Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 4

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 4 Love Story

Wang Tong was in a state of disbelief once again.

"This person has a bit of a taste for novelty, huh." He gestured at Guo Wei with a frown. "Because he's never seen someone as unusual as you, it piqued his interest."

Guo Wei strongly agreed, "It's possible!"

Wang Tong hammered him with force. "I'm not complimenting you!"

Guo Wei laughed while dodging. "Well, as long as everything goes smoothly!"

However, Wang Tong was very worried. "I always feel something's not quite right..."

Guo Wei also knew that his recent actions made him seem not very intelligent. Hanging the clothes on the tree was not part of his plan at all. It was a spontaneous attempt to salvage his dignity, and surprisingly, it worked. Upon careful reflection, his preceding actions seemed quite foolish.

Even if one had never been in a relationship, it was generally understood that when an Omega encountered such a clumsy suitor, they would have already blacklisted them in their hearts, and might even gossip about them to their friends and family in private.

What did this indicate?

It indicated that Ruan Yiyun was truly extraordinary.

"Do you have any suggestions," he asked Wang Tong cheerfully, "about dating?"

Wang Tong pondered for a moment, then shook his head. "Theoretically, there are some things you could try... But this Ruan Yiyuan's taste is really hard to figure out. I don't dare to give random advice."

Guo Wei nodded, then, after a moment, smiled and said, "Maybe he just likes someone like me!"

Wang Tong sighed. "I believe you."

They scheduled an appointment for two days later in the afternoon.

Guo Wei approached this with a serious and positive attitude. After returning home, he promptly checked the movies currently playing at the cinema near the restaurant, sent them one by one to Ruan Yiyun for his consideration, and asked which one he liked.

Ruan Yiyun replied, "You decide."

There were three suitable movies at the convenient time. One was a visually stunning, action-packed blockbuster but was criticized for its ridiculous plot, one was a 3D animated movie that was said to be quite touching and suitable for the whole family, and the last was a small-budget indie romantic film with mixed reviews.

After careful consideration, Guo Wei chose the last option.

The animated film seemed a bit childish, making him appear immature. Opting for the noisy blockbuster might make him seem too crude and uncultured.

Since he considered this in his heart as a genuine date, the natural and optimal choice was a romantic film.

Coincidentally, the main leads of this film was also a Beta and an Omega, telling the story of the spiritual and physical conflicts between two people in love whose genders didn't completely match. Guo Wei seriously checked the reviews, and many individuals with similar experiences commented, "I cried while watching," "After watching, I love my significant other even more."

Ruan Yiyun had no objections to this and even said, "Looking forward to it."

Finally, on the day of the date, Guo Wei woke up early. Due to excessive excitement, he couldn't concentrate during the morning classes, and he only managed to eat a hasty lunch.

When he reached the bus stop at the school gate, he was a whole twenty minutes earlier than planned.

With time on his hands, Guo Wei tidied up his clothing in front of a nearby convenience store's glass window. Then, he had a sudden inspiration and went inside to buy two bottles of cola.

He had already prepared a line, "This is the cola I promised to treat you with last time."

However, when he actually met Ruan Yiyun ten minutes later, all he could do was awkwardly hand over the bottles, smiling foolishly without being able to utter a word.

From his appearance, it was evident that Ruan Yiyun placed more importance on this date than Guo Wei had imagined.

Ruan Yiyun's hair was slightly longer than before. In the previous two encounters, he tied a small ponytail with a plain hair tie at the back of his neck, letting his bangs and the shorter strands on the side flow freely.

This time, he intentionally let his hair fall loose, carefully securing one side of his bangs and loose strands with a hair clip, exposing most of his face.

Guo Wei was already captivated by Ruan Yiyun's unadorned appearance. Now, as he watched Ruan Yiyun approach him with a carefully crafted look and a smile, he felt as if the person before him was radiating a gentle glow, accompanied by the sound of crisp heavenly melody in his ears.

Ruan Yiyun's smile grew wider as he accepted the cola handed by Guo Wei. "Thank you, I happen to be a bit thirsty."

After saying this, he unscrewed the bottle cap, took a shallow sip, and then turned to ask, "Why are you staring at me?"

Only now did Guo Wei hastily retract his gaze. To mask his emotions, he deliberately cleared his throat and blurted out a blunt truth, "You look really good."

Ruan Yiyun raised an eyebrow slightly, then politely nodded. "Thank you."

Guo Wei quickly added, "I should be the one saying thank you!"

"Why?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

Because I can actually stand next to you at the bus stop. Plus, for the next half day, every time I turn around, I can admire such beauty—what incredible luck.

Realizing how cheesy his words were, Guo Wei felt embarrassed to say more. He chuckled, lowered his head, and opened his own bottle of cola. Before taking a sip, he specifically glanced at the inside of the bottle cap.

It was imprinted with the words "Thank you for your patronage."

It seemed that not every time was blessed with such good luck. Since he hadn't overly anticipated it, he didn't feel disappointed. Tilting his head back, he took a big gulp.

"No prize?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

Guo Wei set down the bottle with a smile. "Next time, I'll keep trying!"

Just as he finished speaking, a rush of gas from the carbonated beverage surged up his throat, causing him to let out a loud burp.

Feeling it was uncouth, his face slightly reddened, and he gave a shy smile to Ruan Yiyun.

Ruan Yiyun tilted his head, smiling. "Looks like it's quite refreshing."

After saying that, he also picked up the bottle and took a small sip.

The trip from their campus to the city center was quite far, but fortunately, transportation was relatively convenient. They first took two bus stops and then transferred to the subway, changing lines in between. The one-way trip took approximately an hour.

Along the way, the two chatted happily, at least in Guo Wei's heart, everything felt delightful.

Ruan Yiyun wasn't very talkative but always knew when to ask, "What happened next?" or "Why is that?" Then, he would follow up with expressions like, "Oh, I see" and "That's really interesting."

Guo Wei was already in an excited state, and with someone showing such interest, he spilled out everything in a muddled manner. In a little over an hour, he had almost spilled out his entire background.

"Am I talking too much?" Guo Wei asked Ruan Yiyun with concern as they exited the subway.

"Not at all," Ruan Yiyun said, "You're very articulate and humorous. I enjoy listening to you talk."

This statement seemed to have fitted two springs under Guo Wei's feet, making him walk restlessly.

Even when seated in the cinema, he couldn't calm down. Occasionally, he would shift in his seat and sneak a glance to the side.

Initially, Ruan Yiyun had suggested waiting until after dinner to watch the movie. However, due to scheduling constraints, Guo Wei proposed swapping the order, and Ruan Yiyun readily agreed.

He was always so easygoing.

Leaning back on the cinema's plush chair, Guo Wei's gaze was on the pre-show trailers, but his mind was entirely focused on the person sitting next to him.

Ruan Yiyun was excessively wonderful.

Wang Tong had said that trying to pursue such a beautiful person without becoming a simp was impossible. However, in reality, Ruan Yiyun had a gentle and considerate personality, showing no signs of arrogance. Being with him was like a breath of fresh air.

Every word and expression from him brought comfort to Guo Wei's soul.

Despite the cinema's air conditioning being on the cooler side, Guo Wei felt no chill. His skin even slightly perspired.

His heartbeat was fast, as if he had just finished running.

Despite being surrounded by a crowd with the noisy sound system in his ears, the dim surroundings created a slight sense of isolation, allowing him to immerse himself in his own thoughts.

Countless times in these recent days, his face blushed and his heart raced for Ruan Yiyun. He was acutely aware that he was strongly drawn to this person.

Now, he believed he could replace "drawn to" with a simpler and more straightforward term.

He liked Ruan Yiyun.

He hoped Ruan Yiyun would like him too.

If possible, he hoped to hold his hand.

It was brave to express feelings, but actions shouldn't be too abrupt.

Initiating hand-holding in a pitch-dark cinema was a standard scene in many romantic movies. Guo Wei wanted to do this, but he was worried that Ruan Yiyun might not be ready for it yet and would feel uncomfortable.

In his heart, he told himself to be patient. It was only the third time they had met, and sitting side by side with Ruan Yiyun to watch a movie was already incredibly blissful. Taking it slow was the right approach.

Once the movie started, he quickly immersed himself in the plot.

The protagonist Beta, timid because of his gender, hesitated to pursue the Omega he loved. Little did he know, the Omega he admired stayed awake at night because he couldn't figure out his feelings.

Despite being a far cry from the protagonist in personality, making it hard for him to relate, Guo Wei found himself sympathizing to a surprising degree.

Ignoring gender disadvantages, the person he liked was too wonderful and outstanding, inevitably causing some concerns about their compatibility.

When the plot reached the point where the protagonist Omega wrote, "I like you, you are the best" in the letter to the Beta, he felt a stirring in his heart and couldn't help but sneak a glance to his side.

Ruan Yiyun was raising his hand to rub his eyes.

Sensing Guo Wei's gaze, he turned his head to look at Guo Wei. In the dim cinema, both relied on the faint glow from the screen and locked eyes for a few seconds.

Guo Wei quickly averted his gaze.

There was an unnatural gleam in the corner of Ruan Yiyun's eye, looking moist and extremely captivating.

Guo Wei was confused in his heart. Ruan Yiyun seemed to have teared up. He had rubbed his eyes earlier, perhaps wiping away tears. He must have been moved by the plot. Could he understand that Omega? Would he also like a Beta?

Guo Wei pressed tightly against the chair, silently swallowed, and clenched his hands together.

The plot continued on the screen. With courage, the Omega dropped the letter into the mailbox, walked home with anticipation and anxiety, and from a distance, saw the familiar figure of the Beta downstairs in his own building.

The two of them silently locked eyes across a distance of over ten meters, while soothing and affectionate music played in the background.

After a prolonged gaze, they slowly walked towards each other until their toes met. Then, they gazed into each other's eyes, smiled, gradually closed the gap, and then kissed, all without uttering a word.

The camera slowly tilted downward, capturing the two standing face to face. Their fingers first hooked together and quickly intertwined firmly.

Guo Wei was moved beyond words, and unconsciously, he glanced to his side.

He quickly froze.

Ruan Yiyun's body slightly tilted in his direction, and his head was cocked, looking somewhat unnatural. In the midst of his confusion, Ruan Yiyun, who had been sitting somewhat improperly, suddenly slouched even more.

Guo Wei felt a weight on his shoulder.

Ruan Yiyun was leaning against him.

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