Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 12

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 12 Who?

Videos would never capture the full essence of a real person.

While Guo Wei found the digital Ruan Yiyun refreshing and enjoyable to watch, the in-person version held a stronger attraction for him.

The video quality was too low, and the small screen couldn't convey the complete beauty of Ruan Yiyun.

Ruan Yiyun's skin was originally smooth and flawless. Even up close, no imperfections could be found, requiring no blurring.

Moreover, the real Ruan Yiyun was fragrant and touchable.

Naturally, considering himself a socially adept normal Beta, Guo Wei knew he should say flattering things in front of his beloved.

Even if he felt that it didn't compare to seeing the beauty in person, he still had to compliment.

Ruan Yiyun seemed quite satisfied after hearing it. He smiled at him for a while before asking, "What looks attractive?"

Guo Wei licked his lips and cautiously replied, "Of course, everything looks attractive!"

This was an undeniable truth. In his eyes, there was no aspect of Ruan Yiyun that wasn't attractive. However, he could vaguely sense that Ruan Yiyun's inquiry hinted at some genuine changes.

It was maddening. He couldn't pinpoint it out.

"...The video isn't very clear, a bit blurry," he carefully provided an excuse for himself.

Ruan Yiyun pursed his lips, let out a slow sigh, but quickly restored his smile. Gently brushing his bangs, he said, "I just had my hair fixed."

Guo Wei quickly observed closely, and after a moment, a question mark emerged in his mind.

If the person opposite him were Wang Tong at this moment, he might have blurted out, "Did you get scammed?"

Ruan Yiyun's original hair barely reached his shoulders, and now it was the same. There was no discernible difference in length. He had cut it for nothing.

Seeing his conflicted expression and silence, Ruan Yiyun felt a bit helpless. He leaned in closer, turned his head, and explained in detail, "I thinned out the back a bit and added some layers to the bangs."

Guo Wei thought to himself, "What?"

Then he nodded vigorously. "Looks great! Any hairstyle suits you!"

Ruan Yiyun shook his head helplessly, supporting his chin with one hand, tilting his head slightly, and asked, "Is that sincere?"

"Really." Guo Wei sheepishly ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry. I truly didn't notice you got a haircut... because... because you always look so good. Why did you suddenly decide to get a haircut?"

Ruan Yiyun had previously mentioned that the reason for not bothering with hairstyling was to appear a bit unkempt and reduce unnecessary attention. Did he change his mind now?

"Do you want everyone's attention?" Guo Wei asked.

Ruan Yiyun, caught between crying and laughing, wore a look of "I don't know how to explain to you."

Seeing Guo Wei staring blankly, blinking earnestly, waiting for an answer, he helplessly answered, "I want your attention."

Guo Wei, bewildered, responded, "I've always been paying attention to you!"

"Hmm," Ruan Yiyun said, surprisingly leaning closer to the phone, lips pressed against the camera, giving it a kiss. "Make sure to keep paying attention!"

Despite having shared many kisses these days, Guo Wei still blushed instantly, his heart pounding wildly.

"Okay," he said, then worried that his emphasis wasn't enough, he reiterated loudly, "Of course!"

Not until he lay in bed that night did Guo Wei finally realize that Ruan Yiyun meant he only wanted to tidy up for him.

This excited Guo Wei, causing him to toss and turn in bed, unable to sleep.

Upon reflection, Ruan Yiyun's appearance in the video just now seemed genuinely different from his usual self. The bangs were thinner than before, revealing more eyebrows, and the stray hair near his cheeks no longer had a messy touch.

When his beloved cast a flirtatious glance, he couldn't act blind.

It was already late at night, and sending a message now might be disturbing, but Guo Wei couldn't hold back any longer. Wrapped up in his blanket, he typed in the chat box to Ruan Yiyun.

——The new hairstyle looks really good, suits you well!

No sooner had he pressed send than a "typing" indicator appeared at the top. Ruan Yiyun wasn't asleep yet and promptly replied to his message.

——Can't sleep because you miss me?

Guo Wei pulled the blanket even tighter around himself.


After hitting send, he felt some sour words bubbling up in his heart.

I'm so happy. Feeling valued by you makes me incredibly honored. This happiness is a gift from heaven, and I will cherish it dearly.

Wanting to express these words to Ruan Yiyun, he was earnestly composing them in his mind when he received a new message.

——You're not thinking about some bad things, are you?

Guo Wei was bewildered.

——What bad things?

After a while, Ruan Yiyun sent a voice message.

"Never mind if there's none, go to sleep. It's late."

His voice was different from usual, languid and husky, carrying a slight hint of weariness. He must have been speaking directly into the phone's microphone, and after finishing, he smacked his lips, as if giving a kiss to the phone.

That voice carried a subtle sense of stickiness, prompting Guo Wei to instantly recall the softness of his lips and the sweet fragrance on his body.

After pressing play once again, Guo Wei suddenly understood what was meant by "bad things."

He didn't dare to be explicit. After taking two deep breaths, he cautiously typed a reply.

——Good night.

Early on Sunday, Guo Wei was eager to return to school.

In the past, he often found the journey home too far and was too lazy to go back. But once he was home, he couldn't bear to leave the soft bed and the delicious dishes his parents made, lingering and occasionally skipping Monday classes.

Now, seeing him looking restless right after breakfast, his parents understood, and they didn't insist on keeping him.

Guo Wei, filled with apologies to his parents, eagerly carried his bag and rushed to the school.

Originally, he had told Ruan Yiyun that he would arrive at the school in the evening, planning to have dinner together. Now, arriving earlier with the intention of creating a small surprise, he deliberately didn't notify him and planned to send a message outside Ruan Yiyun's dorm.

After excitedly getting off the subway and onto the bus, Guo Wei quickly encountered a small tragedy.

The bus he took from the subway to the school had to detour due to a half marathon nearby. The temporary route included a stop closest to their school, and he estimated he would have to walk for almost half an hour to reach the school gate after getting off.

The distance was uncomfortable, a bit tiring to walk, and he didn't want to waste money on a taxi.

Guo Wei got off the bus, troubled, when suddenly everything brightened. Near the corner of the road, there were several motorcycles and tricycles parked, clearly unlicensed services.

This was truly timely assistance.

Walking a few steps in that direction, he spotted a motorcycle parked conveniently on the roadside. Excitedly, he walked up to the bike and asked, "How much to get to University C?"

The person on the motorcycle, wearing a helmet and busy with a phone, lifted their head upon hearing the question. They seemed to be looking at him but remained silent, making no gestures.

Guo Wei thought they might not have heard him clearly and repeated loudly, "Are you going to University C? How much?"

After saying that, the other person still showed no response.

Guo Wei realized something was off.

The location of this motorcycle was somewhat distant from the other unlicensed vehicles. Although it was clearly parked on the roadside, the rider didn't dismount, still wearing a helmet. Unlike the others a bit farther away, chatting in groups of two or three.

Upon closer inspection, his motorcycle was significantly more impressive than the others, not even in the same league, very stylish. Even if Guo Wei knew nothing about motorcycles, he could tell it was of considerable value.

Could it be that this person was just passing by and not here for business?

Awkwardly, Guo Wei took half a step backward.

Just as he was about to slip away, the rider silently assessed him from top to bottom, then tilted their head and raised a hand, pointing with the thumb to the seat behind.

Was this an offer to give him a ride?

Guo Wei, hesitant to move, cautiously asked, "How much?"

The person finally spoke, sounding quite young, probably around his age. "No charge, going the same way."

It seemed like they really were just a passerby. But the fact that they were willing to give him a ride was a stoke of good luck.

Guo Wei was delighted, simultaneously mounting the bike and asking, "Thank you! Are you an alumnus?"

The rider seemed to smile, retracting the long legs that had been supporting the bike, turning the handlebars slightly, and half-turning to say, "Hold on tight."


Before Guo Wei's exclamation settled, the motorcycle beneath him erupted with a roar as the engine vibrated. Startled, he nearly got thrown off the bike due to the sudden acceleration.

With the rushing wind in his ears, he nervously reached out and grabbed onto the person's waist, loudly asking, "Is it okay if I don't wear a helmet?"

The person he was holding onto seemed not to have heard, twisting the throttle to accelerate once again.

This sensation was too exhilarating. The wind made Guo Wei uncomfortable, forcing him to close his eyes.

In just two or three minutes, the motorcycle, racing like lightning, arrived, covering the distance of a half-hour walk.

The motorcycle smoothly stopped at the roadside, leaving Guo Wei still trembling, his breath rapid.

"Student, your bike is way too thrilling," he swayed as he got off, "Thank you, but this seems a bit dangerous."

The person looked at him through the helmet, shoulders slightly shaking, seemingly laughing.

"Are you from our university?" Guo Wei asked again.

If they were schoolmates, perhaps they could get to know each other and become friends.

The person nodded, then asked, "Is your surname Guo?"

Guo Wei's eyes instantly widened. "How did you know?"

Lifting a hand, the person asked again, "Guo Wei, right?"

Guo Wei hesitated for a moment, forming a guess in his mind. During this period, the number of people who unilaterally knew him had surged, all because of the new identity he had recently acquired.

Seeing him stay silent, the person gracefully got off the motorcycle, casually took off the helmet and hung it on the handlebar. Then, leaning against the seat, legs crossed and arms folded, he said with a smile, "I know your boyfriend."

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