Pure Love Translations

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Fix Smile Order Chapter 158

Translated by Pure


Chapter 158

Because the topic went astray last night, Ji Zhao only remembered she still had something to ask the next day. So she persistently asked Ji Heng, "Tell me, does A Chen really like Lingyin?" She still couldn’t figure it out...

Ji Heng replied nonchalantly, "I only said it casually, yet you’re still thinking about it? A Chen really treats Lingyin as family. He was all alone when he finally found someone who treated him well. Is he not allowed to repay her? He is a sensible child. Don’t think about such meaningless things all day long. If you are really bored, you can ride—”

Ji Zhao blocked his mouth.

When Ji Heng went to morning court, he praised Tang Tianyuan in front of all the attending officials and ministers. Then he introduced his brother-in-law to everyone. He said something to the words of “My brother-in-law just arrived, so take care of him well."


What he meant to express was: Whoever dares to provoke him will bear the consequences.

Finally, His Majesty the Emperor announced that the Empress's newly recognized foster sister will be titled ‘Commandery Princess Jinlan’. Jinlan meant friendship, it fit Tan Lingyin as she and the Empress had kindled a familial pact. It was also not a secret that Tan Lingyin helped find the generous amount of gold. The emperor's title to her was to remember her credit.

Tan Lingyin was dumbfounded. When she came to the capital to seek benefits, the most she thought about was how much money she would ask for. She never even dared to think about being granted a title.

The emperor did a thorough job. Her title not only included a not only recorded in the golden historical book, but Tan Lingyin was given her own mansion and land. These will become Tan Lingyin's dowry in the future.

But Tan Lingyin didn't have time to get comfortable in the capital; she had to go home. She couldn't make it for New Year's Eve, but she had to go home to celebrate the New Year.

The date of her and Tang Tianyuan's marriage had been set in April. When she goes back this time, she can't go out casually. Tan Lingyin had to stay at home obediently and wait to be married.

Tang Tianyuan personally saw her off. He couldn't bear to watch her leave, couldn't bear to say goodbye, and unconsciously followed her carriage. When Tan Lingyin insisted on driving him back, he had already walked more than a kilometer away from his original location.

Tan Lingyin lifted the curtain of the carriage to look at him. "Go back quickly. It’s not a life and death parting, we'll see each other again in four months."

Tang Tianyuan was very depressed when he heard this. Four long months.

Tan Lingyin was also very reluctant as she added, "Take care of Tang Tang." The lion Tang Tang was getting fatter and fatter. Tang Tianyuan opened up a small empty courtyard at his home to serve as a den for Tang Tang.

Tang Tianyuan nodded.

Tan Lingyin was afraid that if they stayed any longer, she would also not be able to leave, so she ordered the driver to set off.

Tang Tianyuan sat on his horse and didn't follow any more. He stayed where he was and watched her carriage, which was surrounded by guards, depart. Seeing the row of people getting smaller and smaller, he turned his horse around.

Tan Nengwen was so regretful that his intestines turned green. Qingchen turned out to be the brother of the Empress! He drove someone from the royal family out!

Madam Tan played a greater role in this than Tan Nengwen, and offended more people than Tan Nengwen, so she regretted it more than Tan Nengwen. In addition to regret, there was also fear. She once almost killed Qingchen and she even fought against the Commandery Princess!

F*ck, she’ll never get another peaceful day!

If Tan Lingyin was her own daughter, Madam Tan would still have had some held confidence against the Commandery Princess. Unfortunately, she was not. Her mother was the first main wife, so Tan Lingyin didn’t have to bother with a concubine stepmother.

Madam Tan used to dare to rely on herself as Tan Lingyin's mother in name and occasionally said a few words to her. Now she no longer had the guts to show any air in front of her.

Although he regretted what happened to Qingchen, Tan Nengwen was very pleased to see his daughter become a Commandery Princess. In addition, the news that the Tan Residence is going to marry the Tang Residence had spread throughout the city. Tan Nengwen's status rose at once. There was an endless stream of people paying New Year's greetings to his family this year. Many of these visitors were completely foreign faces to Tan Nengwen.

Even the Prefecture Magistrate had sent some New Year gifts. The servant who dropped off the presents relayed that the Prefect wanted to invite Tan Nengwen to visit his mansion.

Tan Lingyin was a little worried, so she advised her father, "Dad, it's different now. The outsiders who want to make friends with you are not necessarily with good intent, so don't be tricked."

"I know, they are all acting according to the direction of the wind. I have been doing business all my life, I can at least tell this apart."

Tan Lingyin was afraid that her father would get carried away by his sudden rise in status and popularity. She couldn't help but add, "And don’t make any trouble."

"Don't worry, I know why they are here. What good would I get if I cause trouble for you and my son-in-law? I'm not stupid."

Tan Lingyin thought to herself: If you are not stupid, then why did you make a concubine to the madam of the house?

In fact, Tan Nengwen also regretted doing it. 

His first wife came from a poor scholarly family. Because the family was facing a legal battle, they needed money urgently. With no other choice, they decided to sell their daughter to a businessman in exchange for a lot of money. 

His first wife was perfect in every way but she was a bit aloof. She maintained a polite distance from Tan Nengwen and did not know how to please him. Tan Nengwen's taste was very specific, he doesn't like this type of woman, so he took in a few more concubines. Although his wife had an unpleasant personality, she managed the house very well. Unfortunately, she passed away from an illness at a young age.

Tan Nengwen never had a son and was very anxious. He had an older brother who was obsessed with martial arts and refused to start a family. Therefore, the task of continuing the descendants fell on the younger brother. There weren’t many relatives of the Tan's, so even if Tan Nengwen wanted to adopt a distantly related child, it would be very difficult. Besides, adopted children are not as good as their own children.

Later, one of his concubines gave birth to a fat boy for him, which gave him a lot of joy. The concubine was pretty, had a sweet mouth and knew how to please him, so in the heated moment, Tan Nengwen agreed to allow her to become the main wife.

But the concubine was short-sighted and had limited intelligence. In short, in terms of being a concubine, she was better than Lingyin's mother. But in terms of being the head madam, she was far inferior.

If a woman only knows how to warm the bed and coax others, she was better off staying a concubine. Was there a need to make her the main wife? Men had a clear distinction as to what was the most advantageous choice. So Tan Nengwen occasionally would be overcome with regret.

But it was useless to regret. Even for the sake of his son, he couldn’t divorce her.

Oh yes, his son. Since Tan Nengwen slapped Xiaobao last time, he suddenly became enlightened. Although he managed to get this son with some difficulty, if the child was raised crooked, then there was no difference between him being son-less.

And... having Xiao Bao brought up by his own mother's upbringing, how could he not become crooked?

So after returning to Jinan from Tongling, Tan Nengwen hired several teachers for Xiao Bao to strictly discipline him. He also reduced the time his son spent with his mother.

Back to the main topic. 

Tan Lingyin had to stay home to wait until she married into the Tang Residence. She would usually just read idle books and do needlework. Her days passed peacefully when suddenly, one day, a man came to the door, claiming to be a doctor. He wanted to see the Commandery Princess for a checkup.

The servants felt that the doctor himself needed a checkup, so they drove the madman away.

The doctor came again the next day, this time, he brought two guards with him. The doctor claimed that he was given an ‘imperial decree,’ he was here to treat Tan Lingyin.

The servants couldn't beat the guards, so they reported the matter to Tan Nengwen. As soon as Tan Nengwen heard the word ‘imperial decree’, he went to discuss it with Tan Lingyin.

Tan Lingyin was puzzled. "What do I need to be treated for? He was even given an imperial decree? How could a traveling doctor receive an imperial decree? This imperial decree is too casually given out, don’t you think? Give him some money and send him off."

Tan Nengwen said, "He said he was here to treat your eyes."

Tan Lingyin was a little surprised. She never had a problem with her eyes when she was younger. When the onset began in her teens, it neither hurt or itch, she just couldn't see things in the distance. She asked many doctors, but they all said her near-sightedness couldn't be cured. She had also read some medical books herself, and the medical books also say that there was no cure, only treatment.

But since the doctor came with an ‘imperial decree’, there must be some original remedy?

Tan Lingyin was dubious as she invited the doctor in.

Because his daughter was about to be married, Tan Nengwen didn't want her to see other men, so he asked Tan Lingyin to sit behind a screen to talk.

Tan Lingyin asked, "Did the emperor ask you to come?"

The doctor replied, "Yes."

Tan Lingyin asked again, "Are you an imperial physician?"

"No, I'm an underappreciated doctor."

"..." What is going on?

translat ed by pure tl. com / do not re post

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