Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 60

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 60 Skipping Heartbeats

The first thing Guo Wei did when he got home was to immediately charge his phone.

His mother followed him into the room, frowning as she complained, "Why do you never learn? So careless, not even charging your phone. I can't reach you when I call."

Guo Wei removed the phone case with a bitter face, showing his cracked phone back to his mother. "It's not that I'm careless. It got damaged from falling, and the battery drains quickly!"

His mother paused, then criticized, "It must be because you're careless that it fell!"

Guo Wei fell silent. He couldn't tell his own mother that he dropped his phone because he was startled by his boyfriend, who made some rather demanding requests and seemed urgent about it, making him nervous.

Seeing him quiet, his mother mistakenly thought he acknowledged his mistake and stopped criticizing. She then quickly left.

Guo Wei hurriedly turned on his phone.

Just as he expected, Ruan Yiyun had sent him more than one message.

Ruan Yiyun asked him where he was, why he wasn't responding, if he was asleep, reminded him to be careful on the road, and urged him to contact him once he got home, ending with an expression of missing him.

With each vibration of his phone, Guo Wei felt a wave of relief and reassurance.

Though still harboring some reservations, Guo Wei didn't want Ruan Yiyun to worry about him. He immediately opened the chat box. The unresponsive screen made typing difficult. Just as he contemplated giving up on his phone and switching to his computer, an unexpected visitor appeared in his room again—his mother.

"Tell me the truth," his mother's expression turned serious, "Did you fail the makeup exam too?"

Guo Wei was taken aback. "How could that be!"

His mother's expression remained skeptical as she scrutinized him from head to toe. "Then why have you been wearing such a troubled expression?"

Guo Wei was stunned.

From childhood to adulthood, Guo Wei was never one to hide his troubles. From the moment he entered their house, he had a heavy look on his face. As the person who knew him best, his mother naturally sensed that something was wrong with him.

"I... it's nothing," Guo Wei averted his gaze. "My phone broke. The journey back was long, and I'm tired from the ride."

His mother remained skeptical, giving him another once-over before saying, "Your dad cut some fruits. Come out and eat first."

Guo Wei was afraid that refusing at this moment would lead his mother to overthink, so he obediently followed her out.

It had been over a month since he last visited home. His parents missed him dearly and had many things to say, so they sat together at the table, accompanying him as he ate.

"If the phone's broken, it's broken. Just buy a new one," his dad said as he ate the leftover apple core in his hand. "I'll make a note of it and deduct it from your future allowance."

Guo Wei's joy lasted less than three seconds before he slumped again, sighing. "Oh..."

His mother, ever the softer one, quickly added, "If the allowance isn't enough when the time comes, we'll figure something out."

Guo Wei beamed at her.

After another moment of eating, his mother's expression grew increasingly concerned, and she asked, "What's really going on?"

With his cheeks stuffed with apple, Guo Wei couldn't speak and simply shook his head.

His mother tentatively asked, "Is it because of your partner?"

Guo Wei froze, cheeks puffed, but remained silent.

"Weren't things fine a few days ago?" his mother frowned. "Is he upset with you?"

Guo Wei hastily shook his head again.

"Then are you upset with him?" his mother was surprised. "That's not good, whatever it is, you need to communicate properly. Being stubborn won't solve anything..."

She was only halfway through when Guo Wei's dad interrupted her.

"You worry too much, you don't understand your son at all," he said, holding the apple core and smiling. "With his temperament, do you think he can keep his thoughts to himself? He's probably already told everyone. He's just concerned about his phone and future allowance!"

Guo Wei finally swallowed the last bit of apple in his mouth. "Yeah, really, it's fine."

Finishing the apple quickly, Guo Wei hurried back to his room.

His dad was completely clueless, but he did bring up something important. This awkward behavior wasn't like him at all. Letting a thorn in his heart without addressing it would only allow a minor wound to gradually fester and become unmanageable.

Pulling out the thorn completely and cleaning the wound thoroughly was the best solution.

After closing the door, he immediately dialed Ruan Yiyun's number, and it only rang twice before being answered.

"Finally home?" Ruan Yiyun asked. "Why has your phone been off?"

"Because it ran out of battery," Guo Wei said.

"Is the battery of the phone I gave you not working?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"No," Guo Wei said, "I'm not using it."

"...Why not?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

He wanted to confront the issue head-on, but hearing Ruan Yiyun's voice made his hidden fear sneak out again, making him less brave. Guo Wei opened his mouth, unsure how to describe his tangled and complex emotions.

Ruan Yiyun waited quietly for a moment before saying, "Husband, is there something bothering you?"

It was the coquettish tone familiar to Guo Wei.

Guo Wei bit his lip and answered, "Yeah. Because you've been keeping something from me."

After saying that, Ruan Yiyun fell silent.

"Are you listening?" Guo Wei asked.

"As expected of Big Smartie," Ruan Yiyun said.

The remark sounded mocking, lacking sincerity. Guo Wei became even more upset.

"...It seems like you don't take it seriously at all," he said.

"How could I..." Ruan Yiyun's tone carried a hint of probing, "What exactly did you see?"

It seemed he genuinely couldn't remember. The chat history was saved on his old phone, and he couldn't access it even if he wanted to.

"Are there many things you've kept from me?" Guo Wei asked.

"Not really," Ruan Yiyun said, "Husband, think about it. If I really had a lot of things I couldn't tell you, why would I so openly give you my phone?"

"Because you forgot what's inside," Guo Wei pointed out immediately.

"That's just the behavior of someone with nothing to hide," Ruan Yiyun said. "In my heart, nothing can affect our relationship."


"I like you very much. I know you feel the same way about me," Ruan Yiyun continued. "We've confirmed this between us, haven't we?"

"...Yeah." Guo Wei nodded, reassuring himself in his mind that yes, that's exactly it.

Ruan Yiyun seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, then cleared his throat and asked, "What did Chen Zui say exactly?"

This question seemed to evade the main issue and shift blame. But Guo Wei didn't want to dwell on these things anymore. All the twists and turns were exhausting him.

"You said it was for smoother redifferentiation process that you got together with me," Guo Wei said.

Ruan Yiyun remained silent for a while.

It felt like an acknowledgment, making Guo Wei's heart sink. When he spoke again, his tone became extremely pitiful. "But you said you liked me..."

"Wait," Ruan Yiyun interrupted him, "Are you sure? Did I really say that?"

Guo Wei hesitated for a moment. "Yeah."

"...That's impossible," Ruan Yiyun was very puzzled. "Why would I say something like that?"

"But you've been trying to redifferentiate for a while now, haven't you?" 

Ruan Yiyun hesitated for a moment. "I'm sorry."

"And it didn't go as planned, did it?" Guo Wei said.

"I... I did intentionally conceal this matter," Ruan Yiyun said, "Because you said you didn't like Alphas, and I was afraid that if I told you, you wouldn't want to be with me."

"How could that be," Guo Wei was a bit angry, "You clearly said you trusted me!"

"Yeah," Ruan Yiyun said, "I repeatedly emphasized that I trusted you because... because you were clearly wavering at the time."

Guo Wei was stunned into silence.

"Guo Wei, I know you're sincere with me," Ruan Yiyun said, "But I..."

He didn't continue, falling into silence.

"What?" Guo Wei asked.

"...I was very nervous, constantly anxious," Ruan Yiyun's tone became much lower. "That's also why my physical reaction was so great at that time. If it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't hide it any longer at the last minute, I wouldn't dare let you know."


"I'm sorry, you've always been so tolerant of me."

Guo Wei stood stunned for a while before asking, "So, were you able to leave the hospital so quickly afterwards because you felt relieved?"

"That must have been a factor," Ruan Yiyun said. "After leaving the hospital, I considered whether to confess to you, but I was worried it would be unnecessary. Whether I told you about it or not wouldn't affect us now, would it?"

This sounded like an excuse.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault," Ruan Yiyun said. "I should have told you the truth immediately after successfully redifferentiating."

Guo Wei disagreed, "You should have told me when we defined our relationship!"

"...Could we even define it then?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

Guo Wei hesitated briefly.

"Yes, I was wrong. I should have said it back then. It's all my fault," Ruan Yiyun said. "Husband, don't be mad."

Guo Wei keenly noticed the subtle change in his tone. Ruan Yiyun's current thoughts might very well be that it was better to be scolded now when the relationship was stable than to have confessed back then when things were uncertain.

He felt a bit depressed inside and didn't know how to express it.

This guy was utterly fearless.

Ruan Yiyun knew, right? He couldn't even bring himself to "scold" someone.

"But you must have misunderstood the most crucial point," Ruan Yiyun said. "I never had the intention of being with you just to redifferentiate smoothly."

"I read it all." Guo Wei became even more upset. "And you still won't admit it. If I log in again, I'll screenshot it and send it to you."

Ruan Yiyun quickly reassured him, "I'm not doubting you, just... could there be a misunderstanding? Can you roughly recount what I said?"

"You said I was the lucky Beta you randomly picked up on the street," Guo Wei said.

After a brief silence, Ruan Yiyun actually laughed.

"I remember, I remember," his voice trembled with laughter. "He suggested I just find anyone, and I said, 'Should I just randomly pick one?'"

"Yeah." Guo Wei listened to his laughter, feeling even more aggrieved. "And then I happened to show up."

"Yes, you happened to show up," Ruan Yiyun's tone still carried a clear smile. "I was just thinking, how could such a lucky thing happen in this world, meeting the right person at the most needed moment, and suddenly you called out to me from behind."

"......" Guo Wei blinked.

"You smiled and reached out your hand to me, saying you wanted to give me good luck," Ruan Yiyun said.

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