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Fix Smile Order Chapter 126

Translated by Pure


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Chapter 126

Tan Lingyin was also drifting in the air—she was frightened into cloud nine.

Tang Feilong turned out to be Tang Tianyuan! Tang Tianyuan said it himself. Ah no– it was the person she thought was Tang Tianyuan before– who personally said that Tang Feilong was Tang Tianyuan...

Damn, what a mess!

Tan Lingyin almost thought it was a prank performed by those two people, but she suddenly thought of many details that she had overlooked:

He had Tang Tianyuan's authentic handwriting and signature. His handwriting also looked like Tang Tianyuan…

He claimed that he didn't know Tang Tianyuan, but after ‘Tang Tianyuan’ came, they clearly didn’t look like just acquaintances, but seemed to be old friends…

He was very disgusted with her novels using Tang Tianyuan as a base…

His food and clothing were of high quality. At least much higher than her level and it can be seen that he was used to being pampered; his maids, especially Xianggua, often spoke with a sense of superiority. Even the daughter of the Assistant Ministry of Rites was just an ordinary existence in her eyes...

His vision, his habits, and his intuition seemed to be far more than limited to the level of an ordinary jinshi and seventh-rank county magistrate…

He was more than qualified to marry the daughter of the Assistant Ministry of Rites…


Oh, and the most important point: He's here to investigate the gold case. With so much gold involved, it was impossible for the Emperor to hand this case to just any person. It must be someone with a trustworthy origin, high reliability, and excellent ability.

In short, he was really Tang Tianyuan.

Tan Lingyin felt that she was so stupid. She had to wait for the other party to confess before she realized all of this.

But who would have thought that Tang Tianyuan would be like this?! Speechless, Tan Lingyin looked up and asked the sky.

Thinking about it again… If someone like Zhen Shaofeng was Tang Tianyuan, then it would be even more bizarre! She looked up at the sky again.

This world was simply not normal! It wasn’t her fault!

After coming to this conclusion, Tan Lingyin felt relieved.

However, following relief was resentment. Really, he kept her in the dark all the time! Tan Lingyin felt that she was being played like a monkey. They all knew the truth, but she was the only one who circled around Zheng Shaofeng and worshiped him as an idol. Several times, when she made fun of Tang Feilong, she always took Zheng Shaofeng's version of Tang Tianyuan as a positive example.

He must have laughed at her to death!

The more Tan Lingyin thought about it, the more ashamed she felt. She was too embarrassed to face them now.

Her shame made her blame Tang Tianyuan even more. Although logically she also knew that he couldn't easily reveal his identity, she was in such a shameful situation, so of course she had to blame him for it!

Tan Lingyin suddenly thought of something even more terrifying.

Even a fool could also see that the books she wrote before were all based on Tang Tianyuan. There were quite a few ambiguous plots that made the readers blush. At that time, she thought that Tang Tianyuan lived so far away anyway, so she unscrupulously included all of her sexual fantasies without keeping a bit of integrity.

Tang Tianyuan was the concerned party. He had asked for Miao Miao Sheng several times before, and asked her several times not to write any more books. This showed that he had read her books.

Even if he had never read her previous works, he could recite ‘Tang Tianyuan's Journey to the West’ by heart.

After Tan Lingyin was done in by ‘Tang Tianyuan's Journey to the West’, she hypnotized herself with ‘I wrote about Tang Tianyuan and not Tang Feilong’ to draw a clear line between her and Tang Feilong.

However, now she found out Tang Feilong and Tang Tianyuan were the same person!

In short... Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah Ah! ! !

When Tang Tianyuan found Tan Lingyin, he saw her clutching her head and turning in place. She was muttering to herself, "I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

Afraid of scaring her, Tang Tianyuan walked over lightly.

Once he was two or three steps away, Tan Lingyin spotted him. She didn't want to see him at all now, so she turned around and ran away.

Tang Tianyuan quickly caught up. "Yinyin, wait a moment!"

How could Tan Lingyin want to listen to him? After two more laps around, she ran out of the yard.

Tang Tianyuan chased after her. When he reached the gate, his mind turned and he faked a trip on the stairs. Stumbling and falling was not enough. After falling, Tang Tianyuan knocked his head lightly on the limestone brick.

"Ow!" Tang Tianyuan cried out.

Tan Lingyin heard his cry and looked back. Seeing him hurt, she momentarily forgot her anger and hurried back to help him.

Tang Tianyuan faked a groan. He sat on the ground with his head in Tan Lingyin's embrace, unwilling to get up. Her chest was plump and soft; he wanted to have a nosebleed.

Tan Lingyin saw a faint redness on his forehead and felt a little distressed. She asked softly, "Does it hurt?"

Tang Tianyua’s heart was full of sugar, but on the surface he replied weakly, "It doesn't hurt. I’m just a little dizzy."

Tan Lingyin was afraid that he would get a concussion. "I'll help you back to your room first, and then I'll call a doctor."

Tang Tianyuan lay on the ground and refused to cooperate. He grabbed Tan Lingyin's hand and asked softly, "Yinyin, don't be angry, okay?"

Tan Lingyin withdrew her hand, blushing. "Who’s angry?"

"It's all my fault. I should have told you earlier," Tang Tianyuan had always been good at admitting his mistakes to Tan Lingyin. "You can beat me and scold me, but don't hide from me."

Tan Lingyin whispered, "I'm not angry. I just feel stupid."

Tang Tianyuan raised his head and kissed her on the chin. He smiled and said, "Fools are stupidly blessed."

Tan Lingyin rolled her eyes, "You’re the fool."

"Yes, I’m a fool."

He was so good, there was no way for Tan Lingyin to lose her temper. "Then don't mention those things from the past."

Tang Tianyuan looked at her with a smile. "What things?"

"...In short, don't mention it. For every mention, you get a smack!"

Tang Tianyuan looked straight at her, "Then give me a kiss."

Tan Lingyin looked left and right to see that there was no one around, and quickly kissed the corner of his lips.

Tang Tianyuan's mood was like that of an emerging butterfly. After leaving its bulky cocoon, it would fly up using its beautiful wings.

Tan Lingyin helped Tang Tianyuan back and quickly found a doctor. After examining the wound, the doctor didn't even prescribe any medicine. He just told him to apply some sesame oil and it will be healed tomorrow.

Only after Tang Tianyuan coaxed Tan Lingyin, he was in the mood to talk to Tan Nengwen about the matter. After Tan Nengwen found out Tang Tianyuan's identity, his knees felt weak. Tan Nengwen wanted to kneel when he saw Tang Tianyuan. However, how could Tang Tianyuan make his future father-in-law kneel? He helped him up before Tan Nengwen could bend his knees.

Tang Tianyuan asked in great detail the time, place, and process of Tan Qingchen's rescue.

Because the Imperial Envoy was personally questioning him, Tan Nengwen naturally told him everything that he knew.

That night, Tang Tianyuan organized his findings and wrote a memorial to the Emperor.




Mini Theater

Tang Tianyuan: Thinking back to the past, a certain something really wrote ‘this and that’ in their books...

Tan Lingyin: You promised you would never mention it again!

Tang Tianyuan: Where did I?

Tan Lingyin: That was the time! After you fell down, I told you not to mention the past. You asked me to kiss you. I kissed you, so you can't go back on your word!

Tang Tianyuan: (laughs) Oh, that time. You did kiss me, but I didn't agree to anything.

Tan Lingyin: You can't be so shameless. What about your integrity?

Tang Tianyuan: I have no integrity, but I have my chastity. Here, you can have it. 

Tan Lingyin: ... Scum!

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