Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 32

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 32 Zuibao

Mrs. Ruan gave him a bag containing two boxes of strawberries and two boxes of cherries.

None of these were seasonal fruits. Plump and bursting with juice, the vibrant hues hinted at their undeniable value. Especially since they were bought near the hospital, their price was probably even higher than the market rate.

This left Guo Wei pleasantly surprised.

Ruan Yiyun said that meeting him was the luckiest thing that had ever happened to him. In Guo Wei's eyes, he was the one chosen by luck.

He was easily favored by such a wonderful person, and almost effortlessly gained the approval of the other's family.

It was like winning the lottery.

During their first meeting, he gave Ruan Yiyun a bottle cap symbolizing luck. Yet, that luck itself was always shared between them.

The only downside was perhaps that the packaging and the actual content of the lottery were not quite the same.

Strawberries and cherries were both perishable fruits, and with no refrigerator in the dormitory, they couldn't be kept overnight and had to be consumed quickly.

Guo Wei couldn't consume all the delicacies by himself, so he generously shared them with his roommates.

"You're already being treated as a daughter-in-law!" Third Elder Brother exclaimed between bites. "These strawberries are so sweet, quite rare and expensive!"

Guo Wei felt awkward and wanted to retort but couldn't find the right words to articulate his thoughts.

Ruan Yiyun still calls me "husband"!

Such words were too embarrassing to say. He thought that when Ruan Yiyun recovered and returned to school in the future, he would have to find an opportunity to show off their relationship in front of them. Given Ruan Yiyun's usual generosity, he surely wouldn't object.

Even if he becomes an Alpha, this stunning beauty will still be my adorable wife, you know?

The next day at noon, as Guo Wei made his way to the cafeteria, he unexpectedly received a call from Chen Zui.

"Just a few days ago, you were all over me," Chen Zui said strangely over the phone. "What's up? You see another Alpha, and suddenly you forget about me?"

Guo Wei paused for a moment, then burst into laughter. "Haha, you're hilarious!"

Chen Zui continued, "I heard you have something delicious over there."

Guo Wei was puzzled. "Huh? What delicious thing?"

"Didn't Auntie buy you a big bag of fruits?" Chen Zui asked. "Can you finish them all by yourself? You might need some help, right?"

"We finished them already. I shared them all with my roommates," Guo Wei replied. "The strawberries and cherries wouldn't last until today anyway."

"Then why didn't you invite me yesterday?"

This question was difficult to answer. Guo Wei instinctively wanted to ask in return, "Why should I invite you?" But that would be impolite. Since he and Chen Zui weren't that close, he couldn't bring himself to say it, so he just chuckled instead.

"Next time, next time, I'll definitely remember," Guo Wei promised.

"Forget about next time," Chen Zui said. "How about today? Have you eaten yet?"

"I'm on my way to the cafeteria," Guo Wei replied.

"Good," Chen Zui said. "I'll wait for you at the cafeteria entrance."

Guo Wei was momentarily caught off guard and hesitated. "Uh... what?"

"Invite me for a meal," Chen Zui said.

Guo Wei was about to ask why again, but hesitated. After recalling how much he had bothered Chen Zui a few days ago, he quickly acquiesced. "Sure. My friend is coming with me. We'll be there in about five minutes."

With Ruan Yiyun absent from school, Guo Wei and Wang Tong, attending their classes together, naturally went to the cafeteria for lunch together as well.

"Don't worry," Chen Zui said. "I wanted to have a little chat with you."

Guo Wei froze in place.

"About Little Sister Ruan," Chen Zui's tone carried a hint of amusement. "It's not something we want too many people to know about."

Guo Wei hesitated for a moment. "Oh, I understand!"

Wang Tong, for the sake of the delicious fruits last night, parted ways with him after scolding him a few times.

Approaching the cafeteria, Guo Wei spotted Chen Zui's figure from a distance.

Equally striking in appearance, the tall and slender Chen Zui stood out more in the crowd than Ruan Yiyun. Even casually leaning against a wall, he attracted numerous glances from onlookers.

People coming in and out of the cafeteria couldn't help but sneak glances at him, yet he seemed unfazed, likely accustomed to the attention.

This made Guo Wei feel awkward about initiating contact with him.

Guo Wei had intended to get closer before speaking, but Chen Zui, with keen eyesight, spotted him from over ten meters away and waved his arms enthusiastically.

"Over here!" he called out to Guo Wei.

Everyone on the street turned to look at Guo Wei.

Guo Wei felt embarrassed and nervous. He forced a smile at Chen Zui, then quickly lowered his head and hurried into the cafeteria.

Guo Wei wanted to show sincerity, so he ordered a few stir-fried dishes that were slightly more expensive than the regular boxed meals.

With the start of a new month, his parents had sent him more living expenses than before. According to Guo Wei's mother, it was specifically allocated as his "dating budget." After all, dating required spending money.

Before he could even showcase himself in front of Ruan Yiyun, he ended up treating Chen Zui to a meal.

Chen Zui wasn't picky about food. He was easygoing and didn't fuss.

Once they were seated at the table, Guo Wei immediately broached the topic that concerned him the most, "So, what's the matter related to Ruan Yiyun that you wanted to discuss with me?"

Unexpectedly, Chen Zui waved his hand dismissively. "It can wait."

Guo Wei thought to himself, "But I'm in a hurry."

However, Chen Zui leaned in closer, resting his elbows on the table, and asked, "I have some questions for you."

Feeling overwhelmed by the sudden pressure, Guo Wei leaned back significantly. "Uh... go ahead."

"Have you visited him?" Chen Zui asked. "How does he look now?"

The "him" naturally referred to Ruan Yiyun.

"He seemed a bit tired and listless, but there wasn't much change," Guo Wei said. "I couldn't really discern any... Alpha traits for the time being."

Chen Zui chuckled. "What exactly are 'Alpha traits'?"

"Well, like you," Guo Wei replied.

Tall and imposing, with sharply defined facial features, an aura of authority, and a deep, resonant voice.

Not all Alphas come with the full package. Chen Zui was undoubtedly a rare, positively exemplar among Alphas.

In contrast, Ruan Yiyun seemed like his polar opposite. Soft-spoken and gentle, always wearing a smiling expression, he made Guo Wei's heart race and filled him with warmth whenever they met.

"Ah, I see," Chen Zui remarked. "So, you're saying he's still as he should be."

Guo Wei nodded. "Yes, you could say that!"

Chen Zui lowered his head slightly, as if suppressing a smile. Then, he quickly asked, "And in other aspects?"

When it dawned on Guo Wei, he exclaimed, "You're worried because you can't visit him, aren't you?"

Chen Zui averted his gaze. "Just asking casually."

"Well... when I visited him yesterday, he was in a lot of pain," Guo Wei said. "He seemed to be suffering quite a bit. It wasn't until he received a pain-relief injection that he started to feel better. According to the nurse, he often experiences discomfort like this, and the pain-relief medication prescribed has already run out in the past few days."

Chen Zui listened and couldn't help but furrow his brow.

"He said the doctor assured him that his condition is very good and there's no need to worry. These symptoms will disappear soon," Guo Wei continued. "But I don't know whether I should be relieved or not..."

Chen Zui nodded lightly but remained silent.

"...Is he the type to always put up a strong front?" Guo Wei asked.

Chen Zui chuckled in response. "You've noticed, too?"

It was no wonder Chen Zui sought him out specifically to inquire. Asking Ruan Yiyun directly would probably only yield a reassurance of "everything's okay."

Guo Wei sighed, feeling sad. "But I can't help."

"How could you say that? Just seeing you makes him happy, and happiness can cure all kinds of ailments quickly," Chen Zui said. "Don't underestimate your influence."

Guo Wei thought to himself that he should stay in touch with Ruan Yiyun more and seize every opportunity to visit him.

"What do you think about him becoming an Alpha?" Chen Zui asked again.

Guo Wei was momentarily at a loss for words, pondering for a while before responding, "I was startled at first..."

"And then you just accepted it?"

"Well, it's not so much accepting..." Guo Wei forced a smile. "It didn't feel quite real, like it wouldn't really change anything substantial between us!"

Chen Zui raised an eyebrow slightly and nodded thoughtfully.

"If he gets any taller, I might find it hard to adjust," Guo Wei remarked.

Tilting his head back and kissing his boyfriend was embarrassing enough. If he had to stand on tiptoes in the future, it would be even more humiliating.

"But there's also a benefit," Chen Zui said.

"What's that?"

"In the future, you won't have to worry about us anymore," Chen Zui said. "No need to feel jealous anymore."

Guo Wei hastily waved his hands, his face turning red. "I wasn't jealous in the first place..."

"Really?" Chen Zui interrupted with a laugh. "Weren't you upset when you saw him sitting behind me on my motorcycle that day?"

Guo Wei had almost forgotten about that incident, and now it made him feel guilty.

Chen Zui sighed. "I'm so misunderstood. I worked so hard as his driver, only to be blamed."

Guo Wei felt inexplicably ashamed. "I'm sorry."

Their internal conflicts as a couple were affecting others, which was embarrassing.

"He finally got his hands on a phone a few days ago and called me. I thought he was just checking in, but instead, he unleashed a barrage of insults on me. It's been days, and he's still holding a grudge." Chen Zui shook his head repeatedly. "So, I thought and thought about it, and decided you owe me a meal."

"He insulted you?" Guo Wei was intrigued. "He's capable of that?"

After speaking, he quickly recalled something. When he first met Chen Zui, Ruan Yiyun had cursed at him right in front of Guo Wei.

Ruan Yiyun had a side to him in front of Chen Zui that Guo Wei had never known.

"I won't go into details," Chen Zui said. "If I tell you everything, you'll just go and spill it to him like a parrot, and then he'll come looking for me to settle the score, blaming me for tarnishing his image."

"You've already said quite a bit," Guo Wei pointed out.

"Really?" Chen Zui said. "I was actually considering telling you more about his past, but if that's how you feel, I'll refrain. Don't want my kindness to go unappreciated."

Guo Wei's eyes widened immediately. He desperately wanted to change Chen Zui's mind but unsure of what to say.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Chen Zui asked.

"You... you told me from the beginning that you had something to tell me about him!" Guo Wei emphasized.

"Oh, I lied to you," Chen Zui said.

He remained calm and composed, delivering the revelation with utter nonchalance, leaving Guo Wei stunned.

Chen Zui laughed and took a few bites of his food, then casually said, "By the way, did you know? When he was younger, he was often mistaken for a girl and once got so angry that he shaved his head bald."

Guo Wei was shocked. His previous assumption, made offhandedly, turned out to be true.

"After shaving, he looked in the mirror, felt ugly, regretted it, and cried," Chen Zui continued. "After that, he wore a hat every day when going out."

Guo Wei thought to himself, "Surely not." Little Ruan Yiyun must have been cute and pretty. Even without hair, he couldn't have been unattractive.

Chen Zui shook his head, sighing. "He bought over a dozen hats and wore a different one each day, matching them with his shoes."

"Why not match them with his clothes?" Guo Wei asked.

"Because he had to wear a school uniform in elementary school."

Such a delicate and refined child, Guo Wei thought.

"I originally thought that once he entered university and no longer had to wear a uniform, he'd be putting on a fashion show every day," Chen Zui said. "But unexpectedly, he became more low-key and simple."

"I remember now, he told me it's because he doesn't like too much attention and wants to appear more understated," Guo Wei said.

"Hmm." Chen Zui nodded. "But lately, he's started to show off again."

Guo Wei tilted his head. "Huh? Really?"

He hadn't noticed at all, and now he began to doubt the truthfulness of Chen Zui's words.

Just then, his phone vibrated. He picked it up and saw that Ruan Yiyun was sending him a message.


——What are you doing?

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