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Fix Smile Order Chapter 151

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Chapter 151

Tan Lingyin was tired after walking for a while. She stood still and rubbed her legs.

Tang Tianyuan felt distressed, so he carried her on his back.

Tan Lingyin laid on Tang Tianyuan's back, hugging his neck, her face was so close to his that it was almost touching. The Feng Shui Master was still there, so she felt a little awkward, and her face gradually became hot and dry.

The Feng Shui Master was very discerning. He gradually walked ahead of them, keeping a distance.

Tang Tianyuan had only walked a dozen steps before he stopped suddenly.

Tan Lingyin asked, "What's wrong?"

"I’m tired."

Tan Lingyin was ready to get down and walk the rest of the way herself.

"No," Tang Tianyuan hurriedly stopped her, and said with a smile, "I won't be tired if you kiss me."

Tan Lingyin whispered, "The Master is still here."

The Feng Shui Master's hearing was very good. Tang Tianyuan thought he couldn't hear it, but he heard it all. The old man thought since he had walked ahead, everything was out of sight and out of mind. He didn't expect this couple to be so unrestrained. His old face was flushed with embarrassment and before the County Magistrate gave his order, he hastily said, "I still have some business to take care of," and ran away.

Tang Tianyuan was very satisfied. He decided to add a bonus to this Master after everything was done.

The next day, Tang Tianyuan took a few reliable people, and followed the Feng Shui Master to Tianmu Mountain to find the tomb. The Feng Shui Master fiddled for a while and soon determined the location of the tomb. "My lord, if there is a real buried person, it is probably here. There this little one can’t find any signs of trampling."

No trampling meant that even if there was a tomb, it had never been touched.

Tan Lingyin was a little disappointed, and asked Tang Tianyuan, "Could it be that our guess was wrong?"

Tang Tianyuan looked around for a while and finally fixed his gaze at the mountain top next to the tomb, "There is a mine not far from this mountain. If one throws the gold down from that mountain, it will save a lot of manpower for transportation. It wouldn’t be more convenient."

Therefore, this place was too suitable for San Jie to hide the gold.

He asked the Feng Shui Master, "If you are a grave robber..."

The Feng Shui Master's face became serious, "I'm not!"

"He didn't say you were," Tan Lingyin couldn't help but say, "Listen to what the lord has to say."

Tang Tianyuan continued, "If you were a tomb robber, where would you dig the hole?"

The Feng Shui Master hesitated. He walked back and forth and finally stood still in one place, "Perhaps here? I’m just randomly picking a spot... I really haven't robbed a tomb before."

Tang Tianyuan walked to his side and knelt down to push away the snow on the ground. Fortunately, the soil was not frozen hard. When they came, bailiffs were instructed to bring digging tools. At this moment, Tang Tianyuan ordered them to start digging.

After digging for a while, they came across a hard object. Tang Tianyuan was shocked and asked everyone to dig together.

Finally, they discovered that a large boulder was buried under the soil. The size of this boulder was enormous, and half of it was buried below. Several people pushed it together, and it didn't move at all!

The Feng Shui Master was a little puzzled, "I've never seen this kind of way to seal a tomb... My lord, I think this little one guessed wrong. There is no tomb here, only this huge stone..."

Tang Tianyuan shook his head, "There is still a possibility."

According to their previous guess, there was a tomb that had already been dug up. Thinking this was a suitable location to hide his things, San Jie modified it. A narrow burglary hole would not be convenient for frequent entry and exit, so he must have widened it. Later, in order to prevent being discovered, he found a big boulder to block the opening...

If their train of thought was right, they must remove this big rock.

Everyone searched around, but there was no mechanism. It seemed that they had to move the boulder by force. They dug out most of the soil surrounding the boulder and finally pried the boulder off.

After the boulder was removed, a cave was indeed revealed. This cave was much wider than ordinary robber's caves. Tang Tianyuan nodded, it seemed that he guessed correctly.

Tang Tianyuan looked around. Apart from him and Tan Lingyin, only Cong Shun knew what they were looking for. He chose an honest man to guard the entrance, and then led the others down the cave.

The Feng Shui Master held a torch to open the way ahead. The passage was so gloomy that people felt uncomfortable when walking in it, but the Feng Shui Master was very calm. He continued to speak to Tang Tianyuan while walking to ease the atmosphere. "My lord, the mechanisms and traps here have been destroyed long ago, you just need to watch your way when walking... This tomb should only be two or three hundred years old. The master was a wealthy man, but his status was not among the marquises and prime ministers. The funeral items..." There was some contempt in his voice.

Tang Tianyuan understood what he meant. The owner of the tomb was rich but not of high status. The size of the tomb and the funerary objects cannot exceed certain specifications. It seemed the owner of this tomb did not follow the regulations. 

Tang Tianyuan thought the old man was quite interesting. He had babbled so much before they found the center of the tomb; he seemed very experienced.

Although Tang Tianyuan was knowledgeable, he knew nothing about grave digging and robbery, so he followed the Feng Shui Master around. The tomb had been invaded, so there was ventilation. With the fresh air coming from the outside, they didn’t feel stuffy. The group of people wandered to two stone chambers, and finally entered the center tomb. Except for a few broken bottles and jugs, nothing good was found. The Feng Shui Master inwardly complained. It seemed that the tomb robbers had taken everything of value. They didn’t leave a single good thing, so disrespectful...

Tang Tianyuan asked, "Is this all? Are there other rooms?"

The Feng Shui Master shook his head, "No, this tomb is not big in the first place. The one place that hadn't been turned over," He pointed to the coffin, "That."

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