Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 54

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 54 This Is Too Much

Back then, Ruan Yiyun couldn't bear to read the entire post. He was so disgusted that he stopped scrolling after reading the main content.

Now that the post had been deleted, Guo Wei enthusiastically recounted it to him.

It was strange. He had been quite angry when he first saw it, but now, maybe because of the mood, he felt like he was gossiping behind someone's back. He found it a bit funny.

He and Ruan Yiyun were wrapped in the same blanket, their bodies pressed together, skin warming each other, but they were talking about some rather silly gossip, not sweet at all.

When Guo Wei repeated those comments again, he didn't feel any annoyance anymore, just found those people quite ridiculous.

After listening, Ruan Yiyun could only laugh.

"I remember that person," he told Guo Wei, "in such a big classroom with empty seats everywhere, he insisted on sitting next to me. And wouldn't shut up. I told him I wasn't in the mood to chat, but he just kept talking."

"He kept talking? He's so clueless, he doesn't know how to pursue someone at all."

Upon hearing this, Ruan Yiyun chuckled, casting him a gaze tinged with complexity.

"What?" Guo Wei puzzled.

"If I had responded to you like this when we first met, how would you have reacted?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

After careful consideration, Guo Wei responded earnestly, "Just shut up and give you some quiet space."

"But then, we won't be able to get to know each other better, and you wouldn't have the chance, would you?"

"Hmm..." Guo Wei pondered, "Then I'd ask why you don't want to talk. If something's bothering you, you could tell me. Maybe I could help with some advice. Even if not, I could at least comfort you."

Ruan Yiyun burst into even louder laughter, shaking uncontrollably, and clutching his stomach.

Guo Wei sensed something amiss. "Is there a problem?"

"No." Ruan Yiyun shook his head amidst laughter, planting a kiss on his cheek. "You're so gentle, no wonder I like you so much."

Guo Wei beamed, tilting his chin upward, signaling him to kiss him on the lips. Ruan Yiyun complied with a smile.

"How did that person answer you?" Guo Wei casually asked.

Ruan Yiyun resumed laughing, his words intermittent, "He... he asked if I had something bothering me, and said if I spoke up, maybe... maybe he could share the burden with me..."


"I found him annoying, so I raised my hand to request a seat change," Ruan Yiyun said.


"It's essentially the same thing, but why does it sound so cute when you say it?" Ruan Yiyun reached out and cupped his face. "Is it because you're so sincere that it's more touching?"

Guo Wei nodded vigorously, salvaging his dignity. "Yes, exactly!"

Ruan Yiyun began laughing again.

Guo Wei, with a red face, forcibly changed the subject, "What about the person you blocked? Did he harass you maliciously, so you ignored him?"

"I did reply initially," Ruan Yiyun said, "When he added me, he introduced himself as a class monitor, saying he needed to talk to me, so I accepted. But after beating around the bush for a while without getting to the point, I couldn't be bothered. I asked him what he wanted, and he said he wanted to meet in person."

"Excuse!" Guo Wei passed judgment, "How crude!"

"I ignored him, and he got even more persistent, mumbling on and on. I simply turned off message notifications," Ruan Yiyun said, "A week later, he still hadn't stopped. Starting from the next day, he'd report his daily life to me in the morning, afternoon, and evening, as if I were a memo pad. When I opened the chat box, I found him still chattering, saying it was impolite of me to ignore him, that people's enthusiasm had limits and shouldn't be wasted in vain, otherwise, I'd lose a sincere person."

"…And then you blocked him."

"There were so many typos and grammatical errors in the messages he sent, it was unbearable to look at," Ruan Yiyun said.

Guo Wei pondered silently, wondering if he would have done something similar if he hadn't immediately established a relationship with Ruan Yiyun.

To earnestly pursue someone, wasn't it necessary to take the initiative to greet them with a good morning, afternoon, and goodnight every day?

"What's wrong? Why the serious expression?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"Nothing," Guo Wei hastily shook his head, then asked, "What's the deal with you screenshotting the chat history and reporting it?"

"It's exactly as you guessed," Ruan Yiyun said, "That Alpha guy clearly has a partner but still tries to flirt with me. I found it disgusting, so I screenshot it and sent it to his partner."

Guo Wei inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief. That was good, finally a mistake he wouldn't make.

"I've told you before, the people who pursue me are all strange," Ruan Yiyun said, "None of them are as cute as you."

"But these people are quite courageous," Guo Wei said, "They should know about Chen Zui and assumed you two are a couple, right? Yet they still dare to challenge."

"You don't understand," Ruan Yiyun said, "The class monitor I mentioned earlier, in the messages he sent me, he said although he's not as tall as Chen Zui, he still has a handsome appearance and elegant temperament, with even more substance and knowledge than Chen Zui, and he's more gentle and considerate than Chen Zui. The implication is that apart from being short, which is an undeniable fact, he has no other shortcomings and is superior to Chen Zui in every aspect, advising me to choose him instead."

Guo Wei was surprised. "What does he look like?"

Ruan Yiyun furrowed his brows for a moment. "He can barely pass as... having all his features intact, I guess."

It seemed he wasn't much to look at. In comparison, his own advantages were quite apparent. Setting aside other matters, Guo Wei always had a good sense of self-awareness.

"I've noticed, although Chen Zui is quite an effective shield, he only seems to deter the more normal people," he remarked, "The most peculiar ones don't even pay Chen Zui any mind."

"That makes sense," Ruan Yiyun nodded in agreement, "You're really clever, you've immediately identified the key point. Impressive."

Guo Wei wasn't swayed by this flattery, but rather delved into deeper thoughts. "But if even Chen Zui can't stop them, then they definitely won't take me seriously. Won't you be harassed even more now?"

"No, not at all," Ruan Yiyun said, "Have you forgotten? I'm an Alpha now, I've solved the problem from the root."

"Right," Guo Wei suddenly realized, "In that case, becoming an Alpha is a good thing!"

Ruan Yiyun paused for a moment at his words, then nodded with a smile. "Seems like it."

Guo Wei was about to initiate a kiss when the phone placed on the nearby cabinet vibrated softly. At this hour, Guo Wei felt a bit apprehensive, fearing it might be his parents coming to interrogate him about the makeup exam notice. After hesitating for a moment, he gathered the courage to pick up the phone.

Upon checking, it was a friend request.

His name appeared prominently in the friend request: Is it Guo Wei?

This should be someone he knew. Guo Wei casually accepted the friend request and then proactively sent a message in the chat box.

——Hello there, may I ask who this is?

After sending the message, he clicked into the person's profile and was surprised to find almost no useful information. The Moments section was empty, there was no bio, the profile picture was just a dark blur, and the username consisted of several seemingly random letters, almost like a captcha.

While he was doing all this, Ruan Yiyun was embracing him from behind, his face nestled near the nape of his neck, occasionally planting kisses on his skin.

"Who's this..." Guo Wei muttered.

"Hmm?" Ruan Yiyun asked, "What's wrong?"

Finally, there was a response. No words, just a photo sent.

Guo Wei clicked it open and was quickly stunned.

At first glance, it seemed like a landscape photo, with a serene lake below, a clear blue sky above, and lush trees in between.

By the lake, there was a bench, with two people sitting on it, locked in a kiss.

Though the outlines were blurred, Guo Wei could recognize it at a glance—it was him and Ruan Yiyun.

So, this was a long-distance sneak shot.

In the midst of his astonishment, a new message popped up in the chat box.

——Did you lift your butt when he kissed you?

——Such a sl*t.

Guo Wei's mind went blank in an instant.

Sensing his unusual reaction, Ruan Yiyun asked, "What's wrong? Did your parents come to interrogate you?"

"Pervert!" Guo Wei shouted.


Just then, another message popped up in the chat box.

——Why aren't you saying anything? Are you being nailed by the Alpha?

Guo Wei's mind buzzed, a surge of anger rising from his chest. He immediately clicked on the input box, intending to hurl curses.

However, his phone failed him at this critical moment, malfunctioning just when he needed it the most, unable to type a single word.

"What's going on?" Ruan Yiyun said, propping himself up and peering over Guo Wei's shoulder at the screen.

Just then, the other person sent a new message.

——Help me lick

Then, an indescribable photo followed.

Guo Wei was typing hard, holding back his anger, when his phone was snatched away from behind by Ruan Yiyun.

Ruan Yiyun glanced at the conversation between the two, then directly pressed the voice button. His outburst left Guo Wei speechless.

The words that erupted from Ruan Yiyun were shockingly vulgar. It was unbelievable that such crass language could come from him, even resorting to insults about the other person's size that seemed petty by comparison.

Ruan Yiyun cursed for half a minute, and the other party listened for another half.

The subsequent message left Ruan Yiyun speechless.

——Baby, your voice sounds so sweet, feels so good, give me more.

The person thought it was Guo Wei who was cursing.

"…This person probably isn't familiar with you," Ruan Yiyun said.

Both of their voices weren't deep or rugged, but they were distinct enough to easily tell them apart. Even if someone only knew one of them, they wouldn't mistake them.

"Damn it, what a jerk!" Guo Wei yelled.

He wanted to hurl a few insults himself, but unfortunately, his vocabulary was nowhere near as extensive as Ruan Yiyun's, and he feared he might inadvertently provoke this pervert even more, leaving him feeling suffocated.

Ruan Yiyun furrowed his brow, staring at the screen for a few seconds, then opened the person's profile, took screenshots one by one, and swiftly blocked him.

"I feel nauseous," Guo Wei said.

Ruan Yiyun placed the phone aside, reached out his arm to embrace him, pulling him closer into his embrace, and said, "People like that only dare to talk tough, don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid, I'm disgusted," Guo Wei lamented with a sense of grievance, "This is beyond stepping on poop while walking outside. It's like poop flying over and hitting my face."

"…Your analogy is too vivid," Ruan Yiyun's tone was awkward, "But indeed, it's really disgusting."

Ruan Yiyun's tone amused Guo Wei, who, despite furrowing his brow, couldn't help but smile.

"You scared me just now," he said to Ruan Yiyun.

Ruan Yiyun remained silent, gently patting his back.

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