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Senior Green Tea Turned Into an Abused Heroine Chapter 8

Translated by Serena Love

Edited by Choko (ko-fi) and Pure

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Chapter 8: The Banquet

The City Lord sent someone to settle Han Yu and invited over the best doctor in Dongling City for him.

At this time, Han Yu had already changed into a white robe adorned with dark silver silk patterns and a big light blue over-robe. The clothes made him look even more elegant and handsome, but the coldness and alienation on his face did not diminish at all.

The fact that he was injured by the Demon King but did not die was very strange. Han Yu himself couldn't think of the reason.

The doctor who came to take care of him also shook his head. He couldn’t rationally explain what he was seeing, so he just changed the bandage and put medicine on his injuries.

Although this City Lord was not enthusiastic about him, Han Yu could see that he was extremely good at receiving guests.

The furnishings in the room were all luxurious. Smoke was rising up from the incense burner in delicate, curling shapes, carrying with it a rich fragrance.

However, Han Yu hated these scents the most. With a wave of his light blue wide sleeves, the incense burner was completely wiped out. Even the last wisp of smoke that was trapped in it was completely annihilated.

In the whole room, he only liked the Xuefeng tea in the pot.

He took a sip of the tea.

Suddenly, he remembered that when the girl was buried in his chest this morning, the smell of her breath was exactly like the scent of this tea.

No wonder it felt familiar.

Suddenly the guard knocked on the door and entered the room. He then reported respectfully, "There will be a banquet tonight, and the City Lord respectfully invites you to come."

"No." He held the teacup and refused decisively.

After the guard left, he lay on the bed, propped his head with his hands, and closed his eyes.

He tried to recall what happened to him last night, but because of the injury, he completely lost consciousness.

In his memory, there was only the feeling of the warm and slender body clung to him.

When his mind went in that direction, he immediately stopped thinking.

But once he calmed himself down, he heard the surrounding noises.

For example, this extremely strange song.

——Lu la la, la la la (water splashing) ~

Han Yu frowned slightly.


It took a long time for the weird and untuned song to stop.

Han Yu suddenly realized that the splashing water noise he heard was from the girl taking a shower. 

His eyebrows twitched. He was about to cast a sound insulating spell until he heard her say something in a soft voice,

——Little Dandan[1], let me wash you~

Han Yu: ?

——You are so black... You look so beautiful. I'm afraid you are the most beautiful egg I have ever seen.

Han Yu's face suddenly became cold. She actually brought the Demon King Egg back?

However, the egg was already a dead egg.

The Demon King only laid one egg every five thousand years, and it must be watered with the blood of a living person on the fifteenth every month until it hatched.

It took four years of sucking blood from forty-nine people for the egg to hatch.

And as long as there was one interruption, the egg would die.

Fortunately, there was obviously no success in the sacrifice last night.

Since it's a dead egg, then let it be.

Meanwhile, Lin Xiaocha held the fluorescent black egg in her hand. Her eyes were deep and thoughtful.

At this time, someone knocked on her door. Lin Xiaocha hurriedly covered the egg with her clothes and then returned to the tub by herself.

Her pair of eyes returned to their ignorant and innocent appearance.

A group of people entered through the door carrying the rich reward from the City Lord.

Looking at all those gold and silver jewels, the waves in her heart were turbulent, but her face was calm.

Across the screen, she said softly, "Thank the City Lord for me."

"You can thank him yourself during the banquet." A female voice that did not sound young sounded.

"Huh? Banquet?"

"Yes, the City Lord asked you to go."

An old woman who looked shrewd and capable walked from behind the screen and took a cloth towel to help Lin Xiaocha take a bath.

Lin Xiaocha yelled. She embarrassedly put her hand around her chest and retracted into the tub.

"Don't be shy. Just get used to it."

Then Lin Xiaocha slowly came out, put her chin on the side of the bathtub, and looked at the old woman with dim eyes.

She was born graceful and looked even hazier in the mist.

"The girl is so pretty." The old woman couldn't help sighing." This old slave can't look away."

After Lin Xiaocha came out of the bath, the old woman helped her dry the water on her body. Following that, she sniffed Lin Xiaocha's body, "What's wrong with you? Why do you smell of tea?"

Lin Xiaocha realized that after sniffing herself, it really smelled like green tea. Sweet with a bit of bitterness.

Is this smell from the original owner?

The old woman frowned, "There is incense in the reward. This old slave will light it for you later. If you are lucky enough to be favored by the City Lord, you should not smell bitter to him."

Lin Xiaocha covered her mouth with her sleeve, "Huh?" She seemed to be extremely surprised by what the old woman said.

The old woman looked ambiguous, "Silly girl, don't you have such a good opportunity to get close to the City Lord? Do you want to be a refugee your whole life?"

The old woman saw that Lin Xiaocha didn't understand her.

She couldn't help sighing. It was a pity that she had this face but was not clever enough to use it.

In the meantime, Han Yu found that he was particularly sensitive to the outside sounds today.

In the end, he cast a sound-insulating spell so he could peacefully sleep, but his brows were slightly folded even when he was asleep.

During that time Lin Xiaocha was touching the gold and silver jewelry, the silk and the brocade back and forth in the room.


She liked it.

She remembered that when she was in junior high school, many of her classmates wore brand-name clothes. She didn't say anything, but she was envious in her heart.

And one day, a boy with a good family environment in the school gave her a pair of expensive sneakers.

A pair of shoes that cost thousands were too expensive for a junior high school student. She dared not accept it, and felt that it was wrong to accept other people's things.

But those shoes were really good-looking.

That day when she went back home, she begged her mother. She in fact really wanted a pair of brand-name sneakers. Even the discounted out-of-season ones would be fine, and she would not buy any new clothes or shoes for two years.

She thought her mother would deny her wishes, but she unexpectedly agreed. However, it was under a single condition– if Lin Xiaocha managed to enter the top five in the next mid-term examination.

She remembered that at that time, she read vocabulary in the morning and crazily did exercises like she was injected with chicken blood.

She learned even while eating and sleeping.

And in the next midterm exam, she really went from twentieth to fourth in the class.

But when she went looking for her mother with her grades happily, her mother said, "Look, didn’t I say that learning could bring you unexpected happiness?"

"A pair of shoes is not important at all."

She broke her promise.

If she refused at first, Lin Xiaocha would not have been so sad. After all, her family's economy had only begun to improve.

But the saddest thing in the world is to look forward to something with full expectation and discover that it was a complete lie.

It was also a lie under the banner of "for your own good."

Lin Xiaocha cried all night bitterly.

She had such a fierce reaction for the first time in her life.

Her mother was so embarrassed that she picked up Lin Xiaocha, who was crying under the quilt, and scolded her for not knowing how difficult it was for her to be a single parent! For not studying well for herself and for not understanding that she could only make herself live better after studying!

Then she took out a notebook that clearly cited how much money she spent on Lin Xiaocha, and demanded her daughter to pay all these things back in the future.

Her mother called her a white-eyed wolf, not knowing how hard she had worked hard for her.

It was a waste of her time comparing her food and clothes with others.

Then she angrily threw out all of Lin Xiaocha shoes and gave her a pair of grandma's old cloth shoes.

This way, she would realize her bitterness was nothing by making her experience the bitterness of her older generation.

To make her focus on learning and studying at school instead, so that naturally, no one would look down on her!

Adults just use their own ideas to measure the world of children.

The truth was, the cruelty of a child's world was no less than that of an adult.

And as expected she was ridiculed by her classmates when she wore the old cloth shoes to class the next day. She still remembered her tingling scalp, their mocking gazes were hard to ignore.

She laid, face down on the table and didn't raise her head.

Until the boy put those shoes on her table again...

It was then she opened the door to a new way of life.


A burst of strong fragrance interrupted Lin Xiaocha's thoughts.

She looked at the brass-colored incense burner with a smoke curling up inside, thinking that the old woman had lit it before leaving.

She put out the incense burner because she felt that the tea smell on her body was quite good. It was much more elegant than the strong fragrance.

Then she held a pale green dress and looked at it in front of the bronze mirror, with a charming smile on her beautiful face.


Translator Note:

[1] MC called the little demon king egg "Dandan." Dan means egg, so it's basically a cute name like "egg egg" or "eggy."

Note from Pure: it’s also a slang for the male’s *cough*. Because two eggs, get it? XD

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