TL Note: I’ve noticed not many people read footnotes(not just in this novel, but my other works as well), so I’ve been trying to incorporate terms into my t/n; I have to make y’alls read it one way or another ૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა

Chapter 21 Hinterland 

"Of course... Hehe, of course I realize what I'm saying," Mortal Dragon replied, stepping forward slowly. "Tens of millions of people have walked through this door, and I have spoken these same words to each one of them."

"Tens of millions..."

Everyone was momentarily stunned before Police Officer Li spoke harshly, "What are you people? How many have you kidnapped?"

"{Kidnapped}?" Mortal Dragon tilted his head, revealing a pair of muddy eyes through the holes in his mask. He stared coldly at Police Officer Li, then smiled. "You must be mistaken. Was it truly us who {kidnapped} you all?"

"What else could it be?!" Police Officer Li retorted, gritting his teeth. "You think we brought ourselves here?!"

Lin Qin sighed and turned to Qi Xia and Police Officer Li. "You know they're all crazy. There's no point in arguing. Let's just go."

Her words brought everyone back to their senses. The individuals in animal masks were far from normal, and the figure before them, adorned with a mask of stitched-together animal heads, seemed even more deranged.

Engaging with the madman's logic would only lead to their own madness.

Everyone cautiously walked around Mortal Dragon and made their way towards the exit behind him.

"Remember, no one can leave without three thousand six hundred {Dào}," Mortal Dragon reminded them in a low voice as they passed.

As if compelled by some unseen force, Qi Xia turned back and asked, "How do we obtain more {Dào}?"

"The hell. Why bother with him?" Qiao Jiajin nudged Qi Xia unhappily. "Do you really want to find those gold orbs?"

"No matter what, I must get out," Qi Xia replied, his expression resolute. "Someone is waiting for me."

Mortal Dragon nodded slightly and replied, "It is through the {games} you have previously experienced. Each game awards varying amounts of {Dào}."

Qi Xia's countenance grew grim as he scrutinized the golden orbs in his hand. "Are you implying that we must voluntarily participate in those games to acquire the {Dào}?"

"Hehe. That's right, take it, take it," Mortal Dragon's filthy hands waved erratically. "There must be salvation."

Qi Xia stared at the orbs in his hand, lost in thought.

The others, uncertain how to dissuade him, silently walked out the door one by one.

A breeze blew in, carrying an indescribably dense odor.

The group slowly opened their eyes, but the relief of survival eluded them.

Before them lay a ghost town, a desolate landscape resembling ruins.

In the dark red sky hung a sun the color of dirt, its surface marred by black thread-like lines spreading inward.

Beneath this surreal sky, a ruined city came into view.

It resembled a bustling section of a small city, yet bore the scars of bombing and relentless fire.

The flames had raged for days and nights unabated, leaving the area in its current desolate state.

Most of the buildings lay in ruins, their walls cracked and crumbling. Countless dark red plants crept over the dilapidated structures.

Police Officer Li swallowed hard and asked, "Hey, Mortal Dragon, where have you brought us—?"

He turned his head, his voice trailing off abruptly as he slowly opened his mouth in astonishment.

Everyone followed his gaze.

Behind them, instead of a building, lay an empty plaza.

At that moment, the nine individuals stood alone in the center of the plaza, as if they had descended from the sky.

"How did we get here?"

"Where is the door we came out of?! Where is Mortal Dragon?!"

Sadly, no one present could provide answers to their questions.

In the center of the plaza stood a notably conspicuous large electronic display screen. It appeared well-worn, with even the edges showing signs of rust.

At that moment, a puzzling sentence illuminated the screen, leaving everyone perplexed:

"I hear the reverberation of {Beckoned Calamity}."

"Beckoned Calamity? What the hell does that mean?" Qiao Jiajin read the sentence twice, but remained baffled.

Qi Xia noticed an enormous, mottled copper bell positioned above the electronic display.

The juxtaposition of such an ancient artifact with modern technology seemed incredibly discordant.

After a prolonged silence, writer Han Yimo lifted his head slowly and whispered, "So we're truly dead... This is the netherworld, isn't it?"

Up until this sight, he had held onto a faint hope.

Maybe they hadn't died but were captured here just before their demise.

Otherwise, how would anyone explain the abnormality of this place?

"I don't know if we're dead or alive, but I do know if I don't treat your wound, you'll die for real," Doctor Zhao said, trying to bolster Han Yimo's spirits as he continued to support his arm.

His words gradually snapped everyone out of their trance, grounding them in the stark reality before them.

In any case, they appeared to be {alive} for now, and while they were alive, giving up wasn't an option.

"There seems to be a convenience store over there," Lin Qin pointed to the distance. "Even though it looks heavily damaged, perhaps there are still needles, thread, and gauze inside?"

Qiao Jiajin said nothing as he moved to support Han Yimo's other arm, offering a bitter smile. "Let's go have a look. It'd be even better if there's something to eat."

The group slowly made their way toward the convenience store.

The area exuded a grotesque odor, heightening everyone's unease.

The convenience store stood in the middle of a road, its entrance glass completely shattered and the sign partially collapsed.

As they neared the entrance, everyone gradually came to a halt.

Opposite the convenience store was a restaurant, where a figure stood at the door.

He wore a bull-head mask and a black suit, his hands clasped behind his back, resembling a statue.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a surge of nervousness.

Everyone wearing animal masks had proven to be crazy.

Was this bull-headed figure standing there to issue another {trial}?

The group halted cautiously, observing him for a while. They noticed that the bull-headed figure remained utterly motionless. He didn't speak, nor did he even glance in their direction.

Finally, everyone mustered the courage to move forward a few steps to the door of the convenience store.

"Is it a mannequin?" Tian Tian asked cautiously.

Qi Xia scrutinized the bull-headed figure closely. His eyes behind the mask were moving slightly. He wasn't a mannequin; it seemed he was guarding the restaurant behind him.

"It doesn’t matter who he is; we'll just pretend he doesn't exist," Police Officer Li said, turning to open the dilapidated door of the convenience store.

As the door creaked open, a repulsive stench assaulted their nostrils.

The city's smell was already quite {dense}, but the odor emanating from the convenience store was even more unbearable.

A mixture of fishy, foul, and burnt odors, accompanied by a trace of heat steam, emanated from the establishment.

These smells seemed fresh, as if they had just been emitted.


Lawyer Zhang Chenze couldn't bear it and bent over, vomiting.

Tian Tian looked at her with concern. "Lawyer, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Zhang Chenze replied, wiping her mouth. She glanced at Tian Tian and added, "You don't seem to be affected at all..."

Tian Tian managed a wry smile and replied, "Maybe it's because of my profession... I've encountered worse smells."

"No... let's not talk about it anymore..." Zhang Chenze nearly retched again.

Qi Xia covered his mouth and nose as he stepped inside. Most of the shelves lay overturned on the floor. The floor was black and sticky, it was difficult to discern its original substance.

TL Note: The bell and display screen got me so confused. The fan-made animation had put four bells by the screen while in the written novel, it’s just one. I had to double check if the chapters had been previously updated. I asked my husband and he said the animation depicted 4 by the screen, but the narration was still the same. XD It’s an important prop so I didn’t want to get it wrong, but it’s corrected now. ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)

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Translated by Pure

Proofread by CitrusP

Edited by Molly Z