Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 59

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 59 Even Guo Wei Would Have Awkward Moments

Clicking into the post just made, the only reply was simple yet surprisingly unexpected for him.

——Long time no see, do you still remember me? The answer to this question isn't common knowledge.

Guo Wei was not acquainted with anyone on this forum. He puzzled for a moment, and quickly speculated in his mind. He compared the person's account name to his own old posts from the past few days and his guess was soon confirmed.

This person with the username "SodiumBicarbonate" was the Alpha who recently shared their experience of redifferentiation and expressed blessings to him.

Guo Wei remembered distinctly. He had once broken up with his former partner, but later fortunately met Beta, whom he truly loved. The two would enter the marriage hall next year.

Returning to the new post, just about to reply, he found that SodiumBicarbonate had already edited their reply.

——Long time no see, do you still remember me? Posting this late at night, did something bother you?

In the quiet of the night, Guo Wei, whose heart had been restless for a long time, was suddenly struck by this stranger's gentle goodwill, and his desire to express his emotions overwhelmed him in an instant.

He decisively opened the other party's profile and enabled the private messaging function.

 ——Hello, I'm glad you remember me. I have indeed encountered some troubles. Would you mind chatting with me for a while?

Shortly after hitting send, a reply arrived.

 ——Of course

The text was accompanied by a friendly emoji.

 ——Would you mind answering the question in my latest post first?

Moments later, as he anticipated, he received an affirmative response from the other party. SodiumBicarbonate was patient and elaborated on the reasons.

For Alphas or Omegas experiencing redifferentiation, the hormonal changes induced by love played a facilitating role. Especially for Alphas, the effects were more pronounced.

Some even began differentiating because they found someone they admired.

This also led to certain risks. Just like SodiumBicarbonate's past failed relationship, not everyone could accept their partner's gender reassignment. For Alphas, the instinctive pheromonal rejection between the same genders made all intimate actions agonizing, making it naturally challenging to sustain the relationship. Although a small fraction might experience pheromonal ineffectiveness due to prolonged differentiaton, they could still perceive the Alpha aura emanating from the other, transforming mutual suffering into unilateral, equally unbearable anguish.

In comparison, the interaction between two Omegas might seem slightly more harmonious, but various discordances still inevitably arose in their lives.

Hence, in this regard, Beta emerged as the optimal choice.

While the majority of Betas had their preferences, they were not as firmly ingrained in physiological instincts as Alphas or Omegas.

Moreover, there were crucial stages during redifferentiation where external pheromonal influences should not disrupt. Therefore, romantic involvement with Alphas or Omegas became a double-edged sword. While it could have a positive promoting effect, it could also potentially disrupt endocrine balance due to the influence of the partner's pheromones during intimacy.

A Beta partner wouldn't harbor such concerns.

For individuals undergoing redifferentiation, all the effects brought by a Beta were positive, naturally becoming everyone's coveted dream. Many would actively consider seeking a Beta partner when encountering redifferentiation bottlenecks to facilitate a smooth redifferentiation process.

In fact, Guo Wei had heard or seen fragments of this information before, but had never pondered over their interconnection.

He gazed at the extensive chat history between the two, his mind replaying numerous past details like a flickering lantern.

Initially, everyone had been puzzled why Ruan Yiyun, a radiant and sought-after Omega, would choose a Beta as his partner.

As it turned out, Ruan Yiyun chose him precisely because he was a Beta.

Therefore, Ruan Yiyun willingly exchanged contact information during their first encounter, invited him for a meal during their second, and confirmed their relationship during their third meeting.

Because his redifferentiation had already begun but was not progressing smoothly. He felt distressed about it, so he desperately sought a Beta.

Ruan Yiyun had mentioned to him that differentiation lasting beyond a certain period would end in failure.

Seeing him fall into silence, SodiumBicarbonate sent another message.

——Why are you concerned about these things? Has something happened?

Guo Wei didn't respond but posed a new question instead.

——Is your relationship with your current partner also because of this reason?

SodiumBicarbonate responded promptly.

——Of course not!!!

——Nana is the most gentle, adorable, and understanding girl in the world, loved by everyone, regardless of gender.

——Oh, Nana is my fiancée.

Guo Wei looked at his name and chuckled.

——Is this what you're worried about?

SodiumBicarbonate inquired.

Guo Wei no longer denied it, honestly and earnestly expressing his distress.

——My partner is someone very outstanding and perfect, pursued by many, while I'm just ordinary. I've realized that the only reason he might have chosen me is probably because I'm a Beta.

SodiumBicarbonate pondered for a moment before replying.

——Are you the only Beta he has access to?

That was certainly impossible.

——No, that's not the case. The gender ratio at our school is quite balanced.

SodiumBicarbonate sent a smiling emoji.

——Well, there's your answer, isn't it?

Guo Wei blinked.

But soon, SodiumBicarbonate added.

——However, I don't know him, and I'm not familiar with your situation. I can't guarantee what he specifically thinks.

Guo Wei's spirits, just beginning to uplift, sank once again.

He furrowed his brows, lost in thought, when SodiumBicarbonate sent another message.

——You're the one who knows him well, who's in a relationship with him. You should know what kind of person he is, right?

What kind of person was Ruan Yiyun?

Guo Wei found himself momentarily hesitating.

When they first met, the answer to this question seemed both simple and complex. Guo Wei could have listed numerous beautiful words to describe him.

Ruan Yiyun was gentle, sweet, caring, understanding, soft, affable, and fragrant.

But as they got to know each other better, he had long realized that these seemingly rich descriptions were all just one-sided.

Ruan Yiyun was much more complex than Guo Wei initially thought.

He had his own pride, could be cold towards others, lacked patience, and excelled in sarcasm. He used different profanities when dealing with close friends and disliked individuals, showing no regard for the feelings of those he disdain. When he wanted to deliberately attack or retaliate, his methods were much more severe than Guo Wei could have imagined. In the eyes of many, he was aloof, even cruel.

Initially, all of this had been perfectly concealed by Ruan Yiyun.

Guo Wei typed on the screen: My understanding of him may be partial.

After typing it out, he silently recited the words in his mind, but without hitting send, he quietly deleted them.

He re-entered.

——You're right!

Then, without waiting for the other to respond, he typed quickly again.

——Why are you still awake in the middle of the night?

SodiumBicarbonate sent a crying emoji.

——Got kicked out of the bedroom by Nana. Waiting for her to fall asleep so I can sneak back in.

Guo Wei couldn't help but be curious.

——What did you do?

——Put toothpaste between cookies and tricked her into eating them.

Guo Wei burst into laughter.

——Serves you right!

This legendary Beta girl, known as the most gentle, adorable, and understanding in the world, unexpectedly had a fierce side to her as well.

Guo Wei woke up very late the next day.

He only fell asleep in the early hours of the morning, waking up at his usual time and briefly checking the time before drifting off again in a daze.

The only plan for today was to go home.

Originally, the plan was to invite Ruan Yiyun for lunch after getting up, then take the bus and arrive home before evening. However, feeling extremely tired and holding a bit of resentment, he simply slept until noon.

Upon waking up, Guo Wei found that Ruan Yiyun had sent him many messages.

——Good morning!

——You haven't gotten up yet, have you?


——Are you still feeling unhappy?

——Is there something on your mind that you want to talk to me about?

——Remember to reply when you see my messages

——Missed you

More than four hours had passed since the first message.

Guo Wei hastily replied.

——Good morning!

——Wait, good afternoon!

——I overslept

As soon as he finished sending the messages, he got out of bed and put on his shoes, and already received a reply.

——Good afternoon! Feeling hungry? Shall we have lunch together?

Guo Wei hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the time.

——I told my parents I'd be home before three

It was already half-past twelve, and although his home was in the same city, it was not nearby, requiring a transfer in between. Implicitly, it seemed he might not make it in time.

This was more or less an excuse.

There was no need to strictly adhere to the agreed time with his parents. Being a bit late wouldn't matter.

If it were any other day, knowing they would be separated for a full two days afterward, he would have chosen to meet Ruan Yiyun first.

He wondered if Ruan Yiyun would notice his abnormal behavior, and if he would inquire about it.

If he did ask, should he straightforwardly tell him about the unsettling contents he saw in yesterday's chat history?

But Ruan Yiyun didn't.

——Okay, take care on the way!

——Remember to eat something first

Guo Wei tried to reply, but his phone screen suddenly became unresponsive. He repeatedly tapped the screen several times, only to have random letters appear in the message box. His frustration rapidly escalated, and he angrily threw the phone down and went into the bathroom.

He had many questions he wanted to ask Ruan Yiyun, yet he was somewhat afraid to hear the answers, so he decided to bury his head in the sand.

The snacks Ruan Yiyun bought yesterday came in handy.

Guo Wei had a casual breakfast, packed his luggage, and set off for the journey home.

About an hour after boarding the bus, his phone ran out of battery.

Fortunately, he still had a transportation card, so even without electronic devices, he wasn't afraid of being unable to get home.

The old phone Ruan Yiyun lent him yesterday had not been turned on since then and was now tucked away in his backpack.

He didn't want to use it because it would remind him of that chat history.

Without a phone, the long journey ahead could only be spent in idle contemplation.

He wondered if Ruan Yiyun had tried to contact him and if he would feel a bit anxious upon receiving no response. He hoped he would, yet he couldn't bear the thought of Ruan Yiyun worrying about him.

Love is truly magical, wonderful, and cruel.

No matter what kind of person, after experiencing sweetness and happiness, they cannot escape the fear of loss and uncertainty.

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