Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 31

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 31 Don't Cry, Come Here And Kiss Me

Guo Wei originally wanted to hide his tears.

Ruan Yiyun had always been trying to downplay things and hide them from him, all because he didn't want Guo Wei to worry or feel distressed. Ruan Yiyun had already suffered a lot and endured so much hardship. Guo Wei hoped that at least at this moment, he could cooperate well with him, conceal his emotions, and pretend to be fooled.

But that was too difficult.

His tears kept flowing outward, quickly blurring his vision.

"How..." Ruan Yiyun tried to sit up, "don't cry."

Guo Wei pressed him down with one hand, while the other hand rubbed his face.

Neither side did well enough.

Ruan Yiyun caught his hand, propped himself up, and reached out to wipe away the tears on his cheeks that had been smeared everywhere.

Guo Wei leaned back, raised his arm to shield his face, shaking his head and denying, "I'm not crying, I'm not crying."

Ruan Yiyun paused, shook his head, and smiled helplessly.

Guo Wei quickly realized the foolishness of his actions. His attempt to conceal was even worse than Ruan Yiyun's.

He vigorously wiped his eyes with his sleeve, then, lowering his hand, finally saw Ruan Yiyun's current expression.

Ruan Yiyun lay on his side, eyes half-closed, a subtle yet natural curve lifting the corner of his lips. Reflected in his pupils was the sight of Guo Wei's comically disheveled appearance.

Guo Wei couldn't help but smile along. The brief, forced smile initially carried a hint of lightness, but swiftly descended into a somber tone, punctuated by stifled sobs.

Tears welled up in his eyes once more.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, his words muddled and unclear. "I shouldn't have... I..."

Ruan Yiyun quickly suppressed his amusement, appearing visibly uncomfortable as he furrowed his brow and reached out to pull Guo Wei closer. Guo Wei obediently sat up and nestled against Ruan Yiyun's shoulder.

"No need to apologize." Ruan Yiyun gently stroked his soft hair. "Let it out, then we'll kiss."

It seemed there was no longer any need for restraint. Guo Wei swiftly wrapped his arms tightly around Ruan Yiyun, allowing himself to cry freely on Ruan Yiyun's shoulder.

His heart ached. It ached for the sudden turn of events, for the days of pent-up worry gnawing at him, but most of all, for the way Ruan Yiyun had borne his pain just moments ago. The sight of him suffering twisted his gut with a profound empathy.

Ruan Yiyun whispered softly in his ear.

"It won't last long, it'll get better. What I told you yesterday was true. The doctor said my condition is good, and these are just expected side effects. As long as we get through these few days, the transition ahead will become smoother and smoother."

Guo Wei nodded, sniffing. "Mm."

"With you here, I'll be fine," Ruan Yiyun said. "I'll do my best for you."

Guo Wei lifted his head.

Ruan Yiyun glanced down at his face, then smiled again. Though there was still a slight furrow between his brows, his lips curved upwards, as if he had seen something incredibly amusing.

Guo Wei quickly buried his face in his arm, vigorously wiping it with his sleeve.

He guessed that his current appearance was probably ten thousand times more disheveled than Ruan Yiyun when he video-chatted with him a few days ago.

"...You promised we'd kiss after you're done crying," Ruan Yiyun said.

Guo Wei feared Ruan Yiyun would laugh if he saw his disheveled state again, so as he lifted his head, he used his hand to cover his eyes.

Ruan Yiyun obediently closed his eyes and tilted his body towards him. Guo Wei also closed his eyes and leaned in, tilting his head upwards.

As their lips met after a long absence, Guo Wei withdrew his hand and instead rested it on Ruan Yiyun's shoulder.

"Salty," Ruan Yiyun whispered against Guo Wei's lips.

Guo Wei didn't argue, keeping his eyes closed as he kissed him earnestly.

Crying was exhausting, making one feel weary, yearning for the warmth of comfort.

Guo Wei was reluctant to part from him, but Ruan Yiyun persisted in talking to him.

"Don't worry, everything will be the same as before. I'm still me," he asked Guo Wei, "Have my lips changed?"

Guo Wei, lips captured by him, replied vaguely, "Yes."

Ruan Yiyun's movements paused momentarily.

Guo Wei stepped back slightly, opened his eyes, and said seriously, "They used to be very soft, but now they're a little bit chapped, hard, and prickly."

Seeing Ruan Yiyun stunned and unresponsive, he tentatively extended his tongue, gently licking Ruan Yiyun's lips. He easily located the small patch of slightly chapped skin, stiffened by dryness, and tried to moisten and soften it in his own way.

Ambiguous sounds filled the room.

Ruan Yiyun quickly became more cooperative.

The bittersweet kiss was interrupted by a faint noise from not far behind.

Both of them quickly halted, nervously turning their heads to look, only to see the closed glass door.

The curtain beside it swayed slightly, seeming somewhat unnatural.

Guo Wei's face instantly flushed red.

"Wh-who is it?" he asked anxiously. "Could it be..."

"There's no one," Ruan Yiyun interrupted him, drawing close to him once more. "It's just the wind."

Guo Wei didn't believe it.

This room was isolated from the outside world, with even the windows sealed shut. The only means of airflow from the outside was through the special ventilation system tucked away in the corner, capable of filtering out most of the pheromones in the air.

This was information he had read on his way here today.

But he didn't get the chance to say it.

"Not prickly now," Ruan Yiyun said as he drew closer. "Right?"

Guo Wei shook his head, thinking, "It's not as soft as before, still a bit different compared to the past."

Ruan Yiyun said again, "Keep up the good work."

"Oh." Guo Wei nodded, then obediently stuck out his tongue.

Before long, Ruan Yiyun became too tired to keep his eyes open.

But he refused to separate from Guo Wei, insisting on sitting, wrapping his arm around Guo Wei's waist, and resting his head on Guo Wei's shoulder.

Guo Wei had to carefully hold him, adjusting their position to make him more comfortable.

"The doctor asked if I'm single, I said no. Then he asked, how's the relationship, and I said it's very good, exceptionally good, wonderful," Ruan Yiyun spoke in a half-dreamy, half-awake state, his voice soft and drawn out, imbued with laziness, making Guo Wei feel drowsy too.

"Then he said, that's great, you must keep in touch more, if possible, it's best to meet more often. It'll be beneficial for me," Ruan Yiyun continued.

"Mm," Guo Wei nodded, "I know, I will."

Ruan Yiyun smiled with his eyes closed. "I'm so lucky. The luckiest thing for me is meeting you."

Guo Wei smiled along with him.

He felt deeply honored because of Ruan Yiyun's words.

"If visiting hours could be a little later," he said, "I could come every day."

Ruan Yiyun was important, but skipping classes entirely wasn't good either. It was truly vexing.

"Call me every day," Ruan Yiyun said.


"And video calls too."

Guo Wei nodded. "Okay."

"Give me a kiss."

Guo Wei turned his head and pressed his lips against Ruan Yiyun's forehead.

Ruan Yiyun chuckled again. "I meant, give me a kiss in the video call every day."

Guo Wei blinked.

"You can kiss me now," Ruan Yiyun added.

Guo Wei nodded vigorously. "Okay!"

Then he kissed his cheek. Seeing Ruan Yiyun smile again, he strained his neck slightly, wanting to kiss Ruan Yiyun's lips.

Ruan Yiyun quickly noticed and tilted his chin, eyes squinting.

Guo Wei didn't want to dwell on the potential troubles that would arise when Ruan Yiyun successfully redifferentiated. At this moment, he only wanted to cherish the beauty he held in his arms and become a part of that beauty.

Soon, Ruan Yiyun fell into a deep sleep.

Guo Wei supported him and carefully tucked him into the blanket. During the process, Ruan Yiyun stirred slightly awake. As soon as he saw Guo Wei, he instinctively curved his lips into a smile.

"I'm here with you," Guo Wei whispered to him.

Ruan Yiyun obediently closed his eyes again.

Guo Wei stared at him for a while, unable to resist secretly taking a few photos.

He looked so beautiful. Even with obvious fatigue, Ruan Yiyun still made Guo Wei's heart race, unable to suppress the urge to be close to him.

This face might undergo subtle changes in the future, as Guo Wei had seen many examples last night.

So, he wanted to capture this moment of Ruan Yiyun's appearance and secretly preserve it.

Perhaps five or ten years later, when Ruan Yiyun had become a fully realized Alpha, he could still bring it out and appreciate it together with Ruan Yiyun.

Until visiting hours neared their end, Ruan Yiyun remained asleep.

Guo Wei rested on the edge of the bed for a while. When he woke up, not long after, the call button at the bedside flashed, followed by a sound.

It turned out the device also had an intercom function. The nurse at the service desk asked if he needed any assistance and reminded him of the current time.

Guo Wei had to leave.

Before leaving, he tore off another note, just like before.

"It's time for me to go. Remember to message me when you wake up."

After writing this, he drew two stick figures in the corner. One was lying down with long hair, and the other stood beside, with a long pouty mouth, kissing the lying figure's forehead.

After finishing the drawing, he thought for a moment and added a few more strokes, drawing arrows next to the figures and labeling them as "Sleeping Beauty" and "Prince."

Feeling it wasn't enough, he even added a small crown to the figure that represented himself.

Of course, he didn't forget to draw some sparkles around the Sleeping Beauty.

After slipping the note into Ruan Yiyun's hand, he bent down carefully and reverently kissed Ruan Yiyun's lips.

Passing by the service desk, Guo Wei was surprised to find Mrs. Ruan there too.

Mrs. Ruan had somehow brought a stool and was sitting next to the service desk, chatting with the young nurse while munching on salted melon seeds.

She had probably been there for a while, judging by the pile of melon seed shells nearby.

Thinking back to the slightly swaying curtain a few hours ago, Guo Wei's ears burned with embarrassment, too ashamed to say hello.

Seeing him, Mrs. Ruan was quite proactive, smiling as she walked over, holding a bag in her hand.

"Auntie bought you some fruit, eat it on the way back," she said, stuffing the bag into Guo Wei's hand.

Guo Wei hurriedly declined, "No need to trouble yourself! I... I'll be back in less than half an hour, I won't be able to eat so much..."

Mrs. Ruan chuckled at his blunt words. "Then take it back to your dorm and eat there. If you can't finish it, you can share some with your roommates."


Mrs. Ruan firmly placed the bag into his hand, gripping his hand tightly. "Don't argue with Auntie. It's not anything precious, just a little token of goodwill. Just accept it."

Guo Wei hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded. "Thank you, Auntie."

Mrs. Ruan smiled with relief. "Take care on your way."

Guo Wei walked towards the direction of the elevator, carrying the heavy bag. After a moment, he faintly heard Mrs. Ruan chatting with the young nurse with a smile in the background.

"Yeah, that kid insisted on washing his hair this morning. I knew it must be for Guo Wei."

Guo Wei lowered his head and smiled too.

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