is it?"

"Do you think there are other {participants} here?"

Qi Xia paused for a moment before responding, "I've pondered this question as well. {Mortal Dragon} mentioned that tens of millions have passed through that door. Logically, there should be more than just the nine of us here..."

Qiao Jiajin lapsed into silence before asking, "Could that female shop assistant also have been one of those who walked through the door before?"

"Hm?" Qi Xia was momentarily taken aback. He had never considered this possibility. After all, the woman seemed to have lived here for many years.

Upon reflection, however, the timeline didn't necessarily contradict. Whether someone was taken ten years ago or ten days ago, the crucial point was what {Mortal Dragon} had mentioned — that this place would face annihilation in ten days.

They might have begun from different starting points, but they were all heading towards the same end.

What they could find solace in was that they shouldn't descend into madness like the female shop assistant. After all, they only needed to endure here for ten days.

Regardless, the {outcome} would be unveiled in ten days.

"Swindler Lad? Are you asleep?" Qiao Jiajin inquired.

Qi Xia ignored him, turning his head to the side, deep in thought about the day's events.

What could be the reason behind all these peculiar circumstances?

Receiving no response from Qi Xia, Qiao Jiajin ceased his inquiries and gradually lapsed into silence.

After a while, two more voices emerged in the darkness. They appeared to belong to Doctor Zhao and Police Officer Li.

"Doctor Zhao..."

"What’s the matter?"

"I want to ask... if a woman is malnourished for an extended period, can she still conceive a healthy offspring?"

Doctor Zhao fell silent for a moment, comprehending Police Officer Li's implication. The female shop assistant in the staff room appeared severely malnourished, prompting doubt about her ability to bear a child.

Others seemed equally intrigued by the question, awaiting his response in quiet anticipation.

Doctor Zhao organized his thoughts before responding, "This question is quite complex. Prolonged malnutrition can lead to irregular menstruation, premature menopause, or even amenorrhea. Essentially, a lack of essential nutrients can prevent ovulation, thereby inhibiting conception."

"So... is this another mystery beyond science's grasp?" Police Officer Li queried in a solemn tone. "The health of that female shop assistant appears distressingly poor."

"It's difficult to draw a definitive conclusion in such specific cases. In certain regions of Africa, despite low nutritional intake, there remains a high birth rate..." Doctor Zhao sighed. "But this isn't my area of expertise. It hinges on individual physiology and the consumption of essential nutrients. My knowledge is limited in this regard."

Upon hearing this, Police Officer Li fell silent and refrained from further discussion.

Everyone in the room lapsed into silence once more.

Qi Xia hadn't intended to sleep, but in the complete absence of light, perception blurred, and eventually, his thoughts drifted away.

Amidst the faint rustling outside on the street, Qi Xia's eyelids grew heavy.

He didn't know when he drifted off to sleep. In his dream, he saw Yu Nian'An’s figure.

"Xia, did you know? There are many paths(路) in this world, and everyone walks their own."

"Yes, Xiao An, I know," Qi Xia nodded in the dream. "I'll be out soon. Wait for me."

After an unknown duration, a loud, almost thunderous bell resonated as if it were beside his ear.

Qi Xia jolted awake, rising swiftly to find daylight streaming in.

Turning around, he saw everyone in a state of alarm, scanning their surroundings like him. The bell's deafening toll had startled them all from their sleep.

"What's happening?!" Xiao Ran instinctively sought refuge behind Police Officer Li.

Before anyone could react, a peculiar cough emanated from the corner of the room.

The cough sounded as if someone had water in their mouth.

Doctor Zhao heard the sound behind him and turned slowly, only to witness a horrifying scene.

Han Yimo lay on the ground, a massive black sword embedded in his abdomen like a stake, pinning him down. The sword had been thrust into him with tremendous force, sinking more than halfway into the ground.

Blood gushed from his mouth as he coughed incessantly.

"Hey! Writer!" Qiao Jiajin rushed forward to inspect him.

"Cough, cough... Qi... Qi Xia..." Han Yimo reached out, his voice strained, devoid of pain or fear, but tinged with confusion.

Qi Xia frowned slightly, then approached, squatting down to grasp Han Yimo's hand.

"I'm here," he reassured, glancing up at the ceiling of the building.

The ceiling remained intact. It seemed unlikely that this black sword had fallen from above.

Han Yimo's lips trembled, his eyes glinting as he whimpered and tears welled up.

"This... this place is bizarre... Qi Xia... cough, cough... how could this happen... this {Seven Evil Sword(七黑剑)}... absolutely... cough, cough... impossible... Qi Xia... {Seven Evil Sword} isn't..."

His coughs became louder and louder, and he could not say a complete sentence. Blood spurted out of his mouth and poured back into his nose.

Han Yimo coughed violently several times, his body stiffening as life slipped away.

Struggling to breathe, even a few words drained all his strength.

Indeed... How could someone truly on the brink of death find the time and strength to utter their final words?

What ensued was silence.

A prolonged, profound silence.

Everyone sensed that Han Yimo had more to convey, but time had clearly run out. A vibrant life ended abruptly before their eyes, leaving them all staring in disbelief.

Qi Xia stared into Han Yimo's lifeless eyes, his brows furrowing as a sudden, splitting headache gripped him.

He dropped to the ground, clutching his forehead, feeling as if something was about to burst from his skull, and then screamed in agony.


Before everyone could fully process Han Yimo's death, they were startled by Qi Xia's blood-curdling scream.

"Swindler Lad, are you alright?" Qiao Jiajin asked cautiously.

Qi Xia took a moment to steady his breathing before replying, "I'm okay... Check on Han Yimo first..."

When everyone confirmed that Qi Xia was indeed unharmed, they turned their gaze towards Han Yimo's lifeless body, their hearts heavy with complex emotions.

A haunting thought lingered in their minds.

Are we all truly already dead?

Can death be experienced anew after one has already died?

"Han Yimo... was murdered," Xiao Ran whispered.

The words {was murdered} jolted everyone into a grim reality.

Yes, the critical issue to ponder was not the concept of {dying again after death}, but the identity of the possible {murderer}.

Han Yimo was still conscious when discovered, indicating the giant sword had recently pierced his abdomen.

Therefore, the perpetrator likely remained nearby, potentially concealed among the remaining eight individuals.

TL Note: Yep, Yu Nian'An is Qi Xia’s ‘wifey’. The reason why I have An capitalized is because he refers to her as ‘Xiao An’. For people who don’t read other cn novels, ‘Xiao’ is just an endearing way of calling someone’s name, it translates to ‘Little’, but calling your spouse ‘Little xx’ is weird, so I’ll leave it as ‘Xiao’. There’s actually another reason why the A in An is capitalized, but it’s not until further into this story.

Speaking of Qi Xia’s wife, I’m sure everyone is confused by her quote, "Xia, did you know? There are many paths(道路) in this world, and everyone walks their own." This is our second time reading it (refer to chapter 18). Yes, her quote has the character dao(道) in it, just keep that in mind. It’s not very important now. 

Oh and lastly, I took an artistic take of the translation of the ‘Seven Evil Sword’ (七黑剑). It’s more correct to call it Seven Black Sword, but that sounds weird. Plus 黑 has more meanings other than its most known transliteration as the color ‘black’. So yeah, hope y'alls don’t mind that. 

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Translated by Pure

Proofread by CitrusP and Molly Z