Limited First Love Chapter 7

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 7 First Day of Relationship

That night, Guo Wei was so busy in his dreams.

In the dream, he actively practiced Ruan Yiyun's suggestion, eager to kiss Ruan Yiyun's lips.

Despite retaining the shyness of his waking hours, he completely shed inhibitions, becoming more impulsive and brave, even shameless.

With a red face, he loudly asked Ruan Yiyun, "Can we do it now? Right here?"

Ruan Yiyun asked him to brush his teeth, eat mint candies, and then sing a love song that truly expressed his feelings. After singing, he demanded he recite poetry on the school rooftop.

Guo Wei, driven by an unwavering desire to kiss him, faced and conquered challenges with unwavering bravery, only to always face interference at crucial moments.

Before he woke up, he was surrounded by a group of unfamiliar students. The leader berated him, saying that Ruan Yiyun's fan club had rules. To kiss the dream lover of everyone's hearts, one had to undergo a vote. He only received one vote and had been eliminated, so he should stop daydreaming.

He argued with reason, firmly believing that the only vote was undoubtedly cast by Ruan Yiyun himself, which was the most important vote.

After opening his eyes and gradually regaining consciousness, he quickly realized how absurd the dream was. Recalling himself raising his hands into fists, shouting, "I must kiss him," with fervor, he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Rubbing his face, he picked up his phone and opened the chat box with Ruan Yiyun. The last exchange dated from last night, bidding each other good night before sleep.

Guo Wei looked at those two small text bubbles, chuckled for a moment, then entered a new message.

——Good morning!

After sending it, he waited for a while, not receiving a reply. Speculating that Ruan Yiyun might still be asleep, Guo Wei got up and prepared for the day.

He had a skill–even if he slept late or had poor sleep quality the night before, he could wake up on time before the alarm clock rang. Fortunately, his dorm mates who needed to rise early didn't set alarms. They relied on him as a human alarm clock. This way, there was no worry about the alarm disturbing those who preferred to sleep in, creating a harmonious atmosphere in the dorm.

Guo Wei and Wang Tong were both roommates and classmates. If Wang Tong wasn't off to visit his girlfriend at another campus, they usually were doing things together. After getting out of bed, Guo Wei passed by Wang Tong's bunk, casually lifting Wang Tong's blanket, and then proceeded to the bathroom amidst Wang Tong's pitiful and weak protests.

Despite going to bed late due to excitement the previous night, he was still energetic now. Perhaps this was what the saying "joy puts heart into a man" meant.

After grooming, he stepped out of the bathroom. Wang Tong was sitting on the edge of his bed, stretching lazily. Upon seeing him, Wang Tong raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's making you so cheerful this early in the morning?"

Guo Wei emitted a foolish "hehe" laugh, causing Wang Tong to furrow his brow in disapproval.

Yesterday afternoon, Wang Tong went to visit his girlfriend and returned late. Upon entering the dorm, Guo Wei was already tucked in bed.  Respectful of the other roommates, they refrained from chatting much.

However, Wang Tong knew who he had met yesterday.

"Something good happened?" 

Guo Wei, with a grin that wouldn't quit, first checked his phone. After confirming no reply, he answered, "We're together."

Wang Tong stood up abruptly, bewildered for two seconds, then exclaimed, "What did you say?!"

His exclamation resounded from the depths of his abdomen, echoing like a tolling bell, startling the other two still sleeping roommates.

Hearing groans of protest tinged with drowsiness, Wang Tong cringed and quickly stepped forward, grabbing Guo Wei, lowering his voice as he repeated, "What did you say?"

Guo Wei, a bit sheepish, scratched his head and continued to grin foolishly. "Hehe, hehehe."

Wang Tong, mouth agape, hesitated for a while and tentatively asked, "Could there be some misunderstanding in all of this?"

"What misunderstanding could there be?" 

Wang Tong, still finding it hard to believe, shook his head. "This is just too... How... That's Ruan Yiyun, you know?"

From a bed not far behind him came a groggy voice, "Ruan Yiyun? What happened to Ruan Yiyun?"

That was the oldest in their dormitory room, surnamed Jin, and the rest addressed him as Eldest Brother Jin.

"Do you know him?" Guo Wei asked.

"Of course." Eldest Brother Jin turned over and looked at the two of them. "Who doesn't know him? What happened to him?"

Guo Wei thought, "Not long ago, I didn't know him. But now, I am Ruan Yiyun's boyfriend."

"Your expression is so scary!" Wang Tong pointed at him while shouting.

Guo Wei forcefully suppressed the joy in his heart, cleared his throat, hesitating on whether or not to speak. He certainly wanted to share the happy news, but after all, they had been together for less than twenty-four hours. He wasn't sure if Ruan Yiyun was willing to make it public.

Just then, Guo Wei's phone vibrated gently. He quickly picked it up, and once again, a smile lit up his face.

The message was from the person he had been anticipating.

——Good morning.

——You're awake so early?

Guo Wei responded with an emoji first, then happily began typing.

——Mm! I had class at eight this morning.

Not receiving a response, Eldest Brother Jin pressed, "What happened to Ruan Yiyun? Don't leave me hanging here."

Wang Tong turned to look at him and replied, "So concerned, is there some interest there?"

Eldest Brother Jin scratched his head. "Heh, just asking casually. I know him, but he doesn't know me."

Judging by his expression, it was evident that he felt somewhat embarrassed.

Wang Tong shook his head, clicked his tongue lightly, and said, "Big news, Ruan Yiyun has a boyfriend."

Eldest Brother Jin abruptly sat up, eyes wide open like a carp. "Who? That guy surnamed Chen? Is it him?"

Guo Wei thought, "What guy surnamed Chen? It's clearly me, with the surname Guo." Just as he was about to pull Wang Tong to keep it quiet, his phone rang.

Surprisingly, Ruan Yiyun called directly.

"Are you going to the cafeteria for breakfast now?" Ruan Yiyun asked over the phone.

Hearing his voice made Guo Wei happy, making his tone cheerful. "Yes, and you?"

"I just woke up, was thinking of sleeping a bit more," Ruan Yiyun said, "but if you're going, I'll join you."

Guo Wei was overjoyed. "Sure, sure! What do you want to eat? I'll go early and order for you!"

"Thanks, you're really sweet," Ruan Yiyun said, "See you in a bit."

Just as Guo Wei was about to bid farewell, he suddenly remembered something, "Oh, by the way!"


"Can I tell our friends about us?" Guo Wei asked.

"Of course," Ruan Yiyun immediately responded, "Why not?"

"Hehe, great," Guo Wei said and added, "Later, my friend and I will come together, the one you met last time."

He usually went to the cafeteria with Wang Tong, so it wouldn't be right to suddenly stand him up after starting a relationship.

Ruan Yiyun stayed silent for two seconds before answering, "...As you wish."

After hanging up, Wang Tong had already gone to freshen up. Eldest Brother Jin, sitting back on the bed, looked serious. "You've got something going on!"

"Mm!" Guo Wei nodded confidently. "Ruan Yiyun's boyfriend doesn't have the surname Chen, it's Guo."

Eldest Brother Jin blinked. "Huh?"

Guo Wei raised his hand, pointing to his face. "That~ is~ me!"

Eldest Brother Jin was stunned for two seconds, then laughed. "I think you're still half-asleep, dreaming more wildly than I do."

"...It's true," Guo Wei emphasized, "He just called me a moment ago."

Eldest Brother Jin furrowed his brow.

"Believe it or not," Guo Wei shrugged, boasting, "You'll come to realize the truth sooner or later."

Eldest Brother Jin was confused for quite a while, not realizing something was off until Wang Tong emerged from the bathroom. "Really? Are you guys pulling my leg? Ruan Yiyun and you? An Omega with a Beta?"

"What's wrong with a Beta?" Guo Wei, messaging Ruan Yiyun with his head down, challenged, "Is it forbidden for an Omega to like a Beta?"

Eldest Brother Jin shook his head while laughing. "But that's Ruan Yiyun."

Guo Wei lowered his phone and raised his head proudly. "The person you're looking at is Ruan Yiyun's boyfriend."

Eldest Brother Jin looked conflicted, wearing a skeptical expression.

Not only Eldest Brother Jin, but Wang Tong also had his doubts.

He didn't doubt Guo Wei was lying but worried that Guo Wei's straightforwardness might have led to misunderstandings.

Upon hearing that Ruan Yiyun would join them for breakfast, Wang Tong initially showed reluctance. However, he quickly decided to boldly play the third wheel to confirm if everything was indeed as Guo Wei claimed.

When Ruan Yiyun arrived, Guo Wei had already purchased breakfast and secured a seat. He was voraciously biting into a steamed bun while using his other hand to fan Ruan Yiyun's mung bean congee.

The congee was too hot, so he fanned it a bit to cool it down for Ruan Yiyun.

Seeing Ruan Yiyun approaching with a smile from afar, Wang Tong furrowed his brow and muttered, "Could it be true?"

Guo Wei kicked him under the table. "Of course, it's true!" Then he raised his steamed bun, vigorously waving it toward Ruan Yiyun.

Ruan Yiyun didn't tie his hair today, letting it casually fall, presenting a different charm than usual, yet still captivating Guo Wei.

Whether it was an illusion or not, every time they met, Ruan Yiyun seemed to become more and more beautiful. Confirming their relationship once again in his heart, Guo Wei bubbled with happiness.

Ruan Yiyun, with a smile in his narrowed eyes, exchanged a meaningful glance with Guo Wei for a moment before turning to Wang Tong on the side. He nodded politely, "Hello."

"He-hello. We met last time, hehe," Wang Tong nervously replied.

Guo Wei, still munching on the steamed bun, pushed forward the mung bean congee and tea egg he bought for Ruan Yiyun, speaking in a muffled voice, "Rough! Rough!"

Ruan Yiyun carefully tucked his slightly longer hair behind his ear and picked up the spoon. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Guo Wei replied, holding the steamed bun.

After their exchange, they fell silent, smiling at each other without speaking.

Wang Tong silently turned his head and took a hearty bite of the pancake in his hand.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Ruan Yiyun asked as he scooped up the mung bean congee.

Guo Wei nodded. "Yeah, it was not bad."

Ruan Yiyun continued, "Did you dream about me?"

Guo Wei shyly lowered his head. "Uh-huh."

"Ahem!" Wang Tong stood up. "Um, I just remembered I have something to do. I'll leave you guys to it. Enjoy your meal."


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 8


Limited First Love Chapter 6