Limited First Love Chapter 39

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 39 Let You Show Off

Guo Wei suddenly jolted, realizing something.

Before Ruan Yiyun was admitted to the hospital, he used to enjoy touching Guo Wei's neck with his lips during intimacy.

The past Ruan Yiyun was always reserved, just giving a peck or at most sticking out his tongue to lick. Last night, apart from these actions that Guo Wei was already accustomed to, he also seemed to suck on that patch of skin as if deep kissing.

If Guo Wei hadn't lacked experience, he would have realized that it would definitely leave a mark.

Leaving a mark on the lover's neck was completely instinctual for an Alpha. It was a declaration of possession, emphasizing the intimacy between the two and simultaneously demonstrating to other Alphas.

The neck was the location of the Omega gland. Stimulating the Omega gland with teeth while leaving a mark could create a permanent imprint during an Omega's heat cycle.

With the advancement of medicine, the so-called permanent marks were no longer "permanent." Nowadays, mark removal surgery was simple, efficient, and safe. However, the act and process itself still hold special significance for both Alphas and Omegas, representing the most intimate contact between two lovers.

In more conservative times, such marks would only appear on an Omega or Beta partnered with an Alpha after marriage.

Guo Wei covered his neck, his face flushing with embarrassment and nervousness.

For an Omega, even the gentle touch of their lover's fingers against the skin of their neck was an immensely intimate gesture.

He was just a Beta. When Ruan Yiyun kissed his neck repeatedly, he never realized how special this gesture was. After all, he had no glands, so it was impossible for him to be marked.

Even though he was forced to become an Omega due to the effects of a medication, deep down, Ruan Yiyun still followed the instincts of an Alpha.

Recalling Ruan Yiyun's actions from last night that had once set his heart racing, Guo Wei's internal alarm bells rang loud and clear.

Not good. Trouble was bound to happen sooner or later.

His muscles clenched.

Then, he grimaced in pain from the bruises on his buttocks.

As he dragged his battered body and wounded spirit back to the dormitory, his other two roommates unsurprisingly made similar judgments as Wang Tong.

"This is too much," Third Elder Brother frowned, "you're probably completely cracked. Do you have to play so hard?"

Before Guo Wei could speak, Wang Tong answered for him, "He said he just took a tumble."

"Hahaha!" Third Elder Brother laughed heartily. "You can't possibly believe that!"

Eldest Brother Jin, appearing to be in a complicated mood, furrowed his brow and shook his head slightly before quickly asking, "Why are you covering your neck like that? Cold?"

Guo Wei was still wearing the sports jacket that Mrs. Ruan had given him. The collar of the jacket wasn't high, but he forcibly pulled it up to tightly wrap around his neck, looking rather weird. But it was better than exposing the large ambiguous marks on his skin to the world.

"He got bitten by mosquitoes on his neck," Wang Tong said, "It's all red marks, just covering it up."

Third Elder Brother raised an eyebrow, "Ooooh~!"

He dragged out his word in a long, drawn-out tone, carrying profound implications. Eldest Brother Jin beside him looked full of sympathy, still shaking his head repeatedly, but remained silent.

"I never said it was mosquitoes!" Guo Wei protested loudly, "You're just making things up!"

"So, what, did you accidentally fall too?" Third Elder Brother asked.

Guo Wei's face burned crimson as he struggled to walk to the edge of the bed and carefully sat down. "You guys are so tedious, always meddling in other people's business. Don't you have your own partners?"

Third Elder Brother and Eldest Brother Jin were instantly hit where it hurt, their expressions turning unfriendly.

These two were just about to use force to punish Guo Wei while he was incapacitated, but Wang Tong remarked from the sidelines, "I do have a partner. My wife seems a hundred times fiercer than Ruan Yiyun at first glance, but deep down, she's probably gentler."

"Ruan Yiyun is also very gentle, okay!" Guo Wei retorted defiantly.

Wang Tong remained silent, smiling as he looked Guo Wei up and down.

Beside them, Eldest Brother Jin chuckled. Setting down the pillow he had initially intended to use as a weapon, he turned to Wang Tong with a sardonic tone. "What do you mean? Isn't our Fourth Brother's partner gentle? As he says so, his butt got bruised from a fall, nothing to do with his husband."

After finishing his statement, he turned to Guo Wei and laughed. "You better apply some medicine, so you can recover faster."

Guo Wei, torn between grief and anger, became increasingly irrational. Struggling to stand up from the bed, he wanted to show them his injured area as evidence of his innocence.

"Don't believe me? Look!"

He shouted, placing his hand on his belt, causing the three to scatter.

"Stop! Stop!"

"Our eyes! Spare our eyes!"

"No need! We believe you, okay!"

Guo Wei quickly realized his folly and grew even more ashamed and indignant.

With all three against him and unable to display his injury, continuing the verbal battle would only be humiliating. Knowing when to quit, as they say, he couldn't explain himself anyway, so he might as well let it go.

Guo Wei took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed. "I'm not going to stoop to your level."

The guys teased him a bit more, but seeing his lack of response, they quickly lost interest and stopped. Eldest Brother Jin rummaged through his belongings and found a purportedly blood-activating and stasis-dispelling ointment for Guo Wei to try. Afterward, they discussed whether Guo Wei's injuries really needed such treatment.

Guo Wei took off his jacket, wrapped himself in a blanket, and focused on messaging Ruan Yiyun.

Originally, the two had planned to have dinner together after Ruan Yiyun finished his paperwork at the administrative office in the afternoon. Now, Guo Wei couldn't go because of his mobility issues.

Ruan Yiyun was surprised and worried when he heard the news.

——Did I hold you back and make you late, causing you to rush downstairs?

Before Guo Wei left his place, the two bid each other a reluctant farewell, showering each other with endless kisses, reluctant to part. Not only did Ruan Yiyun hold onto him, but Guo Wei himself also couldn't bear to leave.

——No, it's just that I was in a good mood and not paying attention, so I missed a step

Guo Wei explained to him.

Ruan Yiyun sounded very concerned.

——I want to help you massage it

This was originally a gentle and sweet, healing phrase. But to Guo Wei at this moment, it caused his heart to skip a beat.

Now, any thoughts Ruan Yiyun had of touching that area made him intensely uneasy.

In his distress, Ruan Yiyun sent a new message.

——What about dinner? Shall I bring it to you?

Guo Wei hastily replied.

——No need, you can't come in anyway. I can order takeout, or ask my roommate to bring me something.

In theory, the school didn't allow members of different secondary genders to visit each other's dormitories. But in practice, the rules were sometimes flexible. For example, if Alphas and Omegas were found in each other's dormitories, it would be dealt with seriously, while Betas were given more leeway.

However, male Betas attempting to enter female Betas' dormitories would also be turned away.

Although Ruan Yiyun's current appearance wasn't much different from other Betas and he was a male, theoretically, it wouldn't be difficult for him to blend in. But he was a well-known figure, so he could easily be recognized.

——But I want to see you, I miss you already

He sent a pitiful emoji. Guo Wei immediately softened.

——Then I'll come out! I can still move, just a bit slower.

Ruan Yiyun sent an even more pitiful emoji than before.

——Never mind, forget it

Several hours later, when Guo Wei was contemplating what to have for dinner on the food delivery app, he received a phone call from Ruan Yiyun.

Ruan Yiyun's voice on the other end of the line was hushed, sounding secretive, "What's your room number?"

Guo Wei was taken aback. "Huh? Why do you need to know that? Are you ordering food for me?"

Food deliveries couldn't be brought upstairs. They had to be collected outside, so there was no need for a room number.

Ruan Yiyun's voice carried a playful tone. "Just answer the question honestly!"

Guo Wei immediately fell for this flirtatious tone, promptly giving his dorm room number. After saying it, he quickly realized what was happening.

"You're not sneaking in, are you?"

Before he could finish speaking, the sound of knocking came from the door.

Eldest Brother Jin was closest to the door. Scratching his belly, he casually strolled over while asking, "Who is it?"

As the sound of the door opening echoed, Guo Wei's phone call was abruptly cut off, and outside the door, he heard a familiar voice.

"Excuse me, does Guo Wei live in this dorm room?"

Ruan Yiyun had really come!

Eldest Brother Jin remained silent, dumbfounded in his spot.

Guo Wei quickly propped himself up and shouted towards the direction of the door, "I'm here, I'm here!"

Eldest Brother Jin had been blocking the doorway, motionless. Ruan Yiyun asked again, "Can I come in?"

Eldest Brother Jin finally snapped out of his daze and hastily stepped aside. The other occupants of the dorm room also realized what was happening and leaned forward, silently watching.

Ruan Yiyun quickly found Guo Wei and walked to the side of the bed with a gentle smile, asking softly, "Feeling better?"

He was wearing an oversized jacket that Guo Wei had never seen before, and he had a hat on, with his slightly longer hair tucked inside. If he lowered the brim of the hat, it would indeed be difficult to recognize him at first glance.

Guo Wei was both shocked and delighted. "Much better already!"

"That's good," Ruan Yiyun said, lifting the bag in his hand, "I brought this for you."

Just as he spoke, Eldest Brother Jin nervously brought over a chair. "Um... you, you can sit."

Ruan Yiyun took off his hat and smiled at him. "Thank you."

Eldest Brother Jin dryly licked his lips and hurried away in a fluster.

"What's in the bag?" Guo Wei asked.

Ruan Yiyun held out the bag to him. "Want to smell it?"

Guo Wei leaned over and sniffed, quickly showing a pleasantly surprised expression. "It smells amazing!"

He exclaimed excitedly, reaching out his hand, but to his dismay, his enthusiastic movement caused pain as the bruise on his buttocks was pulled, making him gasp.

"How did it get so serious?" Ruan Yiyun frowned, "Let me see."

As he spoke, Guo Wei clearly felt several pairs of eyes from different corners of the dormitory casting their gaze upon them.

Amidst the embarrassment, he suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity to clarify things and hastily said, "The injury is on my buttocks, it's inconvenient. My friends misunderstood too. I said it was an accidental fall, but they don't believe me."

Ruan Yiyun blinked. "Why?"

Guo Wei pointed, "Ask them!"

Ruan Yiyun turned around, smiling as he scanned the dormitory, then quickly looked back at Guo Wei. "They must be teasing you."

Wang Tong spoke up softly at this moment. "Who didn't believe it? We all believed you when you insisted on showing us your bare ass earlier, didn't we?"


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 40


Limited First Love Chapter 38